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Produksi Madu dan Identifikasi Tumbuhan Sumber Pakan Lebah Kelulut Heterotrigona itama pada Meliponikultur di Desa Padang Panjang

-Produksi madu adalah jumlah madu yang dihasilkan lebah. Produksi madu oleh lebah kelulut Heterotrigona itama sangat dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan sumber makanan. Sumber makanan lebah H.itama adalah nektar, serbuk sari dan resin pada tumbuhan. Salah satu budidaya lebah kelulut H.itama atau meliponikultur di Kalimantan Selatan terdapat di Desa Padang Panjang, Kecamatan Karang Intan, Kabupaten Banjar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis jenis tanaman sumber makanan lebah kelulut, mengetahui produksi madu, dan mendeskripsikan kondisi lingkungan meliputi suhu, kelembaban dan kecepatan angin pada budidaya meliponi di Desa Padang Panjang. Prosedur penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu 1) menganalisis tanaman sumber makanan lebah kelulut H.itama dengan menggunakan kombinasi metode purposive sampling dan nesting plot, 2) menghitung produksi madu lebah kelulut H.itama dan 3) mendeskripsikan kondisi lingkungan termasuk suhu , kelembaban, dan kecepatan angin dalam budidaya meliponi di Desa Padang Panjang. Tanaman sumber makanan lebah H.itama pada budidaya meliponi di Desa Padang Panjang berjumlah 20 jenis tanaman dari 16 famili. Produksi madu lebah H.itama pada budidaya meliponi di Desa Padang Panjang pada bulan Oktober 2023, November 2023, Desember 2023 dan Januari 2024 berkisar antara 49,6 ml/stup sampai dengan 136,7 ml/stup. Kondisi lingkungan di lokasi penelitian untuk suhu, kelembaban udara, dan kecepatan angin masing-masing sebesar 28,3-31,9ºC, 65-70%, dan 4,4-5,7 mph.

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Open Access
Herb-Fortified Arabica Cascara Infusion as a Functional Beverage

Cascara is a product derived from the drying of Arabica coffee pulp. It has potential as a functional beverage with health benefits. This study aims to produce a functional beverage from cascara and analyze its organoleptic properties, phytochemical content, antioxidant activity, total polyphenols, and caffeine content of cascara infusion fortified with medicinal plants. The methods utilized in this study included drying, grinding, and sieving, as well as the formulation of cascara with lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) and kaffir lime peel (Citrus hystrix) fortificants. The formulations included V1 (C : S = 75% : 25%); V2 (C : J = 75% : 25%); V3 (C : S : J = 50% : 25% : 25%); and V4 (C : S : J = 75% : 12,5% : 12,5%). The analysis included organoleptic evaluation, cascara brewing temperature and time optimization, gravimetric method moisture content evaluation, pH measurement, phytochemical content evaluation, DPPH method antioxidant activity assay, Folin-Ciocalteu method total polyphenol content measurement, and UV-Vis spectrophotometry caffeine content evaluation. The hedonic test results indicated that the most preferred sample was V1, with a score of 3.90 out of 5.00. Moisture content analysis showed that cascara contains 13.36 ± 0.0007% moisture, lemongrass stalks 11.10 ± 0.0043%, and kaffir lime peel 7.63 ± 0.0004%. The pH of all variants had met the standard with a range of 4.18 ± 0.05 - 4.24 ± 0.08. The phytochemical analysis indicated that the control variable of cascara infusion (C) and V2 contained alkaloids, phenolics, and tannins. Meanwhile, V1 contained alkaloids, phenolics, tannins, and terpenoids. All cascara infusion variants contains antioxidant activity ranged between 78,25 ± 0,25 - 79,50 ± 0,63%; total polyphenol 494,25 – 1.500 mg GAE/100g; and caffeine content 392,53 – 409,53 mg/100g. In conclusion, the study found that cascara infusion V1 was the most preferred by taste testers, and all the infusions were rich in antioxidants and other beneficial compounds.

