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Public service performance in the distribution of cash assistance for female heads of poor households in Semarang City

Background: This paper discusses the performance of public services in the distribution of direct cash assistance (BLT) for female heads of poor households in Semarang City, focusing on the aspects of planning, implementation, and program impact. Methods: The research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the BLT program, evaluate solutions to challenges faced, and formulate recommendations for sustainable improvement. Findings: The research results show that thorough and responsive planning, transparent implementation, and innovative solutions can enhance public service performance. The BLT program has a positive impact on empowering female heads of households through economic strengthening and active participation. Semarang City has successfully created a model of successful public service, providing hope for a higher quality future for female heads of households. Conclusion: Recommendations include increasing digital literacy and evaluating gender-responsive policies to support inclusive and sustainable development. Novelty/Originality of this Study: The study uniquely highlights the specific challenges and successes in the distribution of Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) to female heads of poor households in Semarang City, emphasizing the importance of gender-responsive policies and the empowerment of women. Its originality lies in its detailed focus on planning, implementation, and impact analysis, providing a model for improving public service performance in similar urban settings.

Open Access
Representation of feminine symbols in filter cigarette products

Background: Today, cigarettes are used as a consumer product by both men and women. In the past, smoking was often associated with its use by men. Over time, cigarette consumption has shifted culturally, with women becoming consumers of cigarettes with designs that emphasize elegance and a shift in consumer base. The tobacco industry adapted and began to release products aimed specifically at women, such as cigarettes with slimmer filters and more feminine packaging designs. This article discusses the changing role of filter cigarettes, which were originally associated as a symbol of femininity and are now increasingly used by men. Methods: The method used in this research is a literature study that collects, analyzes, and evaluates various relevant literature sources. Findings: This article illustrates how filter cigarettes have changed the representation of femininity and masculinity in tobacco consumption culture. Filter cigarettes were originally designed and promoted as a product that emphasized elegance, grace, and feminine imagery. However, filter cigarette consumption has shifted significantly over time, and more and more men are adopting filter cigarette products. Conclusion: Cigarette use is also influenced by the trend of e-cigarettes and the influence of social media on cigarette marketing which may lead to an increase in the number of female smokers. Novelty/Originality of this Study: This study investigates the symbolic representation of femininity in filter cigarettes, elucidating how the tobacco industry strategically employs gendered marketing to appeal to female consumers. By examining the evolution of these marketing strategies and their effects on gender norms and consumer behavior, the research offers a distinctive perspective on the intersection of gender and tobacco advertising.

Open Access
Exploration of child bullying cases and school-based anti-bullying interventions and community empowerment in Semarang City

Background: Education plays a crucial role in shaping the success of a nation, both in academic aspects and character development. This research explores the factors contributing to bullying, encompassing individual, family, school, and social environment aspects. Methods: Using a qualitative approach through literature review, data were collected from various sources related to bullying in Indonesia, such as scientific journals, books, and official documents. The sample was purposively selected to represent the bullying conditions in Indonesia. Content analysis was used to identify patterns and trends. Findings: The findings indicate a weak correlation between age and bullying potential, highlighting the importance of a holistic approach involving the entire school community. Collaborative-based intervention methods were identified as effective intervention strategies. This study also provides insights into verbal bullying and body shaming. Conclusion: the research lies in its in-depth exploration of the bullying phenomenon among Indonesian teenagers, particularly at the junior and senior high school levels, considering the unique cultural and social context. Novelty/Originality of this Study: this research includes elementary school levels, offering a comprehensive analysis of the influence of social media and family dynamics, and providing unique insights for the development of policies and intervention programs in Indonesia.

Open Access
Implementation of bureaucratic reforms to support public services for disabled groups in Central Java

Background: This research aims to conduct a study of the implementation of bureaucratic reform related to public services, especially the disability group. Bureaucratic reform is aimed at making changes both in terms of institutional aspects, governance, human resources and legal regulations to realize a bureaucratic agenda that improves the welfare of the disabled community. One of the agendas for implementing bureaucratic reform is to improve the quality of public services. Public services for people with disabilities are one manifestation of state services to meet their needs which have been neglected. Currently, the quality of public services is felt to be unsatisfactory with many complaints about the quality of public services provided by local governments and institutional ministries for people with disabilities. Improving the quality of public services is carried out by synchronizing various aspects by improving the quality of implementing apparatus and forming adaptive organizations so that they can produce innovation to anticipate developments in the needs of marginalized groups. Methods: The method used in this research is to conduct a literature review and analyze secondary data, both quantitative and qualitative, obtained from previous research or from documentation or publications. Findings: From the results of the analysis, it is found that implementing bureaucratic reform is the best way to improve the quality of public services which can not only serve current conditions but can also adapt to developmental needs which results in public service innovation. Conclusion: This research also found that the quality received by disability groups was still low. Novelty/Originality of this Study: Its examination of bureaucratic reforms specifically aimed at enhancing public services for disabled groups in Central Java uniquely addresses the intersection of governance, institutional changes, and the specific needs of marginalized groups. Additionally, it emphasizes adaptive organizations and service innovation to improve accessibility and inclusivity.

