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Evaluation of different food plants and Feeding Preference of Chrysocoris stolli Wolf (Heteroptera –Pentatomidae –Scutelleridae)

Insecta is the largest class of phylum arthropods and members of this class are characterized by the presence of three pairs of legs; hence, called Hexapods, Besides, these tracheae organisms have usually one or two pairs of wings. Insects always have been associated with mankind in one way or the other as some of them are beneficial other are pests of crops and house hold articles. Chrysocoris stolli Wolf (Heteroptera- Pentatomidae-Scutellerinae): Chrysocoris stolli is a polyphagous phytosuccivorous bug found infesting many foods plants as mentioned in introduction chapter. To know the food preference experiments were conducted in laboratory. For this purpose, adults as well as nymphs were exposed to different parts of each host plants kept in wooden wire gauge cage. This experiment is showed that adults and nymphs fed only on the leaves, seed and inflorescence of food plants. Among a large number of food plants, ten plants were selected to know the preferential feeding of the bug population. The selected plants were Litchi chinensis, Croton bonplandianus, Adhotoda vessica, Croton sparisiflorum, Pannisetium typhoides (Bajra), Brassica compestries, Mangifera indica, Parthenium, Zizyphus mauritiana (Indian jujube), Cassia occidentalies. Then 25 adults and 25 nymphs of C.stolli were released in the cage having food plant parts after two, four and six hours. Then, the number of bugs was counted on each host plant part and noted.

Nanotechnology a recent approach in Plant Disease Management: a review

Every year, 20%–40% of harvests are lost because of plant nuisances and pathogens. Existing plant sickness the executives depends prevalently on poisonous pesticides that are possibly unsafe to people and nature. Nanotechnology can offer points of interest to pesticides, such as decreasing poisonousness, improving the timeframe of realistic usability, and expanding the solvency of ineffectively water-dissolvable pesticides, all of which could have positive ecological effects. This survey investigates the two headings wherein nanoparticles can be used for plant malady the executives: either as nanoparticles alone, going about as protectants; or as nanocarriers for bug sprays, fungicides, herbicides, and RNA-impedance particles. Regardless of the few potential favorable circumstances related with the utilization of nanoparticles, very few nanoparticle-based items have been marketed for agrarian application. The shortage of business applications could be clarified by a few variables, for example, a deficient number of field preliminaries and underutilization of vermin crop have frameworks. In different ventures, nanotechnology has advanced quickly, and the best way to stay aware of this headway for horticultural applications is by understanding the key inquiries of the exploration and tending to the logical holes to give an objective and encourage the improvement of business nanoproducts.

Post harvest losses for Potato during transportation and storage

Postharvest loss can be defined as the degradation in both quantity and quality of a food production from harvest to consumption. Loss of quality includes those that affect the nutritional value, the composition, acceptability and the edibility of the product. In developing countries qualitative and quantitative losses are generally occurs. The post harvest losses occurs on the different stages viz. harvesting, handling, brushing, drying, storage, primary processing, mixing, peeling etc. Potato is the very popular and nutritive tuber crop. During storage mechanical damage is the main properties. Mechanical damage to the potato tubers may occurs during transportation and harvesting. Mechanical damage to the potato tubers may occurs in the form of skin abrasion and bruises or dipper damage. Respiration, sprouting, water loss, relative humidity, chemical composition and the development of storage diseases are all influenced by temperature. At the time of harvesting 12.0 storage 0.8%, handling 8.8%, sorting 15.6%, processing 2% and super marketing 25% losses of potato. At the production level, farmer practices engender heavy losses. Land preparation and soil management are poorly conducted, and pests and diseases are ineffectively controlled, leading to low yields. The financial assessment of potato damage and loss along the value chain exposes the economic impact of this low performance in potato production. Per season, 19 per cent of produce is damaged or lost. Extrapolating these losses to the national production level. Temperature is the single most important factor in the keeping quality of stored potatoes.

Frontline Demonstration to popularize flower cultivation through Marigold production among the farmers of Samba district

Marigold is one of the important commercial crops among floriculture supplementing the regular income to small and marginal farmers of the Samba district of JandK Union Territory. Jammu being a city of temples consumption of flowers is more, but as compared to consumption production is very less. However, the major constraints of marigold cultivation are low productivity due to the lack of good quality seed, non adoption of recommended package of practices and lack of awareness regarding the economics of the crop as compared to cereals. To solve this problem, front line demonstration were conducted at the farming situation of Samba district with the participation of farmers after the baseline survey. The cultivation practices in this FLD (use of improved variety, proper nursery techniques and balance dose of fertilizers, important inter-culture operations and plant protection measures) increased the yield by 53.78 percent on an average over the farmer practice. The highest extension gaps were 72.75q/ ha while the technology index, which is inversely correlated to the feasibility of the improved technology in the farmer’s field was24.3 percent. The adoption of improved technology under FLDs resulted in higher gross returns (Rs 728000/ha), net return (Rs 643517/ha) and benefit: cost ratio (1:7.61) as compared to farmer practice.