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Open Access
Production Of Ready-To-Drink Cascara Kombucha Fortified With Coconut Water (Cocos Nucifera L.) and Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus Polyrhizus)

Cascara is coffee pulp which contains caffeine, chlorogenic acid and phenolic compounds, but has not been utilised optimally. Cascara can be processed into ready-to-drink cascara kombucha products, which are beneficial for the body. This research aims to determine the effect of adding coconut water (Cocos nucifera L.) and red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) on the alcohol content, total phenolics, caffeine, minerals, antioxidant activity and sensory hedonic content of ready-to-drink cascara kombucha. This research method was carried out in 3 stages including optimizing fermentation time and SCOBY starter concentration based on pH value; fortification ratio optimization; and product analysis includes alcohol content by dichromate method, total phenolics by Folin-Ciocalteu method, caffeine by UV-VIS spectrophotometry method, minerals by AAS spectrophotometry method, antioxidant activity by DPPH method, and sensory hedonic. The research results showed that the best time was 12 days, pH value 3.42 at 10% SCOBY starter concentration. The ratio of cascara kombucha : fortificant is 1:1 resulting in an alcohol content of 0.23-0.43%. The highest levels for total phenolics, caffeine, and minerals were 656.32 mg/kg; 35.53 ppm; and 732.83 mg/100g respectively. The highest antioxidant activity was obtained from the red dragon fruit fortified cascara kombucha product with a yield of 89.69%. The highest color and aroma attributes were obtained from the cascara kombucha product fortified with a mixture of coconut water and red dragon fruit, while the highest value for the taste attribute was obtained from the cascara kombucha product fortified with red dragon fruit.

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Open Access
Struktur Koloni Dan Bentuk Sarang Lebah Kelulut Heterotrigona itama Mendukung Praktik Meliponikultur Berkelanjutan Di Desa Padang Panjang

Penelitian ini menganalisis struktur koloni dan bentuk sarang lebah kelulutHeterotrigona itama untuk mendukung praktik meliponikultur berkelanjutan di Desa PadangPanjang, Kabupaten Banjar. Sampel lebah diambil dari kebun karet dan cempedak kemudiandiawetkan. Struktur koloni dianalisis berdasarkan parameter warna, sifat fisik, jumlah koloni,serta aktivitas keluar masuk sarang. Pengamatan dilakukan pukul 10.00–11.00. Aktivitas keluarmasuk lebah banyak didapati di kebun cempedak. Pintu masuk berbentuk corong di kebun karetdengan diameter ±3,1 cm lebih besar dibandingkan di kebun cempedak sekitar ±0,6 cm. Rata-ratapanjang corong di kebun karet adalah ±4,3 cm, lebih panjang dibandingkan di kebun cempedak±2,6 cm. Warna corong umumnya kuning kecoklatan 60% di kebun cempedak. Jumlah pot madudi kebun karet sebanyak ±25 pot, lebih banyak dibandingkan kebun cempedak. Volume pot madudi kebun karet ±4,1 ml/pot, lebih sedikit dibanding kebun cempedak. Volume log berbentuksilinder di kebun karet ±7,8 liter, lebih rendah dibandingkan di kebun cempedak. Rata-rata volume ukuran topping adalah ±11,2 liter di kebun karet, lebih besar dibanding di kebun cempedak. Rata-rata jarak sarang dari sumber air di kebun karet 10,4 m lebih jauh dibanding kebun cempedak sekitar ±9,4 m. Struktur koloni lebah H.itama sangat kompleks dan dinamis. Mereka hidup dalam kelompok, dengan masing-masing memainkan peran yang berbeda dalam produksi madu dan propolis.

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Open Access
Yogurt Susu Kambing Etawa (Capra aegagrus hircus) dengan Penambahan Daging Buah Alpukat (Persea americana mill.) Sebagai Minuman Fungsional

Yogurt is a drink resulting from fermented milk using lactic acid bacteria. Yogurt production using Etawa goat's milk (Capra aegagrus hircus) was chosen because its nutritional content is quite good and low in lactose. The addition of avocado (Persea americana mill.) flesh to yogurt is expected to increase antioxidant activity and vitamin E levels. This research aims to produce goat's milk yogurt with the addition of avocado flesh as a functional drink that is liked by consumers, has antioxidant activity, and has high levels of high total phenolics and rich in vitamin E. The method used in this research includes the production of yogurt without the addition of avocado flesh as a control yogurt and yogurt with the addition of avocado in various variants. Then sensory analysis was carried out using the hedonic test, analysis of total phenolic content using the Follin-Cicocalteu method, analysis of antioxidant activity using the DPPH method and analysis of vitamin E levels using a spectrometer. The research results showed that the control yogurt was white in color, in the form of a thick, semi-solid liquid, had a distinctive smell, a sour taste, a homogeneous consistency and had a pH value of 4.3–4.8. The results of the sensory analysis test of yogurt with the addition of 20% avocado flesh (Y1) was the product most preferred by the panelists based on the color and aroma attributes, while for the texture and taste attributes the panelists preferred 40% (Y2). The total phenolic compound, antioxidant activity, and vitamin E test results of goat's milk yogurt reached 91.2%, the more avocado flesh was added, the yogurt with the addition of avocado flesh increased significantly with the addition of avocado pulp concentration

