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Holocene vegetation change at Grosssee, eastern Swiss Alps: effects of climate and human impact

AbstractPollen, spores, and microscopic charcoal from the sediments of Grosssee (1,619 m a.s.l.), a small lake in the lower subalpine vegetation zone of the Glarus Alps, Switzerland, were analysed to reconstruct vegetation patterns and land use over the past ca. 12,300 calibrated 14C years bp (cal bp). Pollen data revealed an open landscape covered with grasses and herbs such as Artemisia during the Late Glacial Period. The catchment was likely initially afforested with Betula and Pinus cembra or Pinus sylvestris during the Early Holocene. Thermophilous taxa such as Ulmus, Tilia, and Alnus glutinosa-type expanded from ca. 11,000–9,200 cal bp, and mesophyllic Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica followed, and expanded beginning from ca. 8,000–7,600 cal bp. Interestingly, Alnus viridis (synonym: A. alnobetula) expanded about 2,000 years earlier than at comparable sites in the northern Swiss Alps. Its expansion was profound and persistent, and percentages > 15% were already achieved by ca. 7,000 cal bp. Local erosion events that followed are well explained by vegetation changes and inferred human land use activities at Grosssee. In particular, this led to a more open landscape, and land uses (e.g. grazing) intensified from the Mid- to Late Holocene. Indicators of environmental disturbance including persistently high levels of A. viridis, monolete fern spores, and microscopic charcoal were pronounced after ca. 4,000 cal bp. At that time, high influxes of spores from coprophilous fungi and the consistent presence of cultural indicators (Cerealia-type, Plantago lanceolata) indicate increased grazing and high levels of human impact. Land use and grazing activities seemed to have been particularly pronounced and to have promoted diversity in the vegetation over the past 1,000 years.

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Pollen signal of modern vegetation registered in surface soil samples along an elevation gradient from Iztaccíhuatl volcano, central Mexico

AbstractCharacterising the vegetation-pollen signal is a crucial task for enhancing the interpretation of fossil pollen records. This study analyses 28 surface soil samples collected in the surroundings of Iztaccíhuatl volcano, between 2,650 and 4,024 m asl. Pollen zones and ordination analysis were assessed to establish a qualitative connection between the pollen signal and the distribution of plant communities along the elevation gradient. The results show: (i) the predominant pollen type in the pollen assemblage is Pinus; (ii) pollen grains of Quercus and Alnus are present along the elevation gradient, even at high elevations where the parental plants are not typically found; (iii) samples taken between 2,650 and 3,338 m asl., where fir forests dominate, exhibit higher values of Abies pollen compared to samples above 3,405 m asl.; (iv) the locally-dispersed pollen of the hemiparasite Arceuthobium results key in identifying the presence of pine forests; and (v) pollen taxa such as Apiaceae, Eryngium, Valerianaceae, and Caryophyllaceae are linked to higher elevations, specifically where the plant communities of Pinus hartwegii and alpine grassland occur. The study suggests that the pollen signal along the elevation gradient is useful to characterise the main plant communities of the study site (fir forest, pine forest and alpine grassland). Additionally, the percentage variations of Abies in the pollen signal below 3,600 m asl. show the reduction of fir forest communities resulting from recent human activities in the area.

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