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Women’s awareness of river water quality and their vulnerability to use of Brantas River water

This study was motivated by river water pollution which has an impact on the health of residents who live along the Brantas River Watershed (DAS). Aim of this research is to determine the health awareness and vulnerability of women and their families who live in the Brantas Watershed. An ecofeminist perspective is used to explain women’s awareness and participation in protecting the environment and river water. This research uses a descriptive method with a survey research type. The research was conducted in Surabaya City and Sidoarjo Regency. The number of respondents was 200 housewives aged 19 to over 55 years. The research results show that there are still 11.50% of women in Sidoarjo Regency, and 3.40% from Surabaya who use river water and consider it suitable for household needs. Women and their families are also vulnerable to disease, where 35.30% of children from respondents in Surabaya have experienced skin diseases, and 34.2% of children from respondents in Sidoarjo have experienced diarrhea. However, it turns out that women also care about protecting and preserving the environment. This study concludes that efforts are needed to increase women’s awareness so that they can avoid behavior that is not beneficial to health, especially in their interactions with polluted river water.

Open Access
Political economy of farmer group empowerment policy to support the achievement of SDGs

The policy of forming and strengthening farmer groups is not a practical solution for advancing agriculture/improving farmer welfare. Strengthening institutions and empowering farmer groups is not merely a matter of agricultural economics, but of political economy. The problem is, there are many technical and non-technical obstacles that place farmer groups as actors in sustainable agricultural policy and development in accordance with SDGs #2. This study discusses the complexity of agricultural problems in Watu Lanur Village, Poco Ranakan Sub-District, East Nusa Tenggara. The less than optimal natural carrying capacity, the socio-economic conditions of rain-fed farmers and the lack of intensive assistance from the government are among the causes. Empowerment of farmer groups is hampered by subsistence ethics and socio-cultural issues (customs/traditions). This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and observations of farmer groups. This study shows that the community is trying to empower itself by helping farmer groups. However, in the process, technical and non-technical obstacles are still found that do not support the community's innovation movement. The conclusion of this study is that farmer group institutions are weakened and less oriented towards implementing sustainable agriculture as a result of the establishment of farmer groups simply to fulfill formal aspects of empowering farmers in order to improve farmer welfare and less use of local knowledge in empowering farmer groups.

Open Access
The role of Pancasila ideology in legitimizing public policies during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia

The national ideology is often utilized as a tool to legitimize governmental actions. This study seeks to examine how government elites use the Pancasila ideology to legitimize public policies in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Employing a grounded reflective interpretive methodological approach within the framework of postfoundational discourse, this study shows that several controversial policies implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic tended to be bolstered and justified by their alignment with the Pancasila ideology. These endeavors are chiefly undertaken by governmental actors who espouse these policies. Representing the ruling regime, these government actors consistently assert adherence to the fundamental tenets of Pancasila or self-identify as the most “Pancasilaist”. This strategy is the main characteristic of the utilization of Pancasila in legitimizing public policies during the pandemic era. Nonetheless, it is imperative to note that the prevailing political regime tends to interpret the tenets of Pancasila in accordance with their own interests. The results of this study confirm that within the context of policies aimed at managing the COVID-19 pandemic, the resultant measures have tended towards being pro-capitalist, anti-democratic, and even anti-intellectual. Nevertheless, for the ruling regime, these policies are perceived to be congruent with the Pancasila ideology. This study concluded that Pancasila is predominantly employed as a means of legitimizing actions that uphold these values.

Open Access