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Вплив геологічних структур на характер русел правобережних приток річки Дністер

The proposed study aims to determine the influence of geological structures on the features of the channels of the largest right-bank tributaries of the Dniester River - the Stryi, Bystrytsia, and Limnytsia rivers. For this purpose, we conducted zoning of the river based on morphometric and hydrological characteristics. Three parts were identified: mountainous, pre-mountainous area and plain area, which differ significantly in channel properties, their changes over time, and deformation processes. Objective. Based on remote sensing images of various resolutions, the use of historical maps over time, and specialized maps, to investigate the nature of the channels of the right-bank tributaries of the Dniester: Stryi, Limnytsia, and Bystrytsia, from their sources to the estuarine part where they flow into the Dniester River, depending on the geological and lithological features of the surface. The main research methods involve the transformation of various materials from remote sensing, historical, and special maps for the purpose of studying specific phenomena of river processes. The methodology involves the preparation of input materials, including historical topographic maps, geological maps, satellite images, maps and images georeferencing, satellite image processing, river channel vectorization, analysis of river channels depending on geological structures. Results. Considering the morphology, valley width, manifestation, and development of channel processes, the Stryi, Bystrytsia, and Limnytsia rivers were categorized into three sections: mountainous, pre-mountainous and plain area with developed accumulative forms. In the mountainous section, all three rivers have single channels, while in the pre-mountainous section, multichannel patterns are observed, which have decreased from the 19th to the 21st century in terms of the width of multichannelity and the number of channels. This indicates a decrease in the flow modulus. For the plain sections of channels with undeveloped accumulative forms, a clear tendency towards dependence of channel type on structural-lithological features is traced. Originality. The paper has established the dependence of channel processes of right-bank tributaries of the Dniester River on geological and sedimentological structures of the Skole Beskids and Subcarpathian Depression. Practical significance. The results of monitoring channel processes need to be considered in addressing a range of tasks, including the construction of hydraulic structures, designing power transmission networks at river crossings, developing gas pipelines, determining flood zones, assessing the consequences of erosion after floods, land reclamation, establishing water protection zones, managing recreational and border lands, and establishing interstate borders along rivers.

Розробка цифрових карт модуля індукції геомагнітного поля для території України

Knowledge of Ukraine`s geomagnetic field is based on magnetic surveys of the geomagnetic field induction module B and its power and angular components, as well as on observations or calculations of their anomalous values. The article describes the methods for constructing a digital map of the induction module of the geomagnetic field B. The map of module B for the epoch of 1969.5 is developed, which is the ground to create the maps of module B and its anomalies ΔB for an arbitrary epoch. The results of the ground absolute magnetic survey of 1969-1972, the analytical model of the main geomagnetic field BIGRF, as well as the map of the anomalous magnetic field on a scale of 1: 1,000,000 were used to construct the map of the geomagnetic field induction module B. The digital map of the module and anomalies of the geomagnetic field induction module B for the 1969.5 epoch was obtained by calculating the correction based on their difference values at the points of the absolute reference network. It was spread by interpolation according to the 1x1km matrix to the entire data array for the territory of Ukraine. The geomagnetic field induction module B for the 2005.5 epoch was calculated by adding to its values in the 1969.5 epoch the calculated values of the field dynamics ВIGRF and the "magnetizing" effect of anomalies of the induction module ΔΔB. The developed map is an approximate representation of the magnetic field modulus, since the amount of remanent magnetization was not taken into account during the calculation, which may cause minor deviations of the calculated and observed field values. The induction module of the geomagnetic field B in the epoch of 1969.5 varies in the range of 46,500÷62,000 nT, and in the epoch of 2005.5 ‒ 47,000÷63000 nT, increasing from the southwest to the northeast of the territory of Ukraine. Its maximum values are observed in the areas of regional and local magnetic anomalies, in particular in the area of the Kryvyi Rih-Kremenchuk anomalous strip and the southeastern edge of the Kursk anomaly. The dynamics of the BIGRF field for the period of 1969.5÷2005.5 is characterized by values from 700 nT in the east of the territory of Ukraine to 950 nT in the west, and the magnitude of the magnetizing effect ΔΔB varies within ±10 nT, reaching maximum values (up to 100-190 nT) in the regions of intense magnetic anomalies. The digital map of the geomagnetic field induction module B, developed in 2005.5, has been verified. This was done by measuring the values of module B in the magnetic observatories of Kyiv, L’viv, and Odesa, as well as in the Repeat Stations of the Ist and IInd classes. The results showed that there was only a small difference (-20 ÷ 40 nT) between the calculated and measured values of modulus B. Their most significant differences are spatially correlated with areas of modern activation of the Earth's crust on the territory of Ukraine and electrical conductivity anomalies.

