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ABSTRACTThe purpose of this development research is expected to produce a product development package in the form of a learning model: 1). Learning device, 2). Assessment / evaluation guide to learning, 3). Guidelines for learning development, 4). Produce game- based learning models adopted from monopoly, 5). The development of the model is based on identifying the characteristics of students at the age that has reached the formal operational stage in terms of cognitive development, 6). The development of the model is based on the identification of learning objectives by considering the curriculum that has been implemented, namely the development of materials from the 2013 curriculum, 7). The learning model focuses on one material namely foreign eXIchange rates, and the same model cannot be applied to other subject matterAfter the product prototype was developed, the eXIpert validation test process, individual trials, small group tests and field tests were carried out. Based on the test results, the learning model is very valid, interesting, and effective can be applied in learning. This can be seen from the results of validation tests with the level of product feasibility of eXIperts content / material of 100%, validation of learning media eXIperts obtained an average score of 97.5%. Level of attractiveness of the product with an average percentage score of 89.76% entered the criteria very interesting. Effective products are used with an average percentage score of 79.66%.This product can also be used for a wider audience with adjustments, especially adjustments to the characteristics of students as users. Furthermore, the learning model that has been developed can be integrated with the use of information and communication technology.Keywords: Development, Learning Model, My Trip My Adventure

Open Access

The objective of this research is to investigate: (1) the different of students’ vocabulary mastery between those who were taught trough frintz’ brain and those who were taught through crossword puzzle, (2) the different of auditory and visual students’ vocabulary mastery, (3) the interaction between teaching methods and learning style with students vocabulary mastery, (4) which method is more effective to improve auditory students’ vocabulary mastery, and (5) which method is more effective to improve visual students’ vocabulary mastery.The research was conducted at SDN Kramatjati 27 Pagi which is located at Jl. Kerja Bakti No. 01 East Jakarta from March 2016 to June 2016. The writer took the third grade students as her research participant. There were two classes at that school. Therefore, the writer took two classes as her research with 30 students in the grade III A and 30 students in the grade IIIB. The method of the research was a quasi experiment. The data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA..Based on the results of the data analysis, there were five conclusions drawn: first, there is significant difference of students’ vocabulary mastery between those who were taught trough frinz’ brain and those who were taught trough crossword puzzle. It was supported by the p-value of methods is smaller than 0.05. Second, there is significant difference result between auditory and visual students’ on their vocabulary mastery. It was supported by p-value of learning style that is smaller than 0.05. Third, there is significant interaction between vocabulary methods and learning style on students’ vocabulary mastery. It is supported by the p-value of interaction which is smaller than 0.05. Fourth, frintz’ brain is better crossword puzzle for auditory students on their vocabulary mastery at the third grade students of Elementary School. It is supported by the mean of frintz’ brain in auditory 80.60 that is higher than the mean of crossword puzzle in auditory 75.53. Keywords: Vocabulary mastery, Frintz’brain, Crossword puzzle, Auditory and visual learning style.

Open Access

Abstrak –this classroom research answers the two questions in the research problems. Firstly, Silent Way Method is so effective in improving student linguistic performance in Intensive English Course at Year 2 students in the Department of English Education Program at the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education as it explores students speaking skill to emerge and those who are shy feel confident to speak English even a bit. Secondly, it is so clear that Silent Way Method gives evidence to us that it can significantly improved student linguistic performance in Intensive English Course at Year 2 students in the Department of English Education Program at the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education by looking at the evidence as follows: 1)Teacher can provide oral fluency practice using presentation and group work model, 2) Teacher succeeds very well in achieving direct error correction and the discourse is allowed to proceed with minimum interruption, 3) In giving content feedback, teacher suceeds to create an atmosphere which is conducive to learning and is likely to promote learner involvement, 4) By constantly checking for confirmation, it creates considerable evidence that teachers who constantly seek clarification, check for confirmation and who do not always accept the first contribution a student offers are more likely to maximize linguistic performace potential than those who do not constantly, 5) Teacher succeeds in engaging students and in promoting longer verbal communication. His verbal behaviour allows students to play a full and active role in classroom, producing more complete, more natural responses, 6) Teacher only intervenes when necessary, giving language support, correcting errors or adding a personal comment, 7) As far as the learner contributions are concerned, it is evident from this extract that learners and teacher are actively engaged in constructing a piece of discourse which resembles a conversation. Silent Way Method indeed has a number of positive effects, from an excited, questioning approach to teaching to improved classroom interaction and involvement with the students. By controlled use of language and by matching pedagogic and linguistic goals, teacher facilitates and promotes reformulation and clarification, leading to greater involvement and precision of language on the part of the learners.

Open Access

This study is intended to determine the factors that influence the success of local governments in the implementation of PP 71/2010 on Accrual Based Government Accounting Standard. This quantitative research employs the regression method to analyse the regulations, human resources, commitment, other supporting elements and training which seem to influence the accomplishment of local governments in the implementation of PP 71/2010 on Accrual Based Government Accounting Standard. The population of the study is the regional finance management personnel in 32 Government Work Units (SKPD) within the district government of West Lombok comprising of head of SKPD and/or the finance administration officer (PPK), treasurer, and the planning staff. Sample is selected through the purposive sampling technique in which 96 respondents are given questionnaires. Only 71 respondents return the questionnaires. Likert scale is used for the data measurement.The result of the study shows that regulation, human resources, commitment, other supporting, and training elements partially and simultaneously have positive effect to the accomplishment of local governments in the implementation of PP 71/2010 on Accrual Based Government Accounting Standard.Keywords: Accrual Basis, regulation, human resources, commitment, supporting elements, training

Open Access

ABSTRACTThis paper aims to analyze the semantic types, the characteristics, and the constituent structure and functional structure of Sasak serial verb constructions. The theory of Typology and Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) were used to analyze the data. The data in this research were taken from the uttarances of speakers of meno-mene dialect of Sasak. This study is designed as a descriptive qualitative research. The data were collected through observation, interview, and reflective-introspective methods with recording and elicitation techniques. The results show that Sasak serial verb constructions have ten semantic types, which are motion, direction, instrument, comitative, manner, aspect and mood, benefactive, causative, cause-effect, and synonym. Based on the phonological, morphological and syntactical characteristics, Sasak serial verb constructions have the following characteristics: (1) They fall under one intonation contour, 2) They form mono-clause as a single predicate, 3) They have verb markers that occur only on one verb or each verb obtains the same marker, 4) They share aspect, mood, negation, and 5) They share the same arguments. The analysis of constituent structure and functional structure shows that Sasak serial verb constructions have V-V stucture, and X-COMP or X-ADJ structure.Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis tipe-tipe semantik, ciri-ciri, dan struktur konstituen dan struktur fungsional pada konstruksi verba serial Bahasa Sasak. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah teori tipologi dan tata bahasa leksikal fungsional. Penelitian ini dirancang sebagai penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara dan introspektif-reflektif dengan teknik rekam dan pancing. Hasil analisis menunjukkan konstruksi verba serial bahasa Sasak memiliki sepuluh tipe semantik untuk menunjukkan gerakan, arah, instrumen, komitatif, kecaraan, aspek dan modal, benefaktif, kausatif, sebab-akibat, dan sinonim. Berdasarkan ciri-ciri fonologis, morfologis dan sintaksis, verba serial Bahasa Sasak memiliki ciri: 1) konstruksi verba serial Bahasa Sasak dilafalkan dalam satu intonasi, 2) konstruksi verba serial Bahasa Sasak ialah monoklausa dan berperilaku sebagai predikat tunggal, 3) pemarkah verba serial Bahasa Sasak pada salah satu atau tiap-tiap verba dengan pemarkah yang sama, 4) verba serial Bahasa Sasak berbagi aspek, modal dan negasi, dan 5) verba serial Bahasa Sasak berbagi argumen dalam konstruksinya. Analisis terhadap struktur konstituen dan struktur fungsional menunjukkan verba serial bahasa Sasak memiliki stuktur V-V dan struktur X-KOMP atau X-ADJ.Keywords: serial verb constructions, Sasak, typology, Lexical Functional Grammar

Open Access