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A symmetry principle for gauge theories with fractons

Fractonic phases are new phases of matter that host excitations with restricted mobility. We show that a certain class of gapless fractonic phases are realized as a result of spontaneous breaking of continuous higher-form symmetries whose conserved charges do not commute with spatial translations. We refer to such symmetries as nonuniform higher-form symmetries. These symmetries fall within the standard definition of higher-form symmetries in quantum field theory, and the corresponding symmetry generators are topological. Worldlines of particles are regarded as the charged objects of 1-form symmetries, and mobility restrictions can be implemented by introducing additional 1-form symmetries whose generators do not commute with spatial translations. These features are realized by effective field theories associated with spontaneously broken nonuniform 1-form symmetries. At low energies, the theories reduce to known higher-rank gauge theories such as scalar/vector charge gauge theories, and the gapless excitations in these theories are interpreted as Nambu-Goldstone modes for higher-form symmetries. Due to the nonuniformity of the symmetry, some of the modes acquire a gap, which is the higher-form analogue of the inverse Higgs mechanism of spacetime symmetries. The gauge theories have emergent nonuniform magnetic symmetries, and some of the magnetic monopoles become fractonic. We identify the ’t Hooft anomalies of the nonuniform higher-form symmetries and the corresponding bulk symmetry-protected topological phases. By this method, the mobility restrictions are fully determined by the choice of the commutation relations of charges with translations. This approach allows us to view existing (gapless) fracton models such as the scalar/vector charge gauge theories and their variants from a unified perspective and enables us to engineer theories with desired mobility restrictions.

Open Access
Lah Number Mediated Analytical Two‐center Two‐electron Integrals of Coulomb Green Function of <i>H</i>‐like Orbitals for <sup>1</sup>Σ States

AbstractEnergetics of two‐center two‐electron (2c–2e) systems carry challenges in theoretical understanding of Schrödinger equation (SE) for well‐known divergence of Coulomb interactions and nuclear separation (R) in modified H‐like AOs, Slater type orbitals (STOs), Gaussian type orbitals (GTOs), B‐spline, Sturmian function and etc. employed to VBT and MOT. Certain elegant computational and analytical techniques were developed for STO, GTO and other square integrable basis set within Born‐Oppenheimer (BO) approximation. STOs and GTOs have an essential limitation of absence of radial nodes. Thus, analytical treatment has become an urge for H‐like AOs. We have considered the diatomic molecules only for the sake of simplicity. Employing Sheffer identity in associated Laguerre polynomial/Whittaker‐M function forms of H‐like AOs and transforming integrals into elliptic coordinates with two nuclei on two foci furnishes exact, analytical and simple Coulomb integrals (Js) in terms of R. Lah number originated from for nuclear coordinates only due to Sheffer identity shows that energetics of diatomic molecules can be anticipated as extremum function of R. Therefore, the optimization of potential energy surface (PES) of electrons as gradient of R may lead to σ‐bond formation. In this paper, we have developed diagonal Js for bound states of H2 molecule.

Open Access