Седиментаційні індикатори сучасних морфодинамічних процесів на скелях масиву «Камінь» (с. Урич, Східні Бескиди, Українські Карпати)

The paper studies the types of modern morphodynamic processes on the sandstone tor “Kamin`” (“Stone”) in the village Urych (Eastern Beskydy, Ukrainian Carpathians) as a nature monument and historical and cultural reserve. It reveals interrelationships between the modern manifestations of the processes and the sedimentological facies of the Paleogene rocks of the Yamna Formation. During the formation of the Carpathian trust fault structure, they were created in the geodynamic conditions of the Outer Carpathian deep-water oceanic paleobasin and deformed during the stages of accretion and orogeny. The main research methods were morphological, morphodynamic, sedimentological, and lithological. Modern morphodynamic processes on the tor walls are classified by their origin, localization within the studied object, and the amount of tor wall coverage. Morphodynamic processes can be classified into different types such as soaking and very small pits; destruction; flaking; spalling; dimples weathering; alveolar weathering; corrasion and washing away the grains; linear underground erosion; biogenic superficial weathering; biogenic linear weathering; block collapses; joint-guided weathering: along tectonic, tensile, weathering, lithological cracks; gravity cascade folds. According to the amount of coverage of the tor walls, the following are distinguished: microprocesses (local manifestations), medium-scale and large-scale processes, with a destruction depth of 1-10 сm. Medium-scale processes that occur on tor superficials are related to primary sedimentary structural-textural features of rocks and their lithological composition. Fractured paragenesis of the Sub-Carpathian and Anti-Carpathian directions dominate large-scale processes. Studies of the tor destruction processes are important to determine the preservation methods of the sandstone tor “Kamin`” as a valuable object of historical, cultural, and geotourism heritage. The obtained results indicate that individual tor blocks are strongly affected by superficial processes, on which deep polygenetic cracks are superimposed. This provides a basis to implement measures for strengthening the stability of the tor.

Використання комплексу газогрунтової зйомки та геофізичних досліджень у задачі окреслення території грязьового вулканізму в межах Розвадівської площі Львівської області

The purpose of the research was to substantiate the scientific basis behind the formation of a mud volcano within a specific section of the Precarpathian depression. It also aims to examine the existence of a near-fault shallow gas deposit in the Rozvadiv area and its possible impact on gas-soil surveying and electrometry fields. The relevance of the work is determined by the need to solve the ecological problem of environmental pollution with hydrocarbon gases, as well as to establish and forecast the degree of emissions of the gas-mud mixture. At the same time, the problem of the presence (or absence) of the relationship between the influence of the Rudnyk gas-prospecting area, which is impacted by drilling, and the Rozvadiv deposit mentioned above is solved by comparing the results of gas-soil and geophysical surveys on a significant territory covering the specified areas. The research methodology consists of the following: 1) application of research with different physical justifications (gas-soil survey and electrometry); 2) comparison of the survey results from the same area and the same grid of observations; 3) detection of anomalies within the studied territory and their interpretation from the point of view of the development of mud volcanism. Research results. The information basis of gasometry involves direct measurements of free gas in a observation regular system in the soil environment atmosphere, their statistical characteristics, and calculated indicators of gas contamination. Therefore, the gas distribution maps are informative. The applied research using the method of Earth’s natural pulsed electromagnetic field made it possible to differentiate the area according to the intensity degree of electromagnetic radiation, taking into account the different depths of the sources, and, thus, identify areas of stressed-strain state of rocks and qualify them by the causes. The scientific novelty lies in the following: 1) indicating the absence of connections between the massif impacted by drilling and a natural disaster; 2) specifying the causes of the natural disaster and its substantiated mechanism and classifying the event as a mud volcano. Practical significance. Interpretation of the obtained results makes it possible to determine the causes of the extraordinary geological event in the Rozvadiv area of the Lviv region, classify the event and its consequences as a manifestation of elements of mud volcanism, and establish the absence of a relationship between the specified event and man-made impact (drilling) of the geological environment in the neighbouring areas.

