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Análise Experimental de Circuitos Elétricos a Partir de Atividades Presenciais e Controladas Remotamente

In this work, we sought to compare the impact of carrying out experimental activities, in person and remotely controlled, on the learning of concepts related to electrical circuits by high school students in five public schools in the interior of São Paulo. In each school, two third-year classes were applied, one group submitted to the face-to-face experiment and the other to the remote experiment. The experiments addressed the concepts of association of resistors, electric current, electric voltage and dissipated electric power.Data were collected through questionnaires, pre-test and post-test, and analyzed using Cohen's D method (1977) and Gery's g factor (1972). Cohen's D method is a statistical measure used to assess the effect size (or magnitude of the difference) between two independent samples, while Gery's g factor is a measure that compares the performance of groups in an experiment, taking into account the individual differences in ability or intelligence. The results indicated that carrying out the experiments played an important role in the students' learning, especially those who participated in the remotely controlled experiment. In addition to offering a contextualized approach to scientific concepts, remote experiments also provided students with the opportunity to manipulate real experiments at any place and time, becoming a promising activity method for science teaching. Therefore, the study suggests that the carrying out remote experiments can be an effective and safe way to promote the learning of scientific concepts by high school students, complementing face-to-face activities and allowing greater flexibility in carrying out experimental activities.

Open Access
Aportes de la Historia y la Filosofía en la enseñanza de las ciencias a partir de la actividad experimental asociada a la hidráulica

This paper collects advances in the research project on the history and philosophy of sciences in physics teaching,focused on hydraulics. The research question regarding social needs, inequality, and social vulnerability during the first quarter of the 21st century is; What physics to teach today? And for what purpose are hydraulics? The document recognizes the historical importance of experimental activity in science, the associated phenomenology, and the conceptual richness behind it, which, in general, has been very limited at the educational level. Nor is it appreciated how the historical perspective of science favors the understanding of the world and it is a contribution to current social problems. Regarding the hydraulics teaching, the absence of experimental activity is evident. Concepts such as pressure, speed, continuity, and Bernoulli's principle are taught through processes of memorization and application of meaningless mathematical algorithms and without impact on the daily lives of students. The research project proposes to re-contextualize the experimental activity associated with hydraulics, as well as its formalization processes, from the concerns of scientists such as Archimedes, Pascal, Da Vinci, and Bernoulli, among others, who contributed to the construction of meaning and significance of the phenomenon under study. In this sense, the objective is to collect and analyze the historical documentation of hydraulics and to carry out a critical historical analysis of the text of Johan Bernoulli Hydraulics and its predecessors to finally, from a science didactics approach, propose core activities around the problems registered for the teaching of hydraulics in the initial training teachers in this field.

Open Access
Analysis Of Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers’ Perceptions About Practical Activities Involving Remote Laboratory

The use of information and communication technologies in education and teacher training is a topic investigated in various areas of knowledge. Recognizing aspects related to pedagogical problematization using specific technologies beyond the technical use of resources in pedagogical practices has also been a concern in this ​​research area. In this scenario, the Remote Laboratories present tools that can contribute to developing experimental practices, incorporating technologies that contribute to the student's scientific education. This work investigates the perceptions of chemistry students and science teachers regarding an activity that involves a practical activity in the Remote Laboratory. Data collection was using questionnaires, analyzed qualitatively through the Discursive Textual Analysis technique. Results show positive perceptions about this type of laboratory in terms of its versatility to face real problems and in environments with few resources and possibilities for pedagogical actions aimed at working with active methodologies, promoting student participation. Most of the negative perceptions refer to aspects that are not directly related to the remote laboratory but are associated with the investigative nature of the activity. Some perceptions refer to topics to be improved, such as the delay in the experiment transmission. It was possible to promote a process of reflection on the use of these resources.

Open Access
Biological evolution and creationism from the perspective of graduate students of biological sciences

This work aimed to analyse students’ conceptions in a graduate course of biology teachers at the University Centre of Formiga, Minas Gerais, Brazil, of topics related to evolutionary theory (Chance and Natural selection) and creationism (God and Intelligent design). We used a part of the European BIOHEAD-CITIZEN questionnaire in a sample of 56 students, studying in their 2nd, 4th and 6th terms. The four-category Barbour model (conflict, independence, dialogue and integration) was used to analyse the data and characterise the students’ ideas of the relationship between science and religion. Using the Pearson chi-square statistical test (χ2), the differences among the groups of students were tested, at the statistical significance level of 5%. The results show that most students are able to establish a relationship of independence between issues of evolutionary theory and creationism. Even religious students can establish boundaries that separate the fields of science and religion. Due to the importance of evolutionary theory for science and for biology in particular, it is necessary for new research to be carried out in the Brazilian context to determine students’ and teachers’ perceptions on the topic and to improve the teaching of evolutionary theory in the biological context and to refrain from inserting personal religious considerations into general science and biology classes.

Open Access
Análisis de trabajos prácticos de laboratorio elaborados por futuros docentes de ciencias naturales

Este artículo aborda el estudio sobre los Trabajos Prácticos de Laboratorio elaborados por un grupo de futuros docentes en Física y en Química de la provincia de San Juan, en la República Argentina. El objetivo del mismo consiste en analizar las propuestas presentadas por estos estudiantes en el marco de un taller extracurricular. Este taller fue desarrollado para identificar fortalezas y debilidades a fin de proponer acciones para el mejoramiento del futuro desempeño docente. Analizamos los protocolos propuestos, basándonos en categorías previamente diseñadas. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian distintos elementos que podrían resultar facilitadores u obstaculizadores del desempeño exitoso en la futura práctica docente en Ciencias Naturales. Entre los elementos facilitadores, encontramos la presencia de situaciones contextualizadas y la adecuación al nivel escolar de los alumnos. Mientras entre los elementos obstaculizadores se destaca la ausencia de actividades que medien el tránsito de las observaciones a las interpretaciones. Por todo esto, sería recomendable formar a los futuros docentes en la revisión de sus diseños experimentales, de modo que consideren las observaciones, incorporen análisis que conduzcan a interpretaciones, y finalmente, propongan actividades tendientes a movilizar estos nuevos aprendizajes para aplicar en el análisis y resolución de situaciones cotidianas.

Open Access