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Cooperative information-gathering: a distributed problem-solving approach

Two approaches to the problem of information-gathering, that may be characterised as distributed processing and distributed problem-solving, are contrasted. The former is characteristic of most existing information-gathering systems, and the latter is central to research in multi-agent systems. The features of complex information-carrying environments and the information-gathering task are examined, demonstrating both the utility of viewing information-gathering as distributed problem-solving and difficulties with viewing it as distributed processing. A new approach is proposed to information-gathering based on the distributed problem-solving paradigm and its attendant body of research in multi-agent systems and distributed artificial intelligence. This approach, called cooperative information-gathering, involves concurrent, asynchronous discovery and composition of information spread across a network of information servers. Top-level queries drive the creation of partially elaborated information-gathering plans, resulting in the employment of multiple semi-autonomous, cooperative agents for the purpose of achieving goals and subgoals within those plans. The system as a whole satisfices, trading off solution quality and search cost while respecting user-imposed deadlines. Current work on distributed and agent-based approaches to information-gathering is also surveyed.

IusWare: a methodology for the evaluation and selection of software products

IusWare (IUStitia SoftWARis) is a methodology designed to evaluate software products in a formal and rigorous way. The methodology is based on the multicriteria decision aid approach and encompasses activities such as comparison, assessment and selection of software artefacts. The methodology defines an evaluation process which consists of two main phases, designing an evaluation model and applying it. The design phase is made up of the following activities: first, identifying the actors relevant to the evaluation, their role, the purpose of the evaluation, the resources available and the object(s) of the evaluation; secondly, identifying the type of evaluation required: either a formal description of products or the ranking of products from the most preferred to the least preferred or a partitioning into two sets of the best and the remaining products; thirdly, defining a nonredundant hierarchy of evaluation attributes, often corresponding with the quality characteristics of quality models; fourthly, associating a measure, a criterion scale and a function to transform the measure scale into the criterion scale to each basic attribute; and finally, choosing an aggregation technique so as to aggregate values on criteria to form a recommendation for the selection. In the application phase attributes of products are measured, measures are transformed into values on criteria and aggregated to form a recommendation.