Тензор сейсмічного моменту та механізм вогнища землетрусу у Східній Словаччині 9 жовтня 2023 року

The accuracy of the focal mechanism solution mainly depends on the number of stations used and becomes problematic especially in the case of weak earthquakes and sparse networks. In our study, we retrieve the seismic moment tensor of the M=5 earthquake on 9 October 2023 (18:23:09 UTC, 21.783°E, 49.086°N, depth 11.5 km) in Eastern Slovakia from its records at only four seismic stations. Our seismic moment tensor inversion is based on the point source approach and the use of only direct waves calculated by the matrix method. Displacements on the surface of an elastic, horizontally-layered medium are generated using the frequency-wavenumber integration technique. The advantage of using only direct P- and S- waves in our inversion method is that they are less sensitive to path effects compared to reflected and converted waves, which reduces the impact of an inaccurate velocity structure and improves the accuracy and reliability of the result. Based on the forward modeling, a numerical technique was developed for the inversion of the observed waveforms for the components of the moment tensor M(t) using the generalized inversion solution. Before applying our method to the earthquake of October 9, 2023, it was also tested on the April 23, 2020 earthquake (23:18:26.42 UTC, 21.945°E, 48.781°N, magnitude M=5, depth 9 km), also in Eastern Slovakia, using data from only three stations. The resulting versions of the mechanism compare well with a very reliable version previously determined from the polarities of the first P-waves at a much larger number of stations, which only confirms the reliability of our inversion method and the very possibility of obtaining useful results from data of only limited number of stations.

Алгоритм визначення параметрів включення при розв’язуванні обернених задач геоелектророзвідки методом про

The paper aims to develop an algorithm for recognizing the physical and geometric parameters of inclusion, using indirect methods of boundary, near-boundary, and partially-boundary elements based on the data of the potential field. Methodology. The direct and inverse two-dimensional problems of the potential theory concerning geophysics were solved when modeling the earth's crust with a piecewise-homogeneous half-plane composed of a containing medium and inclusion that are an ideal contact. To construct the integral representation of the solution of the direct problem, a special fundamental solution for the half-plane (Green's function) of Laplace's equation, which automatically satisfies the zero-boundary condition of the second kind on the day surface, and a fundamental solution for inclusion were used. To find the intensities of unknown sources introduced in boundary, near-boundary, or partially-boundary elements, the collocation technique was used, i.e. the conditions of ideal contact are satisfied in the middle of each boundary element. After solving the obtained SLAE, the unknown potential in the medium and inclusion and the flow through their boundaries are found, considering that the medium and inclusion are considered as completely independent domains. Results. The computational experiment for the task of electric prospecting with a constant artificial field using the resistance method, in particular, electrical profiling, was carried out, while focusing on the physical and geometric interpretation of the data. Initial approximations for the electrical conductivity of the inclusion, its center of mass, orientation and dimensions are determined by the nature of the change in apparent resistivity. To solve the inverse problem two cascades of iterations are organized: the first one is to specify the location of the local heterogeneity and its approximate dimensions, the second one is to specify its shape and orientation in space. At the same time, the minimization of the functional considered on the section of the boundary, where an excess of boundary conditions is set, is carried out. Originality. The method of boundary integral equations is shown to be effective for constructing numerical solutions of direct and inverse problems of potential theory in a piecewise homogeneous half-plane, using indirect methods of boundary, near-boundary, and partial-boundary elements as variants. Practical significance. The proposed approach for solving the inverse problem of electrical exploration with direct current is effective because it allows fora step-by-step, "cascade" recognition of the shape, size, orientation, and electrical conductivity of the inclusion. We follow the principle of not using all the details of the model and not attempting to recognize parameters with little effect on the result, especially with imprecise initial approximations.

