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Can Frequentist Inferences Be Very Wrong? A Conditional “Yes”

This chapter discusses frequentist inferences. The major operational difference between Bayesian and frequentist inferences is that in the latter, one must choose a reference set for the sample to obtain inferential probabilities. In the matter of choosing a reference set, Sherlock Holmes was right, and that many frequentist inferences are inadequate because of erroneous choices made prior to the experiment. Most of the mathematical development has to do with predata analysis. However, the question remain was that, “Is such-and-such likely to be a good procedure?” It is evident that relative frequency in a real sequence of repeated experiments is simply not a rich enough interpretation of probability. The brief general discussion has raised questions about the difference between pre- and postdata probability calculations, the legitimacy of exact theory when integrated with practical application, and careful specification and understanding of what a statistical model means in practical terms. The purpose of the more detailed discussion which follows is to consider four topics where naive application of frequentist statistical theory can lead to incorrect or unhelpful inferences, whereas careful attention to the above questions can lead to sensible frequentist inferences. The four topics to be discussed are likelihood inference, inference from transformed data, randomization in design of experiments and surveys, and robust estimation. The Bayesian analysis has the general advantage of responding to specific features of the data. The unconditional distribution theory prevalent in robustness literature is fine for choosing estimates which are generally good but not for analysis of a particular data set.

A Case Study of the Robustness of Bayesian Methods of Inference: Estimating the Total in a Finite Population Using Transformations to Normality

This chapter presents a case study of the robustness of Bayesian methods of inference estimating the total in a finite population using transformations to normality. Bayesian intervals provide interval estimates that can legitimately be interpreted as such or at least to offer guidance as to when the intervals that are provided can be safely interpreted in this manner. The potential application of the statistical methods is often demonstrated either theoretically, from artificial data generated following some convenient analytic form, or from real data without a known correct answer. The case study presented here uses a small, real data set with a known value for the quantity to be estimated. It is surprising and instructive to see the care that may be needed to arrive at satisfactory inferences with real data. Simulation techniques are not needed to estimate totals routinely in practice. If stratification variables were available, that is, categorizing the municipalities into villages, towns, cities, and boroughs of New York City, to estimate the population total from a sample of 100, oversampling the large municipalities would be highly desirable. Robustness is not a property of data alone or questions alone, but particular combinations of data, questions and families of models. In many problems, statisticians may be able to define the questions being studied so as to have robust answers.

Some Philosophies of Inference and Modelling

This chapter reviews the statistical aspects of some philosophies of inference and modeling. Frequentist model-checking needs few assumptions about alternative models, while Bayesian assumptions always reduce to a grand model involving models across models. An attempt was made to extend the likelihood principle ideas from the inferential to the modeling situation. However, the most important topic at issue has been as to whether and how a model should be checked out against the data, with respect to a completely general alternative. At some point in the analysis, it is necessary to make model assumptions, which cannot be checked out against the data but which relate either to the scientific background or the need to provide some sensible conclusions. It is not the model itself which should be checked but the scientific conclusions given the model. The model is itself an artifact, which enables to think more closely about the data in relation to its scientific background. The validity of the scientific conclusions given the model can only be discussed by reference to the scientific background and to the plausibility of the intuitive thought underlying the statistical analysis; an expert judgment is called for. However, a good future for pragmatic Bayesians is seen, who are more concerned with the extraction of meaningful practical conclusions and the interpretation of statistical data in relation to their scientific background and who are prepared to think more broadly than permitted by the constraints of mathematical axioms.

Purposes and Limitations of Data Analysis

This chapter focuses on purposes and limitations of data analysis. Data analysis consists of the middle sequence of steps between design and decision making, wherein knowledge obtained from data is described and quantified. One of the tensions in the field of data analysis is captured by the alternative terms exploratory data analysis (EDA) and statistical modeling (SM). The essence of EDA or SM is data reduction and manipulation so as to extract and exhibit comprehensible structure. Both EDA and SM cycle back and forth between model fitting procedures and diagnostic model-checking procedures. EDA generally starts the process with summaries and displays, which means starting on the diagnostic side of the cycle rather than the fitting side. While the nonprobabilistic tools and skills of EDA are necessary for statistical practice, they are only sometimes sufficient. Computing solutions require hardware and software, of course, but theoreticians are greatly needed for mathematical, numerical, and statistical analyses associated with algorithm development. Computing problems appear in nonprobabilistic EDA, in retrospective CDA, in prospective CDA, and in IRDA. Instruction in statistics badly needs to convey not only technical content but also a real sense of the functional contributions of data analysis technology to resolving borderline issues in many sciences and professions.
