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Pelaksanaan Program PDS (Penerjunan Dosen ke Sekolah) sebagai Upaya Kolaborasi LPTK dengan Sekolah Mitra, Penguatan Kompetensi Profesionalisme Dosen Prodi PGSD UPY dan Pemecahan Permasalahan Sekolah Mitra SD Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan 2 Yogyakarta

The purpose of this activity is to 1) approach self-approach between lecturers and partner schools to be able to carry out collaborative activities, 2) equip the lecturers with problem-solving skills in the field, 3) training lecturers to design a lesson that is expected to help solve partner school problems, 4) help solve problems faced by partner schools. The method of carrying out this activity is the discussion method, collaboration between lecturers and school principals and partner teachers and carried out through direct teaching practice in grade third of Muhammadiyah Wirobrajan 3 Elementary School by the PDS implementing lecturer, namely Taufik Muhtarom, M.Pd from Yogyakarta PGRI University. This program is carried out for 3 weeks starting from 10-30 November 2022. The result of this activity is that the implementation of lecturers' deployment to schools is able to improve the collaboration skills of lecturers and partner teachers for solving problems in class directly. The learning model offered by the implementing lecturer as a solution to problem solving in partner classes, namely the CTL learning model and the role playing learning model is able to increase student participation and involvement in learning, increase understanding of learning material and make students more motivated in participating in the learning process in class.

Open Access
Keripik Rebung :Kreativitas Mahasiswa PGSD Sebagai Upaya Untuk Membentuk Jiwa Enterpreneur

Bamboo shoots are young shoots or saplings that grow from bamboo roots. Bamboo shoots are also known as young bamboo. Bamboo shoots include vegetables that are liked by many people. Bamboo shoot production in Indonesia is also very abundant. The purpose of this activity is to increase the creativity of PGSD students as an effort to form an entrepreneurial spirit by making bamboo shoot chips. This service utilizes bamboo shoots into processed food ingredients that are rich in water, fiber, potassium, protein, fat and carbohydrates in the form of bamboo shoot chips. This activity trains students to make observations, environmental research, and also market research to find out about the availability of raw materials and analyze market share. This activity also trains students to carry out the pre-production, production, packaging, online and offline marketing stages as well as evaluation of the products produced. The result of this activity is the growth of an entrepreneurial spirit in PGSD students by making works in the form of bamboo shoot chips. Student creativity is reflected in the many flavors as an innovation to make bamboo shoot chips more attractive. The flavors that were innovated by PGSD students were balado, cheese, roasted corn, extra spicy and original.

Open Access
Platform Pembelajaran Berbasis Digital

This community service activity aims to improve the ability or skills of teachers in using digital-based learning platforms, both online and offline at SD 011 Beringin Jaya Kec. Sentajo Raya Kab. Kuantan Singingi, Riau Province. This community service activity was carried out on teachers as participants, totaling 16 people. The implementation method has two stages, namely: (1) Preparation Stage. The preparation stage carried out includes: interviews with the school, namely the teacher to determine the problems that occur during the teaching and learning process, Preparation of service materials / materials, which include: online and offline learning platforms that are suitable and easy to apply by elementary school children. (2) Service Implementation Stage. The stages in the implementation of the service are carried out online using Google Meet. Each teacher will get a link to enter or join the training. Meanwhile, to carry out these activities, three training methods were used, namely: (1) Demonstration: this was chosen to provide an explanation of the concept of online and offline learning, starting from the definition, benefits, advantages and disadvantages of online and offline learning. (2) Implementation stage: this method is used to provide knowledge and or skills in using online learning platforms and offline learning platforms using applications that have been adapted to the abilities of elementary school children. (3) Discussion: this is done to provide opportunities for teachers who do not understand the material and or the benefits of the application in the teaching and learning process. The expected outcomes in this community service activity are: (1) Improving the ability and skills of teachers in using learning platforms, (2) Publication in the Community Service Journal. The results of the activities for teachers are very helpful in increasing their knowledge about the use of digital-based learning platforms.

Open Access
Penguatan Benteng Spiritual Pekon Marga Mulya : Pendampigan Anggota Remaja Islam Masjid (Risma) Sebagai Pengajar TPA Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19

Community service with a mentoring approach is one of the alternative research methods for community empowerment action studies. The mentoring approach can create more fun and foster active community participation. The purpose of community service is to equip RISMA members to have the skills and expertise to read the Qur'an as TPA teachers and the spiritual fortress of the Pekon Marga Mulya community, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province. The mentoring method uses Participatory Action Research (PAR). The subjects assisted by RISMA members were 20 people. This mentoring approach uses 6 steps, namely planning, taking action and observing, doing reflection, doing re-reflection, taking action and observing and reflecting. The assistance results show that the ability to read the Qur'an as a TPA teaching staff for RISMA Members has proven to be effective in increasing. Based on the initial conditions, having the ability to read the Qur'an is quite good, namely obtaining an average score (62.6%) and it was successfully increased after mentoring to become (81.82%) in the very good category. These results inform an effective mentoring model in improving the ability to read the Qur'an as a TPA teaching staff and the religious spiritual fortress of the Pekon Marga Mulya community. The selection of community-based service approaches is good and appropriate and makes it easier for RISMA Members to understand the knowledge provided. This condition illustrates that service is in line with educational goals. In line with that, this service can be used as an alternative for stakeholders to equip the skills of RISMA Members, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic

Open Access
Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Karakter Religius Menggunakan Canva Di SDN Tanon 2

 Religious character is an important thing that must be instilled in students in current developments, especially in elementary school (SD) settings. Efforts to develop learning media related to religious characters have been carried out, one of which is based on information technology. Learning media innovations that are developed must pay attention to creative content packaging so that students can easily understand the material presented. Implementation in the field shows that the mastery of information technology in SDN Tanon 2 teachers is not optimal. The teacher has a strong motivation to learn to make learning media but there is no accompanying facilitator. Of course, this will affect the media content and the process of delivering maximum material to students. From this problem, a scheduled training forum for elementary school teachers is needed to develop good and interesting learning media. The method of service activities is carried out by carrying out webinar series activities, training in making learning media, and evaluation. The results of the service activities show that the trainees can improve competence in developing learning materials with the Canva application.

Open Access