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Implementation of LiDAR Sensor for Mobile Robot Delivery Based on Robot Operating System

Recent research has focused on the development of mobile delivery robots as part of the rapidly evolving autonomous technology. The main focus is on creating mobile robots capable of efficiently delivering goods without human intervention. This involves designing systems, core technologies, and overcoming various challenges. The navigation system of the delivery robot is enhanced by the use of LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) sensors. One of the sensors used is the RPLIDAR A1M8 which is capable of detecting nearby objects with a distance reading of 360°. Trials were conducted to evaluate the robot's navigation performance with a load variation of 0 kg to 20 kg. The test results show that RPLIDAR A1M8 can read distances up to 1200 cm with an error rate of about 3.15%, and a minimum distance of 15 cm with an error of 1.45%. The durability of this sensor reading is well maintained, with a presentation error of only 0.4%. Mapping trials in the room produced an average error of 18.57% without tracking, and 5.02% with tracking. The weight of the load carried by the robot affects the speed and travel time. The heavier the load, the robot speed decreases from 0.264 m/s at 0 kg load to 0.127 m/s at 20 kg load. Likewise, the travel time increases with the weight of the load, from 7.6 seconds to 15.6 seconds.

Open Access
Design of Internet Of Things (IoT) trainer kit with Multi Communication

Industry 4.0, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is a recent technological development that has significantly changed the industrial production process. One of the keys to this change is the Internet of Things (IoT), where the role of humans is likely to diminish and be replaced by machines. Aligning the workforce with IoT is important, but creating a qualified workforce is a challenge. IoT learning modules are needed to help students understand IoT concepts. The purpose of this research is to design an Internet of Things kit module with Radio communication with LoRa SX1278 Ra-02. The research stages start from literature study, hardware design, software design and overall testing. Module testing is done by sending DHT11 sensor data using LoRa SX1278 Ra-02 and monitored in Thingspeak. From the test results that have been carried out, it can be concluded that sending using LoRa (Long Range) technology is influenced by distance and obstacles. At a distance of 40 to 230 metres, communication between the Lora Transmitter and Lora Receiver is successful, which shows that LoRa technology is able to overcome communication distances in that range. However, at a distance of more than 230 metres to 300 metres, data transmission can still be done by the Lora Transmitter, but the data cannot be received by the Lora Receiver, indicating a bottleneck in communication.

Open Access
Design and Implementation Monitoring System for The effects of Prolonged Sitting

Workers spent more than two-thirds of their working hours sitting behind their desk. Almost all of them never put attention to good sitting position and caused health problems for themselves such as increasing the risk of hemorrhoids, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, joints damage, muscles and posture. The workers are not aware into account how long they had been sitting. Thus, one way to avoid health problems caused by long-term sitting is using a device which monitors body temperature, heart and muscle. In this study, the prototype is designed and implemented to monitor how long the worker had sit in their chair and the effect to their body. This system detected the temperature on the chair using temperature sensor, sensor ECG to heart detection placed on the finger and the sensor EMG to detect muscle is placed on the hand muscles. The information from the sensors are sent and saved to the database server and displayed through the website. The test results indicate that body weight and gender affect the speed of rise of body temperature which is measured on the seat cushions. Functional testing using the web interface successfully performed in displaying the results to the web interface sensor readings in real time and displays the results of the previous sensor readings.

Open Access