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Estimated impacts of forest restoration scenarios on smoke exposures among outdoor agricultural workers in California

As wildfires continue to worsen across western United States, forest managers are increasingly employing prescribed burns as a way to reduce excess fuels and future wildfire risk. While the ecological benefits of these fuel treatments are clear, little is known about the smoke exposure tradeoffs of using prescribed burns to mitigate wildfires, particularly among at-risk populations. Outdoor agricultural workers are a population at increased risk of smoke exposure because of their time spent outside and the physical demands of their work. Here, we assess the smoke exposure impacts among outdoor agricultural workers resulting from the implementation of six forest management scenarios proposed for a landscape in the Central Sierra, California. We leverage emissions estimates from LANDIS-II to model daily PM2.5 concentrations with the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model (HYSPLIT) and link those to agricultural employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. We find a u-shaped result, in that moderate amounts of prescribed burning result in the greatest reduction in total smoke exposure among outdoor agricultural workers, particularly during months of peak agricultural activity due to wildfire-specific smoke reductions. The reduction in total smoke exposure, relative to scenarios with the least amount of management, decreases as more prescribed burning is applied to the landscape due to the contributions of the fuel treatments themselves to overall smoke burden. The results of this analysis may contribute to preparedness efforts aimed at reducing smoke exposures among outdoor agricultural workers, while also informing forest management planning for this specific landscape.

Open Access
<scp>US</scp>‐based and international environmental nongovernmental organizations use social media, but few have large audiences online

AbstractSocial media plays an outsized role in information dissemination, issue mobilization, and public influence. For environmental nongovernmental organizations (“eNGOs”), social media plays a critical role in fundraising and inspiring engaged audiences using rich media and punchy taglines. Yet, there is little to no accounting of whether and how eNGOs have adopted social media, limiting analyses of how eNGOs are leveraging social media to develop effective communication strategies and campaigns. We analyzed the social media presence of over 100 eNGOs. We evaluated which platforms are used by eNGOs and differences between them in terms of their visibility on social media. 88%–97% of the eNGOs in our sample use four out of the five leading social media platforms. There were marked differences across eNGOs and platforms in terms of public visibility, represented by the number of followers. eNGOs focusing on advocacy, aquatic environments, and species conservation had significantly larger numbers of followers. Our findings indicate that conservation can make more headway on newer, more visually‐oriented platforms that also have stronger youth traction. We use our analyses to identify which eNGOs have much larger followings on social media than expected. These leaders can provide lessons on how eNGOs can enhance their social media impact.

Open Access
Organelle stress and alterations in interorganelle crosstalk during liver fibrosis.

The synchronous functioning and quality control of organelles ensure cell survival and function and are essential for maintaining homeostasis. Prolonged exposure to stressors (viruses, bacteria, parasitic infections, alcohol, drugs) or genetic mutations often disrupt the functional integrity of organelles which plays a critical role in the initiation and progression of several diseases including chronic liver diseases. One of the most important pathologic consequences of chronic liver diseases is liver fibrosis, characterized by tissue scarring due to the progressive accumulation of extracellular matrix components. Left untreated, fibrosis may advance to life-threatening complications such as cirrhosis, hepatic decompensation, and HCC, which collectively accounts for ∼1 million deaths per year worldwide. Owing to the lack of treatment options that can regress or reverse cirrhosis, liver transplantation is currently the only available treatment for end-stage liver disease. However, the limited supply of usable donor organs, adverse effects of lifelong immunosuppressive regimes, and financial considerations pose major challenges and limit its application. Hence, effective therapeutic strategies are urgently needed. An improved understanding of the organelle-level regulation of fibrosis can help devise effective antifibrotic therapies focused on reducing organelle stress, limiting organelle damage, improving interorganelle crosstalk, and restoring organelle homeostasis; and could be a potential clinical option to avoid transplantation. This review provides a timely update on the recent findings and mechanisms covering organelle-specific dysfunctions in liver fibrosis, highlights how correction of organelle functions opens new treatment avenues and discusses the potential challenges to clinical application.

Contrasting heat stress response patterns of coral holobionts across the Red Sea suggest distinct mechanisms of thermal tolerance.

Corals from the northern Red Sea, in particular the Gulf of Aqaba (GoA), have exceptionally high bleaching thresholds approaching >5℃ above their maximum monthly mean (MMM) temperatures. These elevated thresholds are thought to be due to historical selection, as corals passed through the warmer Southern Red Sea during recolonization from the Arabian Sea. To test this hypothesis, we determined thermal tolerance thresholds of GoA versus central Red Sea (CRS) Stylophora pistillata corals using multi-temperature acute thermal stress assays to determine thermal thresholds. Relative thermal thresholds of GoA and CRS corals were indeed similar and exceptionally high (~7℃ above MMM). However, absolute thermal thresholds of CRS corals were on average 3℃ above those of GoA corals. To explore the molecular underpinnings, we determined gene expression and microbiome response of the coral holobiont. Transcriptomic responses differed markedly, with a strong response to the thermal stress in GoA corals and their symbiotic algae versus a remarkably muted response in CRS colonies. Concomitant to this, coral and algal genes showed temperature-induced expression in GoA corals, while exhibiting fixed high expression (front-loading) in CRS corals. Bacterial community composition of GoA corals changed dramatically under heat stress, whereas CRS corals displayed stable assemblages. We interpret the response of GoA corals as that of a resilient population approaching a tipping point in contrast to a pattern of consistently elevated thermal resistance in CRS corals that cannot further attune. Such response differences suggest distinct thermal tolerance mechanisms that may affect the response of coral populations to ocean warming.

Open Access