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Enhancing Burner Efficiency on Marine Vessels: A SWOT Analysis Approach

As the main heat source on board, the Thermal oil heater has a burner that is responsible for the combustion process. The burner has an important role in the operation of the Thermal oil heater. However, several problems were found in its operation, such as decreased performance and inefficient maintenance on the burner, which caused obstruction of ship operations and had an impact on company losses. This study aims to find a performance strategy for the burner to operate optimally. Based on the burner manual book found on the ship and the theory put forward by experts, This research is a qualitative study, using the SWOT method to analyze internal and external factors. To find out the cause of the decline in burner performance and also to find out the right maintenance management to prevent degradation of the burner. This research used observation, interviews, literature reviews, and documentation for data collection. Based on the author's observations using findings, manual books, and several related journals as data sources, he also interviewed several crew members as validators as well as for comparisons. This research concludes that by maximizing maintenance time and the accuracy of maintenance time according to the running hours in the manual book, The importance of maintenance has a significant influence on the optimization of the burner, but coordination with the maintenance team is also important.

Open Access
Implementation Permit To Work System As A Work Accident Prevention On Board Ship

A permit-to-work system is a formal written system that contains procedures, identification, and permits related to the type of work that is considered to have a risk of danger. By not applying for permits to work optimally, it will increase the risk of work accidents. This study aims to determine the causes and effects of the non-optimal application of permit to work and efforts so that permit to work can run optimally so as to prevent work accidents. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive pattern. Research data sources are obtained from primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques through observation, literature study, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Testing the validity of data using the triangulation method. The results showed that the lack of crew knowledge about permit to work, lack of crew awareness and concern for safety, and lack of supervision and coordination between crew and officers are the reasons why permit to work cannot run optimally. The impact of not optimal permit to work is work accidents, which not only cause physical losses but also material losses. Efforts that can be made to optimize this are by carrying out familiarization, training and competence, as well as psychological approaches through motivation and sanctions, then by improving supervision and coordination between crew and management on board through toolbox meetings and safety meetings.

Open Access
Optimization of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Applications on The Crew Contract Extension System At PT. Sinarmas LDA Maritime

Technological developments are needed in today's digital era because they can help all human activities. PT. Sinarmas LDA Maritime created an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application. The ERP application is used to simplify employees' work in inputting data and monitoring the working period of the crew and the validity period of documents. However, in using the ERP application, there are obstacles to the crew contract extension system, which still uses paper forms, so inputting data into the application takes a long time. Besides that, the ERP application is very dependent on the internet network. This study aims to determine the constraints in optimizing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications on the crew contract extension system with the addition of problem solvers. This research method uses a qualitative description approach by conducting observations, interviews, literature studies, and documentation directed at competent and directly involved informants and using SWOT analysis techniques to determine strategic factors for optimizing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications by linking research data results. Based on the research that has been done, it was found that optimizing the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application in the crew contract extension system is filling in crew data that still uses paper forms and is dependent on the internet network. Using a paper form is changed to using a G-form so that the input of crew data for extended counters is more effective and efficient. As well as the need for outreach to the ship's crew in order to know the stages of filling in the data. The results of the SWOT analysis show that the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application is in a progressive strategy position, meaning that obstacles in optimizing ERP applications can be overcome because the company is able to take advantage of its strengths and opportunities.

Open Access
Analysis of I-V on Basic Electrical Circuit Using Ni Multisim App in Apply Physics

Utilization of the NI Multisim application is useful for designing a circuit, starting with designing schematic circuits and analyzing and simulating. Increasing the use of technology so that it is very much needed in physics learning at the Polytechnic of Maritime Sciences on electrical circuit material. This study aims to measure and characterize I-V currents in an electrical circuit by comparison with laboratories and multisim applications. Research activities were carried out using the I-V Current and Voltage comparison analysis method using theory in the manual formula, practice with the circuit kit, and NI Multisim simulation by building a circuit scheme on circuit composition namely resistance, voltage source, and using voltage measuring instruments and current measuring instruments which are all regulated in such a way concerning the theory of electric circuits. The results of this study are that there is a difference in the total resistance value between the values in the circuit kit module practice with the use of Multisim. But the difference is very slight with an error of about 1% for series circuits, and about 4.4% for parallel circuits. Voltage values in series circuits using NI Multisim circuit kits and applications have differences with errors ranging from 0 to 3.3 %. The comparison of the voltage values in direct measurements of the circuit kit and the NI Multisim simulation has the lowest error of 0% and the highest of 20% at the 6V source in R2.

Open Access
Delays in the Landing Process When Loading at Gurimbang Jetty Impact of Financial 101 Barge Bill Leaking Due to Anchor Chain Friction

In the incident of a tugboat approaching the dock at Gurimbang Jetty, they experienced friction between the barge hull and the anchor chain, resulting in a hull breach in the barge belonging to PT. Mitra Bahtera Segara Sejati's branch in Berau, East Kalimantan. Consequently, the coal loading activity faced departure delays. Therefore, as a ship owner company, they are responsible for all vessel-related activities from before entering the Port until the vessel departs. The aim of this research is to identify the causes of the barge leakage during coal loading at the dock and the efforts made by PT. Mitra Bahtera Segara Sejati's branch in Berau to address the issue. The research method employed in this study is a qualitative descriptive research method. The research data consists of primary and secondary data collected through data processing from observations, interviews, and documentation with the branch office of PT. Mitra Bahtera Segara Sejati. The data was then analyzed by conducting daily operational reports provided by the ship's personnel. At the same time, interviews were conducted to obtain more in-depth information regarding the daily operational reports and to understand the efforts to address the issues. The research findings indicate that the leakage of the barge significantly affects the company, leading to increased costs for docking services and a decrease in the monthly target of coal long towing from 4 to 3 due to the barge's hull leakage. Efforts have been made to prevent barge hull leakage by conducting regular inspections, routine monitoring, and coordination with relevant parties to address the issue and enhance the safety and operational performance of the vessel.

Open Access
Ensuring Safety and Compliance: Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Implementation in On-Board Blending of Pertalite (RON90)

The high public demand for Pertalite (RON90) has significantly increased, causing Indonesia should choose to import, one from Jamnagar Sikka Marine Terminal, India. In application, the loading port uses the onboard blending technique of mixing cargo with additives to achieve the desired octane number. According to the International Safety Guides for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT) 6th edition chapter, the ship is not designed as a blending instrument, which in its operation experiences several incompatibilities that pose a risk of danger. As mitigation, cargo manufacturers include Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or work safety guidelines before operations begin to be understood and realized by all parties involved. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method with an explanative pattern. The unavailability of personal protective equipment (PPE) by the MSDS, the lack of blending facilities from the terminal and skilled personnel, lack of awareness and familiarization with the MSDS itself cause several impacts during its operation, including health threats, environmental stability, and even material losses that will be obtained by the company. So it is necessary to apply and actualize the implementation of MSDS on board, as well as create good harmonization between the company and the terminal so that this blending procedure can run optimally and produce fuel products that are by specifications.

Open Access