Глибинні геологічні моделі району надглибокої cвердловини Saatly DW-1 на основі комплексу геофізичних даних

The purpose of the article is to study the reasons for the failure to achieve the scientific and geological goals set for the ultra-deep well DW-1, drilled in the Saatli region of Azerbaijan. The analysis will focus on the existing deep models built for this region, which are deemed insufficient in reflecting the truth. The paper highlights the importance of adopting a new approach to the recently created deep model and its potential benefits to the scientific community.Methodology. The technique includes a detailed comprehensive analysis of the gravitational and magnetic fields in this region, the use of local magnetic anomalies to build a model of the deep geological structure utilizing data from deep seismic sounding (DSS) and the correlation method of refracted waves (CMRW). Results. The spatial position of effusive formations in the geological section was determined using the local anomaly of the geomagnetic field in the Saatly region. At the same time, the geometric dimensions of the volcanic body were chosen in such a way that the magnetic field created by it corresponded to the observed local magnetic field. Thus, a model of the geological section up to a depth of 15 km was developed, with the display of the spatial position of the volcanic formation. In this model, unlike the previous one, the spatial position of the volcanic formation in the vertical geological section is completely different. In the newly constructed model, it turns out that there is a separate volcanic formation in the area of the Saatly DW-1. And in the previous models, it was shown that the magma came here from the Muradhanly zone, located at a distance of 25-30 km. The boundaries of the crystalline foundation and the basalt layer in the area of the DW-1 in the zone of the volcanic body are not traced. The root of the volcano narrows and goes deep into the earth. At a depth of about 15 km, the magma-producing channel has a width of 1 km. Based on the established model, it was determined that the ultra-deep well DW-1 is located on the magma-producing channel of the volcano that existed here. From the analysis of the obtained model data, it turns out that the extension of the Saatly DW-1 to depth will not allow opening the consolidated crust (crystalline foundation) and basalt layer. Because, although these layers are closer to the earth's surface in the area of the DW-1, the active volcano here has destroyed these boundaries. Orginality. Seismic survey materials were used to study the deep structures of the region, gravimagnetic data on profiles with an observation step of 250 m, and a technique was applied to construct the spatial positions of effusive formations in the geological section. Scientific novelty. It has been established that the geomagnetic field of this region is formed from three main effects - the effect of the sedimentary complex, the effect of the thickness between the basement and Curie surfaces, and the effect of local manifestations of magmatism. The sum of the first two effects quite accurately corresponds to the regional background of the observed geomagnetic field. Local positive anomalies isolated from the observed field are associated with local heterogeneities - in this region with volcanogenic formations in the sedimentary complex. Practical significance. A new geological-geophysical model was created by determining the spatial position of effusive formations in the geological section near the Saatly DW-1 well using the local anomaly of the geomagnetic field. This model has real possibilities in the direction of installation of ultra-deep wells for the study of deep layers of the earth's crust.

Геологія та перспективи вуглеводнів у перехідній зоні мілководдя Апшеронського родовища

The Apsheron field area presents the most promising prospect within the Shallow Water Transition Zone of the Apsheron archipelago across all potential reservoir levels. This assessment aims to identify the exploration potential of the area and the associated new business opportunities. The region encompasses water depths ranging from 10 to 20 meters. Methodologically, we utilized available new seismic data, evaluated reference well data, and considered other geological factors within the Petrel program. Individual recoverable resource volumes per reservoir layer were calculated using the Monte Carlo program. The total consolidated resource volume of the Productive Series in the entire Bank-Apsheron area is 80.3 million barrels (MMBBL). Additionally, the consolidated resource volumes for the Mesozoic across the entire Bank-Apsheron area amount to 21.4 MMBBL. Specifically, the Gosha Dash area accounts for 16.1 MMBBL of the consolidated resource volumes. Notably, this area remains undrilled. The Gosha Dash structure is viewed as a potential target for field extension, contributing to the remaining exploration potential of Bank-Apsheron and West-Apsheron. The Mesozoic deposit within this area has been identified via 2D seismic data at approximately 2000 meters depth. Consequently, this section of the structure is not categorized solely for exploration purposes but also serves as an appraisal and development target for future wells.

