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Диагностика сформированности смыслового чтения при работе учеников средней школы с учебными математическими текстами

Learning is working with a variety of educational texts based on reading, understanding, evaluating and interpreting information. To identify the result of reading an educational mathematical text and the quality of understanding the meaning of the text space created by educational materials, it is necessary to diagnose reading, namely, the level of semantic reading. In the modern study of reading, the PISA international monitoring, the concept of reading literacy, its components and levels are defined. The success of understanding more complex educational mathematical texts will depend on the level of reader literacy. If the levels of reading literacy have evaluation criteria and diagnostic apparatus, then how to assess the level of semantic reading? The article examines the relationship between the levels of reading literacy and text comprehension, models for assessing the semantic complexity of the text and semantic reading skills, various level structures for diagnosing the understanding of a mathematical educational text. Based on the studied scientific material, the complexity of the educational mathematical text "Triangle" was assessed according to criteria such as the number of words, simple words, scientific terms and their complexity, the number of mentions of scientific terms in each paragraph. Diagnostic material has also been created to check the understanding of this text, each task of which is aimed at determining the understanding of each information block and assessing the degree of development of semantic reading.

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Addressing trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, and post-traumatic growth in breast cancer patients

BACKGROUND Breast cancer (BC) is a common cancer among females in Africa. Being infected with BC in Africa seems like a life sentence and brings devastating experiences to patients and households. As a result, BC is comorbid with trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and post-traumatic growth (PTG). AIM To identify empirical evidence from peer-reviewed articles on the comorbidity trajectories between BC and trauma, BC and PTSD, and BC and PTG. METHODS This review adhered to the PRISMA guidelines of conducting a systematic review. Literature searches of the National Library of Medicine, Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus databases were conducted using search terms developed for the study. The search hint yielded 769 results, which were screened based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. At the end of the screening, 24 articles were included in the systematic review. RESULTS BC patients suffered trauma and PTSD during the diagnosis and treatment stages. These traumatic events include painful experiences during and after diagnosis, psychological distress, depression, and cultural stigma against BC patients. PTSD occurrence among BC patients varies across African countries, as this review disclosed: 90% was reported in Kenya, 80% was reported in Zimbabwe, and 46% was reported in Nigeria. The severity of PTSD among BC patients in Africa was based on the test results communicated to the patients. Furthermore, this review revealed that BC patients experience PTG, which involves losing, regaining, and surrendering final control over the body, rebuilding a personified identity, and newfound appreciation for the body. CONCLUSION Patients with BC undergo numerous traumatic experiences during their diagnosis and treatment. Psychological interventions are needed in SSA to mitigate trauma and PTSD, as well as promote PTG.

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Spirit at work: a panacea for ethical problems caused by marketing managers’ love of money

Purpose Limited research has investigated how spirit at work, functioning as a “good barrel,” fosters ethical decision-making (EDM) even in the presence of unethical managerial behavior (“bad apples”). Therefore, this study aims to investigate the spirit at work, a situational variable, as a moderating variable in the relationship between the love of money (LoM), an individual-level factor, and EDM. Design/methodology/approach A time-lagged survey of the members of the Marketing Association of Pakistan was conducted. The data were analyzed using partial least square structural equation modeling. Findings Adding to much of the existing research, which finds that LoM can influence ethical intention directly, this research finds that LoM influences ethical intention only through ethical judgment. Moreover, the spirit at work tempers the negative relationship between LoM and ethical judgment, thereby mitigating LoM’s detrimental effects not only on ethical judgment but also its downstream effects on ethical intention. Practical implications Organizations, by planting the seeds of spirit at work, can institutionalize good barrels, which can alleviate the negative effects of the marketing managers’ LoM, the root cause of unethical behavior. This way, this study establishes a business case for spirit at work. Originality/value The novelty of this study is the development and investigation of a holistic conceptual framework for EDM of marketing professionals that incorporates LoM as an antecedent, ethical judgment as an underlying mechanism, ethical intention as an outcome variable and spirit at work as a boundary condition.

