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Strategi Pembelajaran Metacognitive-Scaffolding Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Numerasi Siswa Kelas III SD Negeri Lembursawah 1

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of metacognitive-scaffolding learning strategies to improve the numeracy skills of third-grade students of SD Negeri Lembursawah 1. Metacognitive-scaffolding learning is a learning strategy that helps students to involve their metacognitive abilities in the process and learning outcomes to improve students' numeracy skills, considering the lack of students' understanding of their numeracy skills. This is unfortunate because numeracy skills have as important a role as literacy skills. Through this numeracy ability, students are expected to be able to apply and solve various mathematical concepts in everyday life. The research method applied in this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The data collection instruments used were questionnaires, pre-tests, post-test, and document studies. The results showed that there was an increase in student learning outcomes after the implementation of the metacognitive-scaffolding learning strategy, which was indicated by an average value of 59.1 which was included in the Less category, while after the implementation of the action through the metacognitive-scaffolding learning strategy showed an increase that could be seen from the results of Post-Test cycle 2 with an average value of 70.2 in the Good category. Meanwhile in the Pre-Test cycle 1, the number of students who had not completed as many as 19 out of 42 students with 16 students in the Less category and 3 others in the Very Poor category. The increase in student learning outcomes also continued with the number of students who had not completed only 3 out of 42 students in the Less category after the Post-Test cycle 2 was implemented.

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Merdeka Belajar Penerapan Ajaran Ki Hajar Dewantara “Merdeka Belajar” Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Sekolah Dasar

Elementary science learning is intended to provide direct experience in developing students' abilities so that they can explore and understand the natural surroundings scientifically. Freedom to learn means that educators and their students have the freedom to innovate, the freedom to learn independently and creatively. This study aims to describe the application of independent learning according to the teachings of Ki Hajar Dewantara in elementary science learning and the constraints of implementing independent learning in science learning at SDN 1 Sidogede, Prembun District. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research with a case study research strategy. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is source triangulation and method triangulation which includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions/verification. The results of this study indicate that SDN 1 Sidogede will carry out learning based on three indicators from the Teachings of Ki Hajar Dewantara, namely students are comfortable in the learning process, students have a high social conscience and students are independent or free in determining the talents and interests they like. The obstacles are that when learning takes place it cannot run optimally because of signal constraints, students are shy and insecure, low grade students are less able to concentrate like upper classes, and limited funds to bring in trainers who can help students develop their talents and interests.

Open Access
Peningkatan Keaktifan Kerja Kelompok Melalui Model Problem Based Learning Berbasis Outdoor Study Siswa Kelas IV SDN Sarikarya Yogyakarta

The purpose of conducting this research is to increase the activeness of group work through the Problem Based Learning model based on Outdoor Learning in class IV with the subject of Pancasila Education (PP) at SD Negeri Sarikarya Yogyakarta. The research carried out applies the type of Classroom Action Research (CAR). Sources of data are educators and students as research subjects. The data collection instruments used in this study were interviews, observations and questionnaires. Data collection was carried out in three cycles, namely pre-cycle, cycle I, and cycle II. The data analysis technique is descriptively taken from the percentage of active group work. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the use of the Outdoor Study-based Problem Based Learning learning model is able to increase the activity of students in group work for class IV SD Negeri Sarikarya. In the pre-cycle implementation, the average activity of students in group work was 54.5. The data generated in the first cycle there was an increase of 15.4 to 69.9 and was included in the fairly active criteria. Because the results were not appropriate, it was continued in cycle II and showed an increase of 18.8 to 88.7 and was included in the Very Active criteria. From the increased activity data obtained, it can be seen that there has been an increase in activity starting from the pre-cycle stage, cycle I to cycle II.

Open Access
Pengaruh Pembelajaran Awareness Training Berbasis Kognitif Sosial (ATEKSI) Terhadap Konsep Diri Siswa Kelas V di SD Negeri Krogowanan

Students' self-concept is a view of themselves that represents experience and information so far and has an impact on the steps of success in living life. Not all students at SD N Krogowanan have a positive self-concept, so intervention is needed, one of which is through the implementation of learning according to the problems experienced by students about the need for learning that builds self-awareness and is socially oriented. The research objective was to determine the effect of the social cognitive-based Awareness Training learning model (ATEKSI) on students' self-concept. Research with a quantitative approach, pre-experimental design, using the type of one group pretest-posttest design. The research sample was 31 students of class V with a sampling technique, namely total sampling. The main instrument is a questionnaire whose indicators include: self-image, self-ideal, self-esteem, self-role, self-identity, observation instruments (support). Data analysis techniques using the t test with paired sample t test. The results showed that the mean pretest self-concept score was 81 with a percentage of 63% and posttest with a score of 117 with a percentage of 91%. Based on the results of the t test, it was obtained t count 21,528 > t table 2,042. Significance results were obtained sig 0.00 <0.05, this means that there is a significant difference and influence in the application of social cognitive-based Awareness Training (ATEKSI) learning on the self-concept of fifth grade students at SD Negeri Krogowanan.

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