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Khatmul Hadits Riyadhus Shalihin bil Hifzhi di Pondok Pesantren Wali Songo Situbondo

In Living Hadith Studies, there are three variants of traditions. There are written traditions, practical traditions, and oral traditions. The research talks about an oral tradition at Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School in Situbondo: Khatmul Hadith bil Hifzhi. It focuses on knowing the practice and interpretation of the rule of Khatmul Hadith. It is description research that systematically describes the practical of living hadith in Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School using a phenomenology approach with social action theory by Max Weber. The research concludes that, firstly, the Khatmul Hadith tradition is a practice of reading all of the hadiths in Riyadhus Shalihin by memorizing the hadith (bil hifzhi) and then reading the prays for the closure and also doing some discussions and questions about all around the interpretations of hadith from the boarding school caretakers. Secondly, the understanding of the Khatmul Hadith based on Maz Webers theory, there are four categories of the act, there is the traditional act as a form to conserve traditions of Meccas Islamic scholars, the affective action to show happiness when doing the discussions with the Caretakers and get good grades, the instrumentally rational act, as a practice of murajaah for the students, the values reasonable action, as for obtaining Allahs pleasures and the Prophets shariah, also receiving the blessings from the hadith readings.Keywords:Living hadith;Khatmul Hadith;Riyadhus Shalihin;Wali Songo Situbondo Islamic Boarding School

Open Access
Perpetual Peace: An Analysis of Kant’s Theory of Peace in Terms of The Islamic Worldview

This study critically discussed the concept of 'perpetual peace' according to Immanuel Kant. For Kant, peace is absolute, and war must be avoided. Kant's concept of peace departs from his philosophical ideas about humans and ethics. According to the researcher's hypothesis, Kant's concept of peace is problematic and not compatible with the concept of peace in Islam. This study aimed to describe Immanuel Kant's concept of perpetual peace and the concept of peace in Islam. In addition, it also analyzed how Kant's concept of perpetual peace is viewed from the Islamic worldview. This research was library research, and the methods used were descriptive, analytical, and comparative. This research concluded that Kant's concept of peace had several philosophical and practical problems. Philosophically, Kant's concept of peace revolves around the concept of man, ethics, and causality, which tend to deny the element of God in it. In practical terms, Kant's idea that war should not exist is a dream that is difficult to realize. His opinion about the peace triangle also leaves many problems. In contrast to that, in the view of Islam, war is allowed to fight injustice and aim for the creation of goodness or maslahah, justice, and global peace. War in Islam is also regulated based on ethical and humanitarian principles. This is based on the Islamic view of humans who simultaneously have a good and a wrong side. In addition, Islam focuses more on human nature and its perspective on reality and life to achieve peace. The Qur'an, with normative teachings such as equality between humans, justice, honesty, the nature of qanaah, can be used as a normative and practical basis for achieving perpetual peaceKeywords : Perpetual Peace; Immanuel Kant; Islamic Worldview

Open Access
Finding Religious Moderation in Pondok Pesantren: Religious Moderation Education at Pondok Pesantren in Central Kalimantan

This study aims to explore the role of Kyai and Ustadz in implementing religious moderation education at Pondok Pesantren in Central Kalimantan. The study was conducted at four Pondok Pesantren in Central Kalimantan, namely Pondok Pesantren Hidayatul Insan, Pondok Pesantren Hasanka, Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum, and Pondok Pesantren Darul Amin Sampit. This study is a qualitative study with an interpretive paradigm. The study was conducted from April to September 2021. Data was obtained through observation, interviews and documentary studies. Informants in this study were educators in Pondok Pesantren, namely Kyai, Ustadz, and teachers who teach. The data obtained were then analysed using interactive qualitative analysis techniques: data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. This study found that there are five roles of Kyai and Ustadz in religious moderation education, namely the role of conservator, innovator, the role of transmitter, the role of a transformer, and role of organiser. Departing from these findings, it can be concluded that there is a connectivity between academic and managerial dimensions in implementing religious moderation education at Pondok Pesantren in Central Kalimantan. At this level, Kyai and Ustadz not only play a role in providing understanding and knowledge regarding religious moderation but also carry out managerial activities so that religious moderation education can be carried out and be successful.Keywords: Religious Moderation; Pondok Pesantren; Kyai; Ustadz

Open Access
Ecological Movement During Covid-19 Pandemic: Study of Living Quran at the Asy-Syarifiy Islamic Eco-Boarding School Lumajang-East Java-Indonesia

The ecological movement of students at the Asy-Syarifiy Pandanwangi Islamic Boarding School, Tempeh, Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic that runs the daily lives of students is very interesting to study because the Qur'an is not only read and studied as a compulsory subject for boarding schools. pesantren, but also make the Qur'an the basis for caring for the environment. The purpose of this research is to how the ecological movement in Asy-Syarfiy is, how is the actualization of the living Quran in the ecological movement in Asy-Syarfiy during the Covid-19 pandemic. The objective research of this article is descriptive qualitative research with the type of field research with the socio-religious approach of Karl Mannheim which is a sociological theory of meaning. Data collection was carried out by involving observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews in June 2021 with seven informants. This study found, firstly, that Asy-Syarifiy students have high discipline in maintaining environmental stability so that their relationship with other environmental components is balanced, especially during the pandemic. Second, students carry out the ecological movement of the Islamic boarding school by reading the verse of the chair (verse 225 of Surah Al Baqarah) every morning and evening before carrying out environmental cleaning activities for the Islamic boarding school. Third, since the pandemic, the chair verse reading activity has also been carried out after every fardhu prayer in the congregation and is read seven times because the chair verse is believed to be a form of rejecting the dangers of Covid-19. Thus, the verses of the Qur'an come alive among the students.Keywords: Ecology movement; Pandemic; Living Quran

Open Access