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The uncontrolled development of street vendors makes them occupy every empty space in the city even if it is a public facility. The street vendors illegally sell almost all pedestrian paths, open spaces, green lanes and other urban spaces. The existence of street vendors has positive and negative sides, thus making the existence of street vendors a dilemma for the city government in arranging them One of the trading areas in Jayapura City that is widely occupied by street vendors is the Entrop area. This area is located between Jayapura and Abepura, so its position becomes strategic. The subjects referred to in this study are street vendors located along Jl. Kelapa Dua, Entrop, Jayapura City. The analysis method used in this study is a qualitative approach where research on data, findings and visualization in the field is carried out by prioritizing description, explanation and comparison which includes descriptive, assumptive, and normative. The street vendors operating in Entrop often occupy locations that are not actually intended for street vendors. The location used is the shoulder of the road along Jln. Kelapa Dua, Entrop Village, South Jayapura District, Jayapura City. Solutions that can be done to provide effective space and space to street vendors in Entrop, Jayapura City are regional planning by involving all regional stakeholders, relocating street vendors into the market and increasing the knowledge and participation of street vendors in waste processing.


The People's Home Infrastructure Development Program in Sarmi Regency began to be planned and carried out faster development penetration since Sarmi Regency was separated from the main Regency, namely Jayapura Regency in 2022 with the passing of Law Number: 26 of 2002. This research in the West East Coast District aims to know about the above and also know what obstacles occur in the field if the beneficiaries of the construction of people's housing infrastructure after receiving development assistance, their economic income conditions remain the same or increase or vice versa. The descriptive research method can also be described as a procedure for solving the problem being studied by describing or depicting the condition of the subject and research object of an institution, society and others. The form of this research will also begin with the research stage as the key to the research, followed by collecting data through several stages after which the data that has been collected will be analyzed in the form of a qualitative description in the form of meaning related to the problem being studied, namely the development of people's housing infrastructure and the economic conditions of the recipient community. assistance for public housing infrastructure in the East West Coast District, Sarmi Regency. The respondents who were the subjects of this research were people in the West East Coast District who received Assistance for People's Home Infrastructure Development from 2018-2022. Based on the data obtained, it is known that all variables have an AVE value of more than 0.5, but there are several indicators that measure a variable that has an outer loading of less than 0.5 (red writing).


The purpose of the study was to analyze the determination of 'Ketengban' as a New Autonomous Region from the Bintang Mountains Region. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques: Data reduction, Data presentation, Drawing conclusions or verification. The results of his research, first It is necessary to establish a new autonomous region from the Bintang Mountains Region, implemented by the provisions of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia having regulations governing regional government by the mandate of the 1945 Constitution, the government shall enact Law Number 2 of 2021 as a replacement for Law Number 21 of 2001 on special autonomy for Papua Province. Second Matter that concerns the stipulation of 'Ketengban' as a New Autonomous Region from the Bintang Mountains Region that is carried out by the regulations can be seen in the Brief Report of the Commission II DPR RI public hearing meeting which has stated that the DPRD and the Regional Government of the Bintang Mountains Regency submitted administrative completeness submitted to Commission II of the DPR RI. Third, What benefits can be obtained from the stipulation of 'Ketengban' as a New Autonomous Region, which can be seen in improving the standard of living and welfare of the community, Gunung Bintang Regency, Papua Province? In addition, the Bintang Mountains of Papua Province, in developing or developing their regions, are experiencing an accelerated increase.


Jayawijaya as the parent regency in the Central Highlands Region of Papua Province, is the economic center as well as a buffer for the 6 new divisions in the Lapago customary area. This is because the flow of goods and services mobilization that enters the central mountainous region (La Pago) only uses airplanes and the location of the airport is in Wamena City, Jayawijaya Regency. Jayawijaya as the parent regency in the central mountainous region of Papua province, is an economic center as well as a buffer for the 6 expansion districts in the Lapago customary area. This is because the flow of goods and services mobilization that enters the central mountainous region (Lapago) only uses airplanes and the location of the airport is in Wamena, Jayawijaya Regency. regulation. The existence of a policy regulation of the Special Autonomy Law provides opportunities for the Balinese people to get opportunities, both in the fields of education, health and community economic empowerment, and infrastructure. The high unemployment rate in Jayawijaya Regency is due to the low level of Human Resources (HR) in the context of absorbing local workers by the local job market in Jayawijaya district. So Regional Development is essential to increase competitiveness between regions, increase economic growth, reduce inequality between regions, and advance people's lives. Strategic and quality regional development is the hope of Jayawijaya Regency. In this regard, the Government is required to prepare Human Resources (HR) who have competitiveness in the Global Job Market. To prepare human resources to have competitiveness, this can be done, among others, through job training that is carried out in a structured, systematic, and professional manner so that output is produced as expected, namely a competent workforce.


