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Digital Divide among Various Streams of College Students: A Survey of Government Degree College Anantnag, J&K-India

With the evolution of Digital Media, Libraries and Information Centres are flooded with Digital Information. With the burgeoning of the infrastructure in information industry, the complexity in the digital environment has diversified consequently the users are experienced with diverse and profuse information abundance in their academic pursuits. Also, in the Digital information environment, increasingly information comes to users in unfiltered formats, raising questions about its authenticity, validity and reliability. This uncertain quality and expanding quantity of information poses a large challenge to society. To, address this malady, the Information Literacy comes into picture, which is a set of abilities to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use effectively the needed information. The study attempts to investigate the Information Literacy levels among the Students of selected Institute of higher learning. As the study is a survey based research, questionnaire method was adopted for data collection. A well structured questionnaire was framed after due consultation with the experts in the field both offline as well as online, for collecting primary data from the target population. The major findings of the study reveal that majority of the students are not well versed with the concept of information literacy. Keywords : Digital Information, Digital Media, Information Literacy, Under-graduate Students, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Library and Information Centres (LICs). Cite this Article Shabir Ahmad, Bilal Ahmad Dar, Javed Ahmad Lone. Digital Divide among Various Streams of College Students: A Survey of Government Degree College Anantnag, J&K-India. Journal of Advancements in Library Sciences. 2020; 7(1): 76–82p.