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Open Access
Karakteristik dan Komposisi Minyak Atsiri dari Sampel Gabungan Daun-Ranting Limau Kuit Asal Astambul dan Aranio

Limau kuit is believed to be a local orange from South Kalimantan. Limau kuit has a distinctive aroma different from other oranges and is thought from its essential oil. The essential oil from limau kuit has the potential to be extracted and produced into valuable goods. Limau kuit essential oil from a combination of leaves and twigs has never been reported before. The composition of essential oils is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. The region producing limau kuit in Kabupaten Banjar is in Kecamatan Astambul and Kecamatan Aranio. These places geographically have different conditions, especially the altitude of the location, so it is thought to have a difference in the essential oils. This research aims to obtain essential oil from the leaves and twigs of limau kuit by hydrosteam distillation and determine the characteristics and composition of each plant's origin. Hydrosteam distillation was carried out for 6 hours at 60-70 °C. The essential oil of leaves and twigs of limau kuit is transparent pale yellow and has an aroma similar to the source with an average yield of 0.6027% (v/w) or 0.5062% (w/w). The specific gravity, refractive index, optical rotation, and solubility in alcohol, respectively, of Astambul essential oil are 0.8540; 1.4792; (-14.05); and 1:6; and Aranio 0.8495; 1.4792; (+)0.16, and 1:7. Based on the results of GC-MS analysis, the components of Astambul and Aranio essential oils overall tend to be the same with a difference of 25%. Number of compounds in essential oil from Astambul was 32, while from Aranio was 38. The three main compounds in essential oils from Astambul and Aranio are g-terpinene, o-cymene, and (+)-bicyclogermacrene, with the respective %area in Astambul essential oil, was 25%; 13.22%, and 6.38%; and Aranio was 22.43%; 11.68%; and 5.88%.KEYWORD : Limau kuit leaves-twigs; essential oil; hydrosteam distillation; Astambul; Aranio.

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Open Access
Analisis Data Well Logging Untuk Mengetahui Lapisan Akuifer Sumur Bor Di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan, Kalimantan Selatan

This research aims to analyze well logging data to determine the aquifer layer of drilled wells in Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency, South Kalimantan. This information is very important for sustainably developing groundwater resources in the region. This research uses well logging data collected from various sources, including resistivity, gamma rays, and spontaneous potential logs. These data are then analyzed using various techniques such as correlation analysis, log interpretation charts, and software to identify aquifer zones based on their characteristic log responses. The analysis succeeded in identifying potential aquifer layers in the wells studied. Aquifers are characterized by resistivity, gamma rays, and lithology. Based on the results of the analysis using WellCad data, four types of rock were obtained, namely: weathered rock (top soil), sand, clay, and sandy clay. Demonstrates the effectiveness of well logging data analysis in identifying and characterizing aquifer layers. Based on these results, it is known that the distribution of confined aquifers and unconfined aquifers has water-carrying properties. So overall it can be concluded that Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency has quite large deep groundwater potential because there are many layers of sand.KEYWORDS: Well logging; aquifer; groundwater; Hulu Sungai Selatan; South Kalimantan.

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Open Access
Rancang Bangun Generator Termoelektrik Dengan Metode Efek Seebeck Sebagai Alternatif Pembangkit Energi Listrtik

One of the alternative technologies for generating electrical energy is a thermoelectric generator using the Seebeck effect method. This study aims to determine the effect of measuring angles and distances on the value of the Seebeck coefficient. This design consists of six peltier type TEC1-12706 in series and parallel, two digital multimeters to read voltage and current given a 10 ohm resistor, two DS18B20 sensors. waterproof to read the temperature from both sides of the thermoelectric with an aluminum plate on the hot side and a heatsink equipped with a 12 volt dc fan on the cold side, 20 x 4 character LCD, SD card module, RTC module and Arduino UNO R3 microcontroller. Tool temperature is made to get the comparison results obtained with an average error value with a range of 200C -100 0C of 1.330C sensor 1 and 1.150C sensor 2 and seen from the standard error value of the statistical test comparison of measuring instruments is 0.04 and 0.06. The design that has been made uses the Arduino IDE program to program and display data on the LCD and the RTC and SD card modules are used to display data in real time and store temperature data in the form of a notepad. Based on measurements of the thermoelectric output value with an angle of 600,900,1200,1500 and 1800 and distances of 5, 10, 15 and 20 cm using the heat source of the ironing elements positioned from the top, bottom and sides. The thermoelectric can produce a voltage of 0.22910 V and a current of 0.01238 A. The heater position from the side is connected in series and 0.05450 V, the current is 0.00261 A from the bottom in parallel which is obtained from the best angle of 600 at adistance of 5 cm.

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Open Access