On the distribution of tangential mass forces in the Earth's lithosphere

The study aims to determine and interpret the distribution of the global tangential mass force (TMF) vector field by azimuthal orientation and intensity. Using cluster and correlation analysis, we compared the direction of the TMF vector field with the direction of movement of permanent GNSS stations and the direction of movement of the GSRM model continental velocities from the Global Strain Rate Map Project. Methodology. The author continues their study of additional planetary stresses in the lithosphere caused by distributed mass forces. The forces in question may be linked to the repositioning of the Earth's lithosphere, which can create stresses aimed at aligning the distribution of lithospheric masses with the geoid's figure. This repositioning happens through the mechanism of gravitational forces and the principle of minimum potential energy. The presence of a deviation of the plum line from the normal to the surface of the solid Earth determines the appearance of TMF acting in the upper shell of the Earth. It is proposed to calculate the amplitudes and directions of the vectors of such TMF based on data regarding the difference in the parameters of two global ellipsoids that approximate the physical surface of the lithosphere and the geoid. Originality. For the modern era, the value of the angle of rotation between the smallest axis of the ellipsoid approximating the surface of the lithosphere and the axis of rotation of the Earth is 2.6°. The distribution of the TMF vector field is consistent with the contours of the continents, i.e., the arrows of the vectors indicate the directions of lateral movement of tectonic plates and the movement of continents during the Earth's evolution. As a result of the change in the orientation of the ellipsoid describing the lithosphere, an updated field of potential horizontal forces is formed, which, by the conservation of the momentum of motion, move lithospheric masses and generate stresses and deformations in the lithospheric shell. Since the TMF has different directions and intensities, a cluster analysis of the TMF distribution was performed. It revealed certain regularities in the distribution of these parameters. We also compared the directions of the TMF vector field with the directions of movement of permanent GNSS stations and the directions of movement of model velocities of the continents of the GSRM (digital model of the tensor field of the global velocity gradient). Scientific novelty. The study detailed the peculiarities of the connection between the directions of the TMF vector field, the directions of movement of permanent GNSS stations, and the ones of the model velocities of the GSRM continents. Studies of the TMF, which arise as a result of the reorientation of the thin solid shell of our planet, have shown that a deformation field of shear is formed on its surface. In our opinion, this is one of the likely factors of the process that triggers global movements of lithospheric blocks. As a result, the shape of the lithosphere is transformed, which is characterized by a change in the size of the axes of the ellipsoids describing the surface of the lithosphere and their orientation. Practical significance. The research results make it possible to more reliably interpret the peculiarities of the TMF distribution. These forces can trigger mechanisms for discharging accumulated stresses, which is important for studying seismicity.

Determination of horizontal deformation of the Earth`s crust on the territory of Ukraine based on GNSS measurements

The purpose of research is to identify horizontal deformation of the Ukraine territory, using only proven and suitable for geodynamic interpretation GNSS stations. The initial data are observations from 30 GNSS stations for 2017 to 2020. Methodology. The methodology includes the analysis of modern Earth's crust deformations of Ukraine. As a result, for the first time the impact of the coordinates time series created by two different methods: Precise Point Positioning (PPP) and the classical differential method, on determining deformation processes was analysed. It was established that nowadays for the tasks of monitoring, including geodynamic, it is necessary to use the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) method, because the accuracy of determined velocities of the GNSS stations by this method was higher than in the classical differential method. Results. A map of horizontal Earth's crust deformations on the territory of Ukraine was created according to the coordinates time series of GNSS stations. The extension areas of Shepetivka-Starokostiantyniv Khmelnytsky region, Boryspil- Pryluky-Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky Kyiv and Chernihiv region, as well as a compression area of the Earth's crust in Nizhyn - Stepovi Khutory - Kozelets of Chernihiv region was identified. Additionally, a map of horizontal displacements of the GNSS-stations was created, where the diverse of these displacements was observed, which is likely to be caused by the presence of modern subvertical and sub-horizontal faults and fault areas. For better interpretation of the obtained results, it is necessary to involve geological and geophysical data of tectonic activity of the Ukraine territory.