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Paymob: transforming digital payments in Egypt and the region for a cashless society

Learning outcomes After completion of the case study, the students will be able to analyze the FinTech industry in emerging markets, distinguish the growth strategies for startups in the hyper-growth phase, using the Ansoff matrix, evaluate and select geographical markets for expansion (foreign country selection) and understand the liability of foreignness concept. Case overview/synopsis In 2015, Islam Shawky, Alain Al-Hajj and Mostafa Menessy founded Paymob in Egypt, a FinTech start-up providing technological and financial solutions to consumers and merchants in the country. The company had grown into one of Egypt’s most prominent digital payment providers by deploying infrastructure and technologies that empower the underserved with access to financial services. In 2021, Paymob had gained a lot of support from venture capital investors that ended with closing the largest in Egypt Series A fund of $18.5m led by Dubai-based venture capital firm Global Ventures. Although Paymob had already reached great success in Egypt, the founders’ vision was to become the regional leader of digital payments, focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises. So, they are considering regional markets similar to Egypt’s, such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a call with a lot of structure but a lot of competition, and Pakistan, a market with much less competition but relatively unstructured. The founders found themselves in early 2022 deciding between these two markets in preparation for the next round of Series B $50m funding. Complexity academic level This case study can be useful for courses in executive education. Supplementary materials Teaching notes are available for educators only. Subject code CSS 3: Entrepreneurship.

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Malignant pleural mesothelioma: The disdained member of thoracic oncology!

Pleural mesothelioma is a very aggressive malignancy that arises from the pleural mesothelial cell lining and is linked strongly to prior asbestos exposure. The ban on asbestos has helped to lower the incidence, but in developing countries like India, it is expected to rise. It has an extended latency period usually progressing over decades and presents with nonspecific symptoms. It has a median survival ranging between 10-22 months. The diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma is challenging and is done using computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging, or positron emission tomography-CT, with the last two predicting the resectability of the tumor better than CT alone. A pleural biopsy along with an array of immunohistochemical markers, such as p16, BRCA1 associated protein 1, and claudin-4, are required for a definitive diagnosis. Several genetic alterations have prognostic significance as well. The current histological subtype identification is indispensable for decision making because of the new therapeutic avenues being explored. The combination of nivolumab and ipilimumab-based immunotherapy outperformed platinum and pemetrexed-based chemotherapy in terms of survival benefit and improved quality of life especially for non-epithelioid subtypes. However, the latter continues to be a robust treatment option for patients with the epithelioid subtype. Surgery is recommended for resectable cases with radiotherapy being indicated in neoadjuvant, adjuvant, and palliative settings along with systemic treatment. This review article provides an overview of epidemiology, etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic approaches (including immunohistochemical and genetic markers), staging, and multidisciplinary approaches to current treatment for malignant pleural mesothelioma using surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radiotherapy. It also sheds light on some recent studies (EMPHACIS, CALGB30901, Checkmate-743, etc ) that have led to significant developments in recent years with clinically meaningful results.

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К вопросу о жизненном предназначении человека как психологической категории

The presented article is devoted to the problem of human purpose in life as a psychological category. The importance of addressing the study of this issue is associated with the transformations taking place in society, leading to a sharp increase in cases of escapism and the desire for hedonism, as fundamental life guidelines of a modern personality, preventing a person from finding his true purpose in life, its meaning. However, despite the fact that interest in this issue has been growing lately, it is difficult to consider it finally resolved. The objective of this study is to determine the content of some aspects of the issue of human purpose in life as a psychological category. The method of this study is a theoretical analysis and generalization of existing scientific studies that reveal the main content of the category "human purpose in life", as well as related concepts. It has been established that a person's life purpose is a characteristic of the basic level of personality (the core of personality) and represents the initially given natural orientations of a person, his general life direction, expressing a predisposition to a certain type of functioning, style of activity, type of relationship with oneself, people and the world as a whole; a person's purpose is to become oneself, to self-determine in being, freely realizing (or freely refusing to realize) the plan for oneself. All individual callings of a person are particular ways of realizing the universal calling. The purpose of life for people gives vector certainty and programmatic nature to a person's life intentions, his ideals, dreams, life goals, life results. Values act as universals of the meaning of life, which crystallize in situations typical for society, humanity as a whole; the desire to search for and realize the meaning of life by a person is a need of a person and characterizes him as a subject of life activity. The meaning of human life is a complexly organized system of meanings, including multi-level semantic structures and functioning as a single whole.

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