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Chapter 20 - Electrochemically active bacteria as platform technology in microbial electrochemical system

Microbial electrochemical technology (MET) is a combination of microbiology and electrochemistry is primarily based on bacterial interactions with insoluble electron donors and acceptors. The metabolic activity of electroactive bacteria on different kinds of chemical compounds led to the synthesis of chemicals, bioremediation of pollutant matrices, the treatment of contaminated soils, and power generation. Predominantly, in METs, microbes are used in two areas: one area focuses on bacteria which are capable of transfer electrons to anode also called as anode respiring bacteria and the other one focuses on bacteria or archea which are capable of oxidizing a cathode also called as electrode oxidizing bacteria. Extremophiles are ubiquitous and thrive well in very harsh environments. Among them, thermophiles play a pivotal role in microbial electrochemical systems because of their unique properties such as high metabolism, physically and chemically stable enzymes and low growth. Most of the thermophilic bacterial species are anoxic or anaerobes and use oxidized compounds, for instance, SO4−, Fe (III) oxides, NO3−, and Mn (IV) as their terminal electron acceptors and physiologically capable of growing on anodes at high temperature since thermophiles are ideal candidates in microbial electrochemical system research. So far a group of microorganisms that has been examined only to a limited extent in MFCs is the “extremophiles.” Extremes in pH, salinity, and temperature when combined with materials that operate best under such conditions would potentially result in more powerful MFCs. This chapter focuses on thermophilic bacteria that function optimally under extreme conditions because they may serve as more effective catalysts with higher activity, greater stability, and longer life in microbial fuel cells.

Chapter 3 - Soil microbes as biopolymers to enhance soil mechanical properties: a sustainable approach

Indiscriminate use of natural resources in all walks of life to satisfy human needs has caused us to rethink our future survival. Several times, “war for water” has been aired on Blue Planet Earth, where 71% water is found, while much less discussion has been made of the 29% land mass. Earth's land surface (29%) is divided into 70% habitable land, 10% glaciers, and 19% barren land. Agricultural activities are performed on 50% (54million km2) of total habitable land (104million km2). These data signify the importance of conserving this natural resource in a holistic way for upcoming generations. Synthesizing and using microbe-derived biopolymers is the sharp shining light in the darkness of capitalistic modernization. Agricultural activities like deep summer ploughing, tillage operations, crop rotation, land fallowing, etc. have been performed since ancient times to build up the functionally active microbiome to strengthen soil properties. Using soil microbial metabolites (also called biopolymers) for soil amelioration after implementing modern agriculture acts as a supporting tool for sustainable agriculture. Chitosan, xanthan, cellulose, dextrin, silk fibroin, and other well-documented biopolymers are obtained from soil-resident fungi, bacteria, archaea, and algae, as well as from silkworm insects. Chitosans and dextrins are used as seed coating materials to immobilize microbial metabolites and make the soil suppressive. Levans are carbon compounds secreted by both plans and fungi that regulate soil stability by binding various ions. Moreover, silk fibroins and trehalose provide the strength to the soil to bear biotic and abiotic stresses. These biopolymeric substances also confer on microorganisms the ability to overcome stressful environments such as those characterized by drought, pesticides, etc. They stabilize soil and regulate nutrients and water flow across plant roots through biofilm formation that indirectly enhances crop productivity.

Chapter 16 - Soil health sustenance through varied fertility management approaches for increasing microbial load under temperate climatic conditions: a practical approach

Greener ways for sustenance soil fertility are to be adapted on utmost priority to prevent further degradation of sustaining properties of soil. It also helps in improving present knowledge, understanding various seasonal biochemical changes, and developing ways to sustain soil health. The soils under intensive mulberry plantation at CSR and TI, Pampore, were investigated along with fallow land in the nearby vicinity acting as a benchmark. The implications of standard chemical input applications on soil and plant health were investigated. Diverse management packages were being explored including organic matter, green manuring, biofertilizers, and reduced fertilizer applications, for sustainable crop production. Efforts are required to find out soil microbial diversity and its influence on soil health in soil ecosystem. The soil microbial load was hence determined by serial dilution method and culturing them on synthetic growth medium. The results obtained showed significant improvement in bacterial colony forming units (CFU) 1.53×106CFU/g soil sample. Similar trend was observed in case of fungal population determination where Integrated nutrient management approaches showed considerable increase AM fugal biomass with 2.43×105CFU/g soil sample, respectively, as compared to control recording a colony forming units of 1.17×105. Incorporation of green manuring has given the promising results with 25% reduction in chemical inputs and increased the OC (0.73%) content in the soil; also the beneficial endophytes associated with root and associated soils were isolated for development of biofertilizers for the sustainability of soil health. Therefore, a farmer can do additional rearing with the increased leaf yield, in turn will get additional income.