Open Access
Representation of Indonesian women politicians (Media analysis to G30S PKI incident coverage from 1965 to 2015)

Background: The G30S/PKI incident that occurred in 1965 is known for the murder of six generals by the PKI (Indonesian Communist Party). The “New Order” (Orba) regime under Suharto carried out the extermination of hundreds of PKI members and supporters, imprisoning thousands of people, including members of Gerwani and those who were neither PKI nor Gerwani members, due to biases and assumptions. Since the Reformation era of 1998, many historical facts about G30S/PKI have been questioned by the public. Over the past 50 years, issues related to G30S/PKI have fluctuated in media coverage. Today, the representation of female politicians cannot be separated from the negative memories of the tragedy and the militant image of Gerwani. Methods: The research questions are: How consistent is media reporting when covering the same issue in different political contexts? How does the media, as a means of value socialization, influence the collective memory of society regarding women's activities in politics?. The research is conducted using content analysis of a national newspaper from 1965 to 2015 to examine the visibility of Gerwani-related issues over time. Discourse analysis is also used to explore the role and position of Gerwani. Findings: The results indicate that the media tends to side with the dominant group, namely the rulers, and does not voice the interests of weaker groups. Women's interests are framed and represented through the perspective of men. Conclusion: In this context, female politicians receive more appreciation from society when they do not emphasize militant methods in advocating their ideas but instead focus on a caring approach. Novelty/Originality of this Study: The originality of this study lies in its focus on the evolving portrayal of Gerwani over different political eras and its examination of the media's role in shaping collective memory and gender biases. It uniquely integrates the political economy of communication, collective memory, and feminist perspectives to explore how media representation impacts societal views on women in politics.

Open Access
Peran BPBD kota Semarang dalam penyediaan pelayanan korban bencana bagi penyandang disabilitas

The purpose of writing a paper on the role of the government (BPBD) in providing disaster victim services for people with disabilities is to change the mindset of society that disabilities are one of the main vulnerable groups to be saved when a disaster occurs. BPBD needs to work together with related parties, including organizations of people with disabilities. , to map and identify people with disabilities in their area. This is important to ensure that emergency services can be tailored to individual needs. It is an important role for BPBD to involve the wider community in disaster planning, including people with disabilities and their families. This can help understand specific needs and adapt emergency response plans. BPBD can play a role in designing and building disability-friendly infrastructure in its area. This includes accessible evacuation routes, public facilities that can be used by all, and providing information in a format that is accessible to everyone. The benefits of holding training with people with disabilities will have a direct impact on improving social quality in society and have a good impact on Public Services based on real conditions in the field (evidence based), tolerance for disabilities for a peaceful society, as well as increasing the readiness of the community and people with disabilities in facing disasters. The role of this service will certainly encourage the implementation of disaster response character building by prioritizing vulnerable groups which is generally the benchmark in Indonesia, especially the implementation of the provision of public facilities for groups of people with disabilities which is currently being planned and implemented. Apart from that, it is believed that the implementation of this service should also encourage investors to continue investing in the peaceful development of this country, safe from all disasters that occur. Keywords: The Role of the Government (BPBD) in Disaster Victim Services for the Disabled.

Open Access
Kontinuitas tradisi breast ironing dalam komunitas imigran Kamerun di Inggris

The practice of breast ironing is one of many traditions in the world whose practice is based on the mindset that women's sexuality is something that must be controlled. This paper is intended to answer the question that is central to the author's research, namely: "Why do African immigrant communities in the UK continue the tradition of breast ironing when it is so risky?" To understand the context underlying the beliefs and practices of African immigrant women in the UK, the author adopts the ideas of Black African Feminism (BAF) by A La Awa Thiam. BAF argues that the history of colonialism has influenced the reinforcement of patriarchal ideologies and gender dynamics in Africa. BAF seeks to raise issues related to family life such as domestic violence, FGM, early marriage, polygamy, women's reproductive rights, women's inheritance rights, and HIV/AIDS. The continuity of the breast ironing tradition in the Cameroonian immigrant community in the UK is influenced by the socio-cultural context embedded in the community and the unsuccessful cultural adaptation that occurs between the minority community (Cameroonian immigrants) and the dominant community (local community). The efforts that can be made to stop this tradition are to build awareness within the community itself, in this case, the role of civil society organizations and NGOs is crucial.

Open Access
Pemanfaatan fasilitas bus rapit transit (BRT) Semarang bagi penyandang disabilitas

Utilization of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) facilities for people with disabilities is an important aspect in efforts to create public transportation that is inclusive and friendly to diverse communities. This research aims to analyze the extent to which BRT facilities can be utilized by people with disabilities and identify the challenges and opportunities faced in the utilization process. This research method involves field surveys, interviews, and qualitative data analysis. The research results show that although several BRT facilities have been designed taking into account the needs of people with disabilities, there are still obstacles in their use. Some of these obstacles include stop accessibility, bus stop designs that are not fully disability-friendly, as well as a lack of understanding and awareness on the part of BRT managers and general users regarding the needs of people with disabilities. On the other hand, this research also identified several opportunities to increase the use of BRT facilities by people with disabilities, including through the development of information and communication technology, active involvement of people with disabilities in the planning and evaluation process of facilities, as well as increasing training for BRT operators and officers in serving passengers. with special needs. It is hoped that this research can contribute to the development of more inclusive public transportation policies and planning, ensuring that BRT facilities not only meet technical standards but are truly accessible and utilized by all levels of society, including people with disabilities.

Open Access