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Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran TIK Menggunakan Aplikasi Canva Berbasis Video

The purpose of this research is to produce ICT learning media using the video-based Canva application. This type of research is research using the ADDIE development model. the first analyzes the characteristics of students and learning media, the second designs or designs in advance what media is suitable for use, prepares materials and things that support the media to be developed, the third develops media that has been designed or designed as much or as attractive as possible, the fourth is testing the developed media to students, the last is evaluating the developed media. The validity of learning media using the Canva application is seen from the assessment of the two validators, namely media and material experts. Based on the results of the assessment of the two validators, an average score of 90.5% was obtained in the very good or valid category. The effectiveness of the learning media using the Canva application can be seen from the results of the student's response questionnaire to the learning media. Based on the test results of class VII A student respondents, an average score of 92.9% was obtained for small groups and 92.7% for large groups with very effective categories, meaning that learning media using the Canva application was effective or successfully developed in learning, especially on the role and impact of information and communication technology in class VII A SMP Negeri 2 Fakfak

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Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pendataan Pelayanan Ibu Hamil Pada Puskesmas Sorong Timur Kota Sorong

Puskesmas Sorong Timur is one of the community health service centers located in Sorong City, West Papua. The recording of pregnant women's data at the Puskesmas is still fairly manual using books and is quite a lot, and it increases every year. Puskesmas requires an information system for collecting information on pregnant women's services. The research methods applied are data collection methods, namely primary data (interviews, and observations) and secondary data (books, theses, journal references, internet media). The system development method is the prototype method. Software used XAMPP, Sublime Text 3, Microsoft Visio 2007, Rational Rose 7, Balsamic Mockup 3, UC Browser. The results of this study display the Main Page of the Website, Login Page, Data Page of Pregnant Women, Admin Page, etc. It can be concluded that the Information System for Data Collection of Pregnant Women Services at the East Sorong Health Center is expected to make it easier to find data on pregnant women and also in presenting the information produced more accurately and on time, making it easier to provide information to the Puskesmas Management and related parties and can facilitate the process of processing baby data and making reports. The advice given in order to improve the quality of the website that has been built in the future will add new features if needed later.

Open Access
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Stok Barang di Gudang Toko Viola Berbasis Website

Viola shop is a wholesale and retail store in Salawati that offers a variety of products in the form of basic necessities, stationery, handyman equipment and so on. The purpose of this research is to design a website and a guidebook for the stock information system at the Viola Store Warehouse. The type of research used is research and development and the development model used is the prototype model. The trials used were blackbox trials and field trials. The subjects of this research are warehouse officers, shop owners, 3 students and 7 customers or the public. Based on the results of the research on designing a stock information system at the Viola Store Warehouse, the results of expert validation obtained very good conclusions, therefore researchers could conduct field trials to respondents. The results of field trials with the assessment of system quality aspects get an average of 3.6 percentages of 90% and get very good conclusions, navigation aspects get an average of 3.4 percentages of 84% and get very good conclusions, and aspects of user satisfaction get an average average 3.8 percentage 95% and get a very good conclusion. The ease of understanding the guidebook by the respondents got an average score of 3.8 and a percentage of 94% with a very good conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the design of an inventory information system at the Viola Store Warehouse based website and guidebook is feasible to use

Open Access
Upaya Guru Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Informasi di MI Miftahul Ulum Bago Pasirian

Efforts to improve the quality of education in Indonesia are carried out in various ways. One of them is by changing conventional education into technology-based education. The strategy in improving the quality of education is done by applying information technology in learning in schools. With this application, it will support the learning process that produces skilled students in anticipating the progress of science and technology. The purpose of this study was to find out how teachers and the application of information technology in improving the quality of learning. The research used is a qualitative approach from the results of observations, interviews and documentation. The subject used in this study is the MI Miftahul Ulum Bago Pasirian institution. Based on research conducted by researchers, the roles played by teachers in learning are: first, encouraging students to interact with learning resources or learning media; second, encouraging students to have discussions with their friends; third, asking questions from the teacher to students or students to their friends; fourth, monitoring students' perceptions and thinking processes; fifth, monitor and observe the learning outcomes; sixth, as a mediator in student discussions; and seventh, evaluating to always improve student learning outcomes. This role is accompanied by implementing information technology systems in learning

Open Access
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Jurnal Mengajar Dosen Berbasis Web Pada Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong

The lecturer teaching journal is a device that must be provided by the lecturer after teaching. From the lecturer's teaching jural, it can be known data such as lecture material, courses, meetings, days, times, dates and even the number of students either present or permission and absenteeism. With the development of technology makes people think to be able to work more efficiently. One of them is making a conventional system into a computerized system. For this reason, in the design of a teaching journal information system for lecturers using the R&D (research and development) method and the waterfall model, by utilizing web facilities connected to the internet, the aim is to fill lecturer teaching journals efficiently.In this study a web-based information system was designed using DreamWeaver CS6 and XAMPP 3.2.2. Journal information system testing for teaching lecturers uses blackbox, small scale and large scale testing. With this system, it can make it easier to fill teaching journals of lecturers at the PTI Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Unimuda Sorong From the results of research that has been carried out, the writer implements the results of the research into the Information System Design of Lecturer Journal in the Study Program at the PTI Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Unimuda Sorong.

Open Access