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Analysis of Students’ Scientific Problem Solving Skills in Learning Using PhET Simulation in 3T Region

Scientific problem solving skills is truly needed when we meet the contextual problems in daily life. Besides, the nowadays challenges in 21st-century has led to scientific and technology-integrated learning so that the students must be prepared to have problem solving skills comprehensively. The purpose of this study was to analyze students’ scientific problem solving skills in learning using PhET simulation in 3T region. The 3T region is the outermost area in the territory of Indonesia requiring three conditional parameters which are terdepan (frontier), terpencil (remote), and tertinggal (disadvantaged). Basically, there are 122 regions in Indonesia that are included in the 3T region, one of which is Nimboran, Papua. The research site was Public SHS 1 Nimboran, Papua, Indonesia. This descriptive qualitative research investigated all students of XI Science. The sample consisted of 51 students taken with purposive random sampling. The researchers collected the data and triangulated them with interview, observation, and documentation. The results were 10.20% students could define the problem. A percentage of 3.27% students could explore the problems. The percentage of 10.98% students could arrange the solution plan. Then, a percentage of 6.54% students could evaluate the data. The test technique obtained the average score of 38.46 for the students’ scientific problem solving skill. It indicated the students still had low scientific problem solving skills.

Comparison of Perception and Implementation of Mathematical Physics for Matrices

<p class="JIPIAbstractBodyEnglish">Perception is a person's assessment of the object or information. The purpose of this study was to determine how students perceive and see which students have a positive perception of the e-module physics-mathematics matrix based on gender differences. The type of research used is survey research. The research approach used is quantitative research. The research population is Jambi University physics education students with a total sample of 120 students. The data analysis technique used is descriptive statistical data analysis and inferential data analysis with Anova and post hoc Tukey B tests. The results of the study through the Anova test showed that female students and male students obtained sig. smaller than 0.05, namely 0.001 and 0.037, which means that the perception is significantly different from the post hoc results of the Anova test as a whole, indicating that the average perception does not have a significant difference. Male students have a more positive perception than female students. Gender differences that exist in students have an influence on student perceptions. Student perceptions can be used as a guide for lecturers to choose learning media that will be used in the classroom. This research can be used as a guideline for the development of student perception assessments on the mathematical physics e-module in the future with an update in this study, namely student perceptions of the mathematics physics e-module based on gender differences.</p>

Open Access
Effectiveness of Catching Free Radicals in Cigarette Smoke with Biofilters Made from Bidara Leaf Powder

<p class="JIPIAbstrakKeywords">A number of diseases have been stigmatized as a side effect of smoking and its smoke. Reducing the dangers of smoking by capturing radioactive substances from cigarette smoke is one way to reduce or reduce the level of danger. This study aims to make a filter made from bidara leaf powder to bind free radicals in cigarette smoke. Bidara leaf powder with PEG solution was mixed and stirred until homogeneous with variations in the mass of bidara powder 0.7 grams, 0.8 grams, 0.8 grams, 0.9 grams and 1 gram. The product was molded with a 0.7 cm diameter pipe hose, allowed to dry before being removed from the mold, and heated at a temperature of 105<sup>o</sup> C for 20 minutes. Biofilter matrix using polyethylene glycol (PEG) and egg white, bidara leaf powder as a biofilter filler. The physical characteristics of the membrane were obtained by conducting density and porosity tests with SEM. The effectiveness of the biofilter membrane is known by passing cigarette smoke, then the number of free radicals trapped in the biofilter is analyzed using ESR. The results showed that the use of a biofilter made from bidara leaf powder with a mass of 0.9 grams with an egg white matrix was able to bind 85.7% of free radicals (C, O<sub>2</sub><sup>-</sup>, C, Peroxy, CO<sub>2</sub><sup>-</sup>, and Hydroperoxides) with 100% effectiveness, density. 0.893 g/cm<sup>3</sup> and porosity 0.6788%. Testing the characteristics of the biofilter with SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) shows the size of the biofilter pores between 2-3 m, while the size of free radicals in cigarette smoke ranges from 20-430 nm. This indicates that the ability to bind free radicals in cigarette smoke is influenced by the antioxidant activity of bidara leaf powder (filler biofilter).</p>

Open Access
Penggunaan Teori Perturbasi untuk Menentukan Tingkat Energi Partikel pada Kotak Potensial Tiga Dimensi

<p><em>Hamiltonian a known system in many matters does not guarantee that the equation can be resolved, e.g. due to minor disturbances such as electric fields or magnetic fields that can lead to slight changes in energy and its particle functions, for such issues it should be used disorder theory (perturbation theory). The perturbation theory can determine how much the result of the presence of disruption to energy levels and Eigen's functions. The energy possessed by particles in addition to being influenced by quantum numbers (n<sub>x</sub>, n<sub>y</sub> and n<sub>z</sub>) and the size of the potential box are also influenced by interference in the form of magnetic energy produced due to the motion of particles (electrons) in the core intrinsic magnetic field (proton) which affects the energy value does not appear due to the value of this magnetic energy disorder is very small, while for interference that is an extrinsic magnetic energy has shown a 10 (Tesla). The wider the size of the box then the energy that the particles have is smaller so that the energy level and the particle energy spectrum in the potential box will appear continuous. It can be concluded that the particle energy level relies on the length of the potential box, the quantum number of particles, and also the interference that particles have. </em></p>

Open Access
Model Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell dan Aplikasinya Berdasarkan Data Temperatur Harian: Studi Kasus Pangkalpinang

<p>Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC) is photovoltaic with a dye that functions as an acceptor of sunlight. The great potential of using DSSC lies in the ease of the synthesis process, and the dyes used can come from plants. However, like most other solar cells, increasing the operating temperature can degrade the DSSC performance and thus decrease the efficiency. This article presents a model of the relationship between the effect of temperature on DSSC performance. The model proposed is derived from the DSSC equivalence with a diode circuit. By confirming the experimental research results, it is known that the model presented in this study has excellent accuracy on various DSSC performance parameters (R2> 0.99). The performance studied includes the I-V curve's shape, the value of the short-circuit current, the diode leakage current, and the open-circuit voltage. Based on daily temperature data in Pangkalpinang City, the potential performance of the DSSC could also be determined when it was developed in Kep. Bangka Belitung. The short-circuit current value obtained is in the range of 14 A with a voltage of 0.6 V. It is hoped that this proposed model can be information for the development of DSSC because of its enormous potential application in Indonesia.</p>

Open Access
Development of Physics Modules in OASIS-Based Work and Energy Subjects to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Ability

<p class="JIPIAbstractBodyEnglish">This development research has a goal delevoping OASIS based module with the subject of work and energy to increase critical thinking skills of students. The development module contains the subject of work and energy, Oriented activities from an OASIS learning model (Orientation, Analysis, Synthesis, Investigation, Synergy), examples and exercises. The limited ADDIE model procedure which includes analysis, design, development, implementation. The development module is validated by 10 material and media experts. The results of validation are calculated using CVR and CVI calculations. CVI score of material experts is 0,8 and CVI score of media expers is 0,82, both of which are very suitable criteria. N-gain test was conduted in small classes to know the increase critical thinking skills of students. The n-gain result of critical thinking skill test was 0,66 in moderate category. Pretest homogenity test with Sig 0,535 and posttest homogeneity with Sig 0,678 greater than alpha 0,05. Meanwhile pretest normality test with Sig 0,638 and posttest normality test with Sig 0,180 greater than alpha 0,05. The t test paired sample test to know there’s an average difference in pretest and posttest , the value Sig 0,000 smaller than alpha 0,05. Meanwhile the result of student responses showed 73,3% in good category. In conclusion, effectiveness of the application of an OASIS based physics module is able to increase critical thinking skills of students.</p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: </em><em>Module, OASIS Based, Critical Thinking Skill</em></p>

Open Access