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Small organic osmolytes accelerate actin filament assembly and stiffen filaments.

Actin filament assembly and mechanics are crucial for maintenance of cell structure, motility, and division. Actin filament assembly occurs in a crowded intracellular environment consisting of various types of molecules, including small organic molecules known as osmolytes. Ample evidence highlights the protective functions of osmolytes such as trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), including their effects on protein stability and their ability to counteract cellular osmotic stress. Yet, how TMAO affects individual actin filament assembly dynamics and mechanics is not well understood. We hypothesize that, owing to its protective nature, TMAO will enhance filament dynamics and stiffen actin filaments due to increased stability. In this study, we investigate osmolyte-dependent actin filament assembly and bending mechanics by measuring filament elongation rates, steady-state filament lengths, and bending persistence lengths in the presence of TMAO using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and pyrene assays. Our results demonstrate that TMAO increases filament elongation rates as well as steady-state average filament lengths, and enhances filament bending stiffness. Together, these results will help us understand how small organic osmolytes modulate cytoskeletal protein assembly and mechanics in living cells.

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Disruption of salt bridge interactions in the inter-domain cleft of the tubulin-like protein FtsZ of Escherichia coli makes cells sensitive to the cell division inhibitor PC190723.

FtsZ forms a ring-like assembly at the site of division in bacteria. It is the first protein involved in the formation of the divisome complex to split the cell into two halves, indicating its importance in bacterial cell division. FtsZ is an attractive target for developing new anti-microbial drugs to overcome the challenges of antibiotic resistance. The most potent inhibitor against FtsZ is PC190723, which is effective against all strains and species of Staphylococcus, including the methicillin- and multi-drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and strains of Bacillus. However, FtsZs from bacteria such as E. coli, Streptococcus, and Enterococcus were shown to be resistant to this inhibitor. In this study, we provide further evidence that the three pairwise bridging interactions, between residues S227 and G191, R307 and E198 and D299 and R202, between S7, S9, S10 β-strands and the H7 helix occlude the inhibitor from binding to E. coli FtsZ. We generated single, double and triple mutations to disrupt those bridges and tested the effectiveness of PC190723 directly on Z-ring assembly in vivo. Our results show that the disruption of S227-G191 and R307-E198 bridges render EcFtsZ highly sensitive to PC190723 for Z-ring assembly. Ectopic expression of the double mutants, FtsZ S227I R307V results in hypersensitivity of the susceptible E. coli imp4213 strain to PC190723. Our studies could further predict the effectiveness of PC190723 or its derivatives towards FtsZs of other bacterial genera.

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Collective effect of Vigna sp. (mung) tubulin GTP hydrolysis rate divergence on microtubule filament assembly.

Microtubules (MTs) are dynamic cytoskeletal filaments with highly conserved sequences across evolution, polymerizing by the GTP-dependent assembly of tubulin subunits. Despite the sequence conservation, MT polymerization kinetics diverge quantitatively between vertebrate brain, the model plant Arabidopsis and the protozoan Plasmodium. Previously, tubulin purified from seedlings of the plant Vigna sp. (mung) by temperature cycling was found to have a very low critical concentration. However, the lengths of MTs were sub-micron, much shorter than brain tubulin filaments. This was explained in simulations to be the result of the collective effect of high nucleation and GTP hydrolysis rates. Here, we test the effect of GTPase rates of affinity-purified Vigna sp. tubulin on microtubule polymerization and elongation. Affinity-purified mung tubulin is active and has a critical concentration of .37 μM. The GTP-dependent polymerization kinetics are transient, consistent with previous results. Polymerization is stabilized in the presence of either GTP analog GMPPNP (non-hydrolyzable) or GMPCPP (slow-hydrolyzable). Using interference reflection microscopy (IRM) we find polymerization with the non-hydrolysable analog significantly increases filament numbers, while lengths are unaffected for both GTP analogs. However, prolonged incubation with slow-hydrolyzable GMPCPP results in long filaments, pointing to GTP hydrolysis as a key factor determining MT length. We find the average GTPase turnover number of mung tubulin is 22.8 min-1, compared to 2.04 min-1 for goat brain tubulin. Thus modulating GTPase rates affects both nucleation and elongation. This quantitative divergence in kinetics despite high sequence conservation in the GTPase domains of α- and β-tubulin could help better understand the roles of selective pressure and function in the diverse organisms.

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Evaluation of lamin A/C mechanotransduction under different surface topography in LMNA related muscular dystrophy.

Most of the single point mutations of the LMNA gene are associated with distinct muscular dystrophies, marked by heterogenous phenotypes but primarily the loss and symmetric weakness of skeletal muscle tissue. The molecular mechanism and phenotype-genotype relationships in these muscular dystrophies are poorly understood. An effort has been here to delineating the adaptation of mechanical inputs into biological response by mutant cells of lamin A associated muscular dystrophy. In this study, we implement engineered smooth and pattern surfaces of particular young modulus to mimic muscle physiological range. Using fluorescence and atomic force microscopy, we present distinct architecture of the actin filament along with abnormally distorted cell and nuclear shape in mutants, which showed a tendency to deviate from wild type cells. Topographic features of pattern surface antagonize the binding of the cell with it. Correspondingly, from the analysis of genome wide expression data in wild type and mutant cells, we report differential expression of the gene products of the structural components of cell adhesion as well as LINC (linkers of nucleoskeleton and cytoskeleton) protein complexes. This study also reveals mis expressed downstream signaling processes in mutant cells, which could potentially lead to onset of the disease upon the application of engineered materials to substitute the role of conventional cues in instilling cellular behaviors in muscular dystrophies. Collectively, these data support the notion that lamin A is essential for proper cellular mechanotransduction from extracellular environment to the genome and impairment of the muscle cell differentiation in the pathogenic mechanism for lamin A associated muscular dystrophy.
