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Asymmetric self-interacting dark matter with a canonical seesaw model

We study the possibility of generating dark matter (DM) and baryon asymmetry of the Universe (BAU) simultaneously in an asymmetric DM framework, which also alleviates the small-scale structure issues of cold DM. While the thermal relic of such self-interacting DM remains underabundant due to efficient annihilation into light mediators, a nonzero asymmetry in the dark sector can lead to the survival of the required DM in the Universe. The existence of a light mediator leads to the required self-interactions of DM at small scales while keeping DM properties similar to cold DM at large scales. It also ensures that the symmetric DM component annihilates away, leaving the asymmetric part in the spirit of cogenesis. The particle physics implementation is done in canonical seesaw models of light neutrino mass, connecting it to the origin of DM and BAU. In particular, we consider type-I and type-III seesaw origin of neutrino mass for simplicity and minimality of the field content. We show that the desired self-interactions and relic of DM together with BAU while satisfying relevant constraints lead to strict limits on DM mass O(GeV)≲MDM≲460 GeV. In spite of being a high-scale seesaw, the models remain verifiable in different experiments, including direct and indirect DM searches as well as colliders. Published by the American Physical Society 2024

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Study of the isoscalar scalar <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>b</mml:mi><mml:mi>c</mml:mi><mml:mover accent="true"><mml:mi>u</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover><mml:mover accent="true"><mml:mi>d</mml:mi><mml:mo stretchy="false">¯</mml:mo></mml:mover></mml:math> tetraquark <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:msub><mml:mi>T</mml:mi><mml:mrow><mml:mi>b</mml:mi><mml:mi>c</mml:mi></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:math> with lattice QCD

We present a lattice QCD study of the elastic S-wave DB¯ scattering in search of tetraquark candidates with explicitly exotic flavor content bcu¯d¯ in the isospin I=0 and JP=0+ channel. We use four lattice QCD ensembles with dynamical u/d, s, and c quark fields generated by the MILC collaboration. A nonrelativistic QCD Hamiltonian, including improvement coefficients up to O(αsv4), is utilized for the bottom quarks. For the rest of the valence quarks we employ a relativistic overlap action. Five different valence quark masses are utilized to study the light quark mass dependence of the DB¯ scattering amplitude. The finite volume energy spectra are extracted following a variational approach. The elastic DB¯ scattering amplitudes are extracted employing Lüscher’s prescription. The light quark mass dependence of the continuum extrapolated amplitudes suggests an attractive interaction between the B¯ and D mesons. At the physical pseudoscalar meson mass (Mps=Mπ) the DB¯ scattering amplitude has a subthreshold pole corresponding to a binding energy of −39(−6+4)(−18+8) MeV with respect to the DB¯ threshold. The critical Mps at which the DB¯ scattering length diverges and the system becomes unbound corresponds to Mps*=2.94(15)(5) GeV. This result can hold significant experimental relevance in the search for a bound scalar Tbc tetraquark, which could well be the next “doubly heavy” bound tetraquark to be discovered with only weak decay modes. Published by the American Physical Society 2024

Open Access
Actin Filament Barbed-End Depolymerization by Combined Action of Profilin, Cofilin, and Twinfilin

Cellular actin dynamics results from the collective action of hundreds of regulatory proteins, majority of which target actin filaments at their barbed ends. Three key actin binding proteins—profilin, cofilin, and twinfilin—individually depolymerize filament barbed ends. Notwithstanding recent leaps in our understanding of their individual action, how they collectively regulate filament dynamics remains an open question. In the absence of direct and simultaneous visualization of these proteins at barbed ends, gaining mechanistic insights has been challenging. We have here investigated multicomponent dynamics of profilin, cofilin, and twinfilin using a hybrid approach that combines high-throughput single filament experiments with theory. We discovered that while twinfilin competes with profilin, it promotes binding of cofilin to filament sides. Interestingly, contrary to previous expectations, we found that profilin and cofilin can simultaneously bind the same filament barbed end, resulting in its accelerated depolymerization. Our study reveals that pairwise interactions can effectively capture depolymerization dynamics in simultaneous presence of all three proteins. We thus believe that our approach of employing a theory-experiment dialog can potentially help decipher multicomponent regulation of actin dynamics. Published by the American Physical Society 2024

Open Access
Risk-stratification for treatment de-intensification in WNT-pathway medulloblastoma: finding the optimal balance between survival and quality of survivorship

ABSTRACT Introduction Advances in molecular biology have led to consensus classification of medulloblastoma into four broad molecular subgroups – wingless (WNT), sonic hedgehog (SHH), Group 3, and Group 4, respectively. Traditionally, children >3 years of age, with no/minimal residual tumor (<1.5 cm2) and lack of metastasis were classified as average-risk disease with >80% long-term survival. Younger age (<3 years), large residual disease (≥1.5 cm2), and leptomeningeal metