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Pendampingan Belajar Berhitung Dengan Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Number Head Together di Desa Sungai Buluh

This community service is carried out to help schools in villages that are not facilitated in learning so that they can improve the abilities of students in villages and schools. Schools in this village are schools that are quite difficult to reach by the wider community because access is quite limited. In addition, the level of attendance of students who are not too high is also a problem in terms of learning. Based on the results of interviews with teachers who teach mathematics at SDN 3 Sungai Buluh that students who study are more emphasized on basic abilities such as reading, writing and arithmetic to support their abilities later. The purpose of this community service is to provide assistance in learning mathematics. The aim is to improve students' ability to count. The method used in this service is descriptive qualitative with assistance to a target group. Learning assistance is carried out directly to students at SDN 3 Sungai Buluh using the Number Head Together cooperative model with arithmetic materials such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication. The results of the final test of the numeracy learning assistance showed that the results of students' numeracy skills increased compared to before. Students are very enthusiastic about participating in tutoring as shown by students asking for additional questions to work on. Students' motivation to learn mathematics also increased, students stated that counting in mathematics was fun.

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Sosialisasi Tindakan Pencegahan Kondisi Kritis Dari Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II

Patients with impaired glucose tolerance due to excessive insulin secretion and glucose levels will be maintained at normal levels or slightly increased. However, the role of B cells if they are unable to keep up with the increased need for insulin, then glucose levels will increase and type II DM will occur. Despite the impaired insulin secretion that is characteristic of type II DM, there is still insulin in adequate amounts to prevent the breakdown of fat and the production of ketone bodies that accompany it, therefore diabetic ketoacidosis does not occur in type II DM, however, type II DM does. Uncontrolled will cause other acute problems such as non-ketotic hypoglycemic hyperglycemic syndrome (HHNK). The problems that arise here are Mrs. Y's partners/family do not know 1) the conditions that pose a risk of a critical condition in people with diabetes mellitus, her family/Mrs. Y do not know what can prevent DM people from being in a critical condition. 2) Mrs. Y stated that his blood sugar tends to rise because he is not disciplined in consuming and managing food intake. The results of the conversation between the Tuanku Tambusai Hero University service team and one of the residents of the Bangkinang Seberang Village, Muara Uwai Village, namely Mrs. Y, who also has diabetes mellitus from heredity and unhealthy eating habits, which results in an increase in blood sugar. Mrs. Y was diagnosed with DM in May 2022, when her blood sugar level was detected at 350 mg/dL. She was advised by her doctor to undergo insulin therapy for life. If you experience critical signs and symptoms of DM, immediately go to the health service so that you can get action quickly and precisely.

Open Access
Upaya Peningkatan Pengetahuan Rumah Sehat Bagi Keluarga di Desa Bangun Sari Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Hilir

A healthy house that meets the requirements is a house that has healthy latrines, clean water facilities, garbage disposal sites, waste water disposal facilities, good house ventilation, appropriate housing density and house floors that are not made of waterproof materials. The mechanism for implementing activities in general is in the form of preparation, implementation and evaluation. Planning coordinates with the Village Head. The implementation of health counseling to the people of Bangun Sari village, Kampar Kiri sub-district, downstream, the work procedure is by gathering the community to be given counseling about healthy homes, preparing the equipment needed in counseling, carrying out counseling using the lecture and question and answer method. The results of the implementation of community service activities can be described through 2 (two) stages of activity, namely preparation and implementation. Counseling on Increasing Knowledge of Healthy Homes for families is categorized as successful because the objectives of this activity have been achieved and the implementation process is running smoothly. Based on the results of the counseling that has been done, it can be concluded that this counseling can add to the knowledge of the people in Bangun Sari Village, Kampar Kiri Hilir District, Kampar Regency, thus increasing the community's knowledge of implementing healthy homes.

Open Access