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Strategi Manajemen Menggunakan Analisis SWOT Pada Usaha UMKM (Studi Usaha Angkringan Sedulur)

Angkringan businesses are widespread and attract many customers because of their wide market reach. Marketing strategies are used to determine business products to get the desired results. Actions that can be taken are SWOT analysis. This research aims to determine strategic management SWOT analysis with strategic management using Porter's Five Force theory. Qualitative methodology is used in the research process. Data collection techniques include interviews and observation. Based on the research results and discussion of marketing strategies using SWOT analysis on angkringan sedulur, including strengths (strengths) by providing games, free wifi and spacious parking and an online marketing system or social media. The weakness is that if it rains, there are only a few seats for shelter and many other angkringan competitors at that location. Opportunities are a strategic location in the middle of the city and next to hotels and the trendy Angkringan style, which is a busy place to hang out. Based on Porter's Five Forces theory, the strategies carried out are building a brand image, increasing product differentiation, choosing quality raw materials, offering games, free WiFi and a large parking area, maintaining the products’ quality, and charging cheaper rates than competitors.

Open Access
Okun’s Law: Analisis Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka Kabupaten Banjar Ditinjau dari Perspektif Laju Pertumbuhan Ekonomi

Unemployment is one of the main problems that is very influential and is also affected by several factors that are interrelated with each other and have a close relationship with the unemployment rate; this is because the working population contributes to the production of goods and services. Based on data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics, it was found that in the 2018-2021 period, there was a positive relationship between economic growth and open unemployment, and there were doubts due to the rejection of previous research results, so it is possible to analyze the level of open unemployment in Banjar Regency in terms of the rate of economic growth in 2017-2022 using the Okun's Law theory approach. This research uses a quantitative method with time series analysis using simple linear regression analysis to obtain Okun's coefficient. The results found that economic growth has no significant negative effect on the unemployment rate. In addition, the insignificant value of Okun's coefficient indicates a negatively unresponsive unemployment rate in Kabupaten Banjar, and there is an insignificant negative relationship between economic growth and the open unemployment rate. Therefore, Okun's law theory is proven not to apply in the economy of Kabupaten Banjar.

Open Access
Laporan Keuangan untuk Mengukur Kinerja Keuangan Berdasarkan Rasio Likuiditas dan Solvabilitas pada PDAM Prabujaya Kota Rabumulih

This research aims to determine the liquidity and solvency ratios to measure financial performance at PDAM in Prabumulih. This research uses types of quantitative descriptive research. This research uses a descriptive method to describe research objects or research results. The data in this research was collected through documentation, observation, and methods of interviews. The research results show the liquidity ratio, calculated from the analysis of PDAM Tirta Prabujaya City Prabumulih’s current ratio and quick ratio for 3 (three) last year, was good. Because the amount of current assets available is huge while the amount of current liabilities is small, this can be seen in the ratio value Liquidity in 2020, 2021 and 2022. The value of the Current Ratio is 8.08 times, 7.48 times and 6.24 times; the value of the Quick Ratio is 6.39 times, 5.78 times and 5.23 times, and the Cash Ratio values are 96%, 30% and 17%. Solvency Ratio, the overall financial performance of PDAM Tirta Prabujaya Prabumulih City during the last 3 (three) years it has been in good condition because its total assets and the company's available capital is greater than the total debt it has company. This can be seen in the 2020, 2021 and 2022 ratio values. The value of Debt to Assets Ratio of 54%, 38% and 69%. Next, the Debt to Equity, Ratio values of 92%, 23% and 94%.

Open Access
Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Berdasarkan Rasio Profitabilitas Pada PT. Pinus Merah Cabang Baturaja

The aim of this study to determine the company's financial performance based on profitability ratios at PT. Pinus Merah Baturaja. This research uses types of quantitative descriptive research. This research uses a descriptive method to describe research objects or research results. The data in this research were collected through documentation, observation, and interviews. The gross profit margin analysis results show that in 2019, it was 13.9%, and the company experienced an increase in 2019, and in 2020 was 1.6% from the previous year and then increased return in 2021 by 0.4%. The company's net profit margin in 2019 was 4%, and the company experienced an increase in 2020 amounted to 0.2% from the previous year and then increased return in 2021 by 0.5%. Results of the return on assets analysis show that the company in 2019 was 11.8%, later experienced an increase in 2020 of 0.5% from the previous year and then increased again in 2021 by 0.6%. That matter shows that the company efficiently uses assets in each year. The return on equity analysis results show that in 2019, amounting to 33.7%, the company experienced an increase in 2020, which amounted to 1.3% from the previous year and increased again in 2021 by 4%. This happens because the company has been effective in managing the capital invested by the company to produce profits for the company.

Open Access
Analisis Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES) dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Desa (Studi Kasus di Desa Muara Sungai, Kecamatan Cambai, Kota Prabumulih)

This research aims to determine financial management in increasing village income at BUMDes Hope to Move Forward Together Muara Sungai Village, Cambai District, Prabumulih City—types of research Quantitative Descriptive. The data used is primary and secondary. Technique data collection, namely, observation, interviews, and documentation. Analysis Techniques Researchers must obtain accurate data so that it is easy to analyze further data. The research results show that BUMDes Management’s hope of moving forward includes several stages: the source of capital from the Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) for Fiscal Years 2020, 2021, and 2022. Financial management of BUMDes and the businesses they run completely increase the income of the village community due to the lack of understanding from village communities regarding BUMDes financial management, and the income of the business being carried out needs to be fully in line with that expected. Allocation of accountability reports in recording expenses and revenue of BUMDes Hope to move using profit and loss statement notes and cash book but still need to start using balance sheet notes. Financial management in BUMDes Hope to move forward has yet to meet its income public fully.

Open Access