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Fault Diagnosis of Impedance Match Bond in High-Speed Railway Concerning Risk Assessment

AbstractHigh-speed railway stations adopt track circuits equipped with impedance match bonds to effectively suppress the interference of unbalanced traction currents on the signaling system. Concerning the harsh working environment of the impedance match bonds, the present manual experience method for trouble shoot will inevitably affect the operation efficiency and safety. Under this background, this paper proposes a fault diagnosis method considering the impact of hidden risks on railway safety. This novel method is based on the risk assessment of different hazards to define the types of safety-related faults, selects the radial basis function kernel to establish a support vector machine prediction model, and optimizes the parameters through the differential evolution algorithm. Further, making use of the characteristic under different working scenarios of equipment in data processing, the fault diagnosis of the impedance match bonds is designed. The verification results based on measured data demonstrate that the high-risk fault diagnosis integrated model proposed in this paper can achieve 100% prediction accuracy under the given data set, realize accurate fault identification, and is helpful for safety maintenance and risk management of high-speed railway systems.KeywordsFault diagnosisRisk assessmentHigh-speed railwayImpedance match bondSupport vector machine

Adversarial semi‐supervised learning method for printed circuit board unknown defect detection

Due to the lack of training data and fuzziness of unknown defects, unknown defect detection, which aims to identify no clearly defined defects, is still a challenging task. In practical industrial scenarios, defects on a printed circuit board account generally for a small proportion, so the data sets are highly biased towards no defect class. To this end, unknown defect detection can be treated as an anomaly detection problem. According to this, a semi-supervised learning method is proposed in this study to solve the above-mentioned problems. Inspired by the conditional generative adversarial network, the authors propose an improved end-to-end architecture for detecting unknown defects. The designed architecture is composed of three networks: a generator, a discriminator, and an encoder. Among them, the generator and the discriminator are trained by competing with each other, while collaborating to learn the distribution of underlying concepts in the target class. During training, the authors only train normal samples, and unknown defects do not appear in the process. In the testing phase, unknown defects are detected by calculating the distance between generated samples and real samples under the feature space. Experimental results over several benchmark data sets show the effectiveness of the model and superiority on state-of-the-art approaches.

Open Access
Unknown defect detection for printed circuit board based on multi‐scale deep similarity measure method

Defect detection with high precision is of great significance for printed circuit board (PCB) fabrication. Due to the lack of priori knowledge of categories and shape features, detection of unknown defects faces greater challenges than that of common defects. Inspired by similarity measurement, this study proposes a multi-layer deep feature fusion method to calculate the similarity between template and defective circuit board. Compared with conventional methods which divide the whole detection into two independent parts of hand-designed features and similarity measurement, the authors end-to-end model is designed to combine these two parts for joint optimisation. First, the Siamese network is utilised as their backbone architecture for feature extraction of pairwise images. And then the spatial pyramid pooling network is incorporated into the feature maps of each convolutional module to fuse the multi-scale feature vectors. Finally, the discriminative feature embedding and similarity metric are obtained by using the contrastive loss during the training process. Experimental results show that the proposed model has better performance in detecting and locating unknown defects in bare PCB images than traditional similarity measurement methods. Moreover, our method is promising for further improvement of defect detection with less training image pairs and more accurate detection results.

Open Access