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Knowledge, Compliance, and Inequities in Colon Cancer Screening in Spain: An Exploratory Study.

In Spain, inequities exist in implementing colorectal cancer (CRC) tests with the target population-adults aged 50 to 69-as part of population-based CRC screening programs. This research aims to further our understanding of the target population's awareness, attitudes, and perceptions of these test-based screening programs. A survey was carried out using an online panel representative of the target population, with a sample collected from 5313 individuals. Data collection took place in June 2022. Descriptive and bivariate analyses were carried out using contingency tables, the Chi-square test, and Cramer's V statistics. The sample was also segmented based on key variables. Finally, the results were analyzed using logistic regression. In the sample population, 62.5% had taken the fecal occult blood test (FOBT), 72.5% reported receiving the invitation letter to participate in the screening program, and 86.8% had prior knowledge of the FOBT. Noncompliance was mainly due to lack of symptoms (40%), non-receipt of invitation letters (39.7%), and forgetfulness or neglect (28.5%). On the contrary, receipt of the letter of invitation (OR 7.35, p < 0.01) and prior knowledge of FOBT (OR 6.32, p < 0.01) were the main variables that increased the probability of test uptake. Other significant variables included frequency of primary care visits (OR 1.71, p < 0.01) and being older (65-69 years old) (OR 1.52, p < 0.01) There is still a pressing need for greater awareness of both CRC risk factors and the benefits of early detection, as well as for overcoming the common misconception that detection should only be sought when symptoms are present.

Open Access
Cancer-Related Pain Management in Suitable Intrathecal Therapy Candidates: A Spanish Multidisciplinary Expert Consensus.

A consensus is needed among healthcare professionals involved in easing oncological pain in patients who are suitable candidates for intrathecal therapy. A Delphi consultation was conducted, guided by a multidisciplinary scientific committee. The 18-item study questionnaire was designed based on a literature review together with a discussion group. The first-round questionnaire assessed experts' opinion of the current general practice, as well as their recommendation and treatment feasibility in the near future (2-3-year period) using a 9-point Likert scale. Items for which consensus was not achieved were included in a second round. Consensus was defined as ≥75% agreement (1-3 or 7-9). A total of 67 panelists (response rate: 63.2%) and 62 (92.5%) answered the first and second Delphi rounds, respectively. The participants were healthcare professionals from multiple medical disciplines who had an average of 17.6 (7.8) years of professional experience. A consensus was achieved on the recommendations (100%). The actions considered feasible to implement in the short term included effective multidisciplinary coordination, improvement in communication among the parties, and an assessment of patient satisfaction. Efforts should focus on overcoming the barriers identified, eventually leading to the provision of more comprehensive care and consideration of the patient's perspective.

Open Access
Preference of acromegaly patients for treatment attributes in Spain.

Acromegaly is a rare disease caused by increased growth hormone secretion and a subsequent increase in insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels. Patients display multiple comorbidities that affect their quality of life (QoL). Treatment aims to maintain good biochemical control, tumour control and reduce the risk of comorbidities; however, their impact on QoL has been overlooked until recently. We interviewed patients to explore their preferences with regard to treatment attributes. A cross-sectional study based on interviews and a discrete choice experiment (DCE) in a Spanish cohort. Adult patients diagnosed with acromegaly ≥1 year before the start of the study and under treatment were included. Treatment attributes were collected from patient testimony during face-to-face interviews. Then, a DCE was performed to elicit patient preferences for certain treatment attributes. Sixty-seven patients completed the study. QoL improvement was the most important treatment attribute (37%), followed by IGF-I control (20%), blood sugar control (17%) and tumour control (13%). Secondary attributes were pain associated with the route of administration (7%), diarrhoea (2%), administration method (2%) and storage conditions (2%). We then calculated the theoretical share of preference for existing treatments, based on the individual preference utility for each attribute and level. Pegvisomant obtained the highest share of preference overall, and the highest preference as a second-line treatment (53 and 95%, respectively). QoL greatly influences patient treatment preference. Since acromegaly patients are informed and aware of their disease, treatment choices should always be shared with patients.

Open Access
Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Physical Activity Levels and Health Parameters in Young Adults with Cancer.

The lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic impacted physical activity (PA) levels around the world, affecting health parameters in young adults with cancer (YAC). To our knowledge, there is no evidence of the impact of the lockdown on the Spanish YAC. To analyse the changes in PA levels before, during, and after the lockdown of the YAC and its impact on health metrics in Spain, in this study, we utilized a self-reported web survey. PA levels decreased during the lockdown, and a significant increase in PA was observed after the lockdown. Moderate PA had the largest reduction (49%). Significant increases in moderate PA were noted after the lockdown (85.2%). Participants self-reported more than 9 h of sitting per day. HQoL and fatigue levels were significantly worse during the lockdown. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in this cohort of Spanish YAC showed a decrease in PA levels during the lockdown, affecting sedentarism, fatigue and HQoL. After lockdown, PA levels partially recovered, while HQoL and fatigue levels remained altered. This may have long-term physical effects such as cardiovascular comorbidities associated with sedentarism and psychosocial effects. It is necessary to implement strategies such as cardio-oncology rehabilitation (CORE), an intervention that can be delivered online, potentially improving participants' health behaviours and outcomes.

Open Access
HOPE (SOLTI-1903) breast cancer study: real-world, patient-centric, clinical practice study to assess the impact of genomic data on next treatment decision-choice in patients with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer.

Metastatic breast cancer (mBC) causes nearly all BC-related deaths. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies allow for the application of personalized medicine using targeted therapies that could improve patients' outcomes. However, NGS is not routinely used in the clinical practice and its cost induces access-inequity among patients. We hypothesized that promoting active patient participation in the management of their disease offering access to NGS testing and to the subsequent medical interpretation and recommendations provided by a multidisciplinary molecular advisory board (MAB) could contribute to progressively overcome this challenge. We designed HOPE (SOLTI-1903) breast cancer trial, a study where patients voluntarily lead their inclusion through a digital tool (DT). The main objectives of HOPE study are to empower mBC patients, gather real-world data on the use of molecular information in the management of mBC and to generate evidence to assess the clinical utility for healthcare systems. After self-registration through the DT, the study team validates eligibility criteria and assists patients with mBC in the subsequent steps. Patients get access to the information sheet and sign the informed consent form through an advanced digital signature. Afterwards, they provide the most recent (preferably) metastatic archival tumor sample for DNA-sequencing and a blood sample obtained at the time of disease progression for ctDNA analysis. Paired results are reviewed by the MAB, considering patient's medical history. The MAB provides a further interpretation of molecular results and potential treatment recommendations, including ongoing clinical trials and further (germline) genetic testing. Participants self-document their treatment and disease evolution for the next 2 years. Patients are encouraged to involve their physicians in the study. HOPE also includes a patient empowerment program with educational workshops and videos about mBC and precision medicine in oncology. The primary endpoint of the study was to describe the feasibility of a patient-centric precision oncology program in mBC patients when a comprehensive genomic profile is available to decide on a subsequent line of treatment., identifier NCT04497285.

Open Access
Pandemic’s influence on parents’ attitudes and behaviors toward meningococcal vaccination

ABSTRACT Invasive meningococcal disease is a life-threatening infection preventable through vaccination. Pediatric vaccination rates have declined during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This survey aimed to understand how parents’ attitudes and behaviors have changed during the pandemic with regard to immunization and, more specifically, meningococcal vaccination. An online survey was emailed to parents of eligible children 0–4 years, following the selection process from UK, France, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, and Australia; and of adolescents 11–18 years from US. Data collection took place 19 January–16 February 2021. Quotas were set to ensure a representative sample. Eleven questions relating to general perceptions around vaccination and attitudes and behaviors toward meningitis vaccination were displayed. On 4,962 parents (average 35 years) participating in the survey, most (83%) believed important for their child to continue receiving recommended vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nearly half of routine vaccine appointments were delayed or canceled due to the pandemic, and 61% of respondents were likely to have their children catch up once COVID-19 restrictions were lifted. 30% of meningitidis vaccination appointments were canceled or delayed during the pandemic, and 21% of parents did not intend to reschedule them because of lockdown/stay at home regulations, and fear of catching COVID-19 in public places. It is crucial to communicate clear instructions to health workers and the general population and to provide appropriate safety precautions in vaccination centers. This will help to maintain vaccination rates and limit infections to prevent future outbreaks.

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