Evaluation of Land Spatial Planning for the Development of the Capital City of Yalimo Regency. Yalimo Regency is a new division of Jatawijaya Regency, with the product of Law Number 4 of 2008 dated January 4, 2008, concerning the formation of Yalimo Regency, Papua Province, which consists of five (5) districts namely: The districts of Elelim, Abenaho, Apalapsili, Benawa, and Welarek, with three hundred (300) villages spread across five districts, with a total population of Yalimo district, sixty-three (63). especially the population of the Elilim District, the capital of the Yalimo Regency. Based on the RDTR of Yalimo Regency, which is located in Elilim, the development of this area aims to build a dream city in the future that is green, sustainable, and integrated. A city that has very good prospects because it is very easy to arrange and organize in terms of the area of spatial land that is divided into three zones namely zone one elelim, zone two Hobakma, and zone three kilometers (km ) 120 Based on Law Number 25 of 2004 concerning the national development planning system, regional governments are given the mandate to develop a systematic and unidirectional development plan. The plan is set out in the form of a Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) for five years. The RPJMD document is a document that contains development plans to respond to various problems from various affairs. The document will be used as a guide in carrying out regional development, as well as to translate the vision and mission of regional heads. in addition, the preparation of the RPJMD becomes very crucial because the RPJMD is the guiding basis for the preparation of strategic plans (Renstra) for all regional apparatuses in Yalimo Regency so that they are more effective, efficient, and focused on providing measurable impacts. Regulation of the Regent of Yalimo Regency Number 8.2013, Concerning the Spatial Planning for Yalimo Regency for 2013-2033. That is to direct the development of Yalimo Regency by utilizing regional space in an efficient, effective, harmonious, balanced, and regional manner.


One source of foreign exchange for an area and a source of income for local communities is to develop the natural potential in the area as a tourist attraction according to its natural conditions. The potential of natural resources certainly requires different development strategies according to their potential with the support of local resources based on the local wisdom of an area. The reality that is happening in the Aruri Islands District, Supiori Regency at this time is that the district consists of a group of islands that have tourist attractions, especially coastal nature tourism, cultural tourism, underwater tourism and marine tourism. The tourism potential in this area is very promising, but it is hampered by problems of access and government capital in developing its tourism potential. So it requires a breakthrough in the field of tourism that can boost sources of income for the community. In conducting this research, the method used is a qualitative descriptive method to assess the potential, tourism development strategies carried out by the Tourism Office in Aruri District, Supiori Regency. The results show that there is potential for natural tourism, and cultural tourism and underwater tourism that have not been managed optimally by the local government. The three types of tourism potential are closely related to migration between residents on Biak and Supiori islands in the 17th and 18th centuries and in the early 19th century and the events of the first and second World Wars. A special approach is needed in exploring the potential of local nature and culture in order to earn foreign exchange through tourism development in the area.


Regulation of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing Number 07/PRT/M/2018 concerning Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance is an implementation carried out through self-help housing quality improvement activities.The total population projected by the Central Statistics Agency in Jayapura Regency is 131,802 people, 17.19 thousand people are classified as poor, in other words there are 13.13 percent of the population classified as poor and occupying uninhabitable houses in Jayapura Regency. In this study,the aim to be achieved is to analyze the implementation and influence of the Self - Help Housing Stimulant Program on the welfare of the community in Hinekombe Village , Sentani District and analyze the factors that influence the success of the program.According to Tuwis Handayani,2016,in his research,the Impact of Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance Program Implementation on Improving Community Welfare,concluded that: Implementation of Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance Program in Sumberjo Village in 2015 was influenced by policies and program implementers.This research was conducted using a quantitative research approach with factor analysis where this analysis is an analytical technique that contains information about the grouping of factor variables which aims to filter out which variables are the most superior or the most dominant from several variables selected by the researcher,in addition to the results of factor analysis. can also be used to distinguish priority variables based on existing rankings. It can be concluded that the beneficiaries are of the opinion that the socialization of the BSPS program has been carried out,including obtaining information and assistance during the BSPS program. This BSPS program also influences the mindset and changes people's lifestyles.The relationship between people who received assistance from the BSPS program and those who did not receive assistance remained well established and did not change
