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Perspective on Artisinal and Small-scale gold Mining: Ecological and Socio-economic Inovation

Global aspirations for stringent mercury regulations have not been translated effectively in Russia, largely due to the emergence of new domestic cinnabar mining ventures. These initiatives have increased locally sourced mercury, reducing its cost and undermining efforts to curtail its use. This study employs Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis (SMAA) within an environmental finance framework to rigorously assess the challenges associated with mitigating mercury use in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in Russia. The sampling period for the research spans from June to September 2018 in the Krasnoyarsk Krai area, comprising Yeruda and Chebyzhek villages in the Kurakhinsky district and Abalatskoye village in the Minusinsky district. The paper investigated these complexities using SMAA to identify the multifaceted challenges in implementing the Minamata Agreement, a global treaty committed to regulating and curtailing mercury use. The findings revealed that mercury management is associated with various socioeconomic factors, labor relations, and power structures that have collectively hindered mercury-free practices in gold mining. Therefore, this study highlighted the critical need for a holistic, sustainable economic framework by incorporating new insights into the societal metabolic functions of dynamic mineral finance. Utilizing SMAA within the specific context of native employment conditions, the authors challenged the prevailing norms and offered robust, data-driven strategies aimed at reducing or eliminating mercury usage in ASGM.

Evaluating the Effects of Metallic Waste on the Structural and Gamma-Ray Shielding Properties of Epoxy Composites.

The objective of the research is to develop novel materials that are both inexpensive and have a low density, while also being able to endure the transportation of γ-photons with low-to-medium energy levels. The outcome consisted of four epoxy resins that were strengthened with different quantities of heavy metallic waste. The density of the formed composites improved from 1.134 ± 0.022 g/cm3 to 1.560 ± 0.0312 g/cm3 when the waste content was raised from 0 to 40 weight percent. The theoretical investigation was determined using Monte Carlo (MCNP) simulation software, and the results of linear attenuation coefficient were justified experimentally in a low and medium energy range of 15-662 keV. The mass attenuation coefficient results in a low gamma energy range (15-122 keV) varied in between 3.175 and 0.159 cm2/g (for E-MW0 composite) and in between 8.212 and 0.164 cm2/g (for E-MW40 composite). The decrease in mass attenuation coefficient was detected in a medium gamma photon energy range (122-662 keV) with 0.123-0.082 cm2/g (for E-MW0 composite) and 0.121-0.080 cm2/g (for E-MW40 composite). The density of the enhanced composites influenced these parameters. As the metallic waste composition increased, the fabricated composites' half-value thickness decreased. At 15 keV, the half-value thickness decreased from 0.19 to 0.05 cm. At 59 keV, it fell from 2.70 to 1.41 cm. At 122 keV, it fell from 3.90 to 2.72 cm. At 662 keV, it fell from 7.45 to 5.56 cm. This decrease occurred as the heavy metal waste concentration increased from 0 to 40 wt.%. The study indicates that as metallic waste concentrations rise, there is a rise in the effective atomic number and a decline in the buildup factors.

Open Access
Knowledge Management: Any changes in the Research Agenda?

The concept of knowledge management formed at the end of the 20th century. At the same time, the vector of this concept is evolving due to the emergence of new business models, technologies, and the recognition of the “soft” components of success or the so-called “soft skills”, and changes in the strategies of organizations.The article is a systematic scientific review, the purpose of which is to identify the mainstream in the field of economics and knowledge management. The methodology of the article is based on a set of approaches, including the knowledgebased theory of the firm, the concepts of knowledge engineering, organizational learning, dynamic capabilities and knowledge transformation, etc., and the research methodology is based on taxonomic and cluster analysis of the most cited English-language publications using tools embedded in the VOSviewer software product. The information base consisted of articles for 2018–2024, selected according to the research topic and keywords “Knowledge Management”, and placed in the Dimensions database. As a result, we identified 6 clusters and formalized the directions of modern research in the field of knowledge management. In each cluster, a content analysis of the most cited articles was carried out. The research agenda is currently focused on two main issues: the impact of digitalization and digital technologies on the choice, generation and dissemination of knowledge in an organization; the impact of knowledge on innovation as a mediator of business performance, including its environmental and social aspects. In fact, a consensus has been found in understanding the basic postulates of the concept of knowledge management. However, the problem of finding the “good” metrics for assessing the knowledge of an organization and the impact of their level on business performance remains relevant. It is shown that among the theoretical frameworks in knowledge management, the most popular are knowledge engineering and knowledge-based theory of the firm. The results of the study will be useful to managers-practitioners and researchers in the development of effective knowledge management systems.

Open Access
Demand side management strategy for smart building using multi-objective hybrid optimization technique

This study proposes a home energy management system that uses the load-shifting technique for demand-side management as a way to improve the energy consumption patterns of a smart house. This system's goal is to optimize the energy of household appliances in order to effectively regulate load demand, with the end result being a reduction in the peak-to-average ratio (PAR) and a consequent minimization of electricity costs. This is accomplished while also keeping user comfort as a priority. Load scheduling based on both a next-day and real-time basis is what is used to meet the load demand requested by energy customers. In addition to providing a fitness criterion, utilizing a multi-objective hybrid optimization technique makes it easier to achieve an equitable distribution of workload between on-peak and off-peak hours. Moreover, the idea of developing coordination among home appliances in order to achieve real-time rescheduling is now being studied as a concept. Because of the inherent parallels between the two problems, the real-time rescheduling issue is framed as a knapsack problem and is solved using a dynamic programming strategy. The performance of the suggested methodology is evaluated in this study in relation to real-time pricing (RTP), time-of-use pricing (ToU), and crucial peak pricing (CPP). The simulation findings, which were assessed using a confidence interval that was set at 95 %, provide proof of the relevance that has been shown to be associated with the proposed optimization method. During scheduling RTP signal showcases a minimum PAR of 2.22 and a cost reduction of 24.06 % for HAG compared to the unscheduled case. Under the TOU tariff, HAG manages to reduce PAR by 46.14 % and cost by 20.44 %. Similarly, in the case of CPP, HAG outperforms by reducing PAR by up to 29.5 % and cost by up to 31.47 %.

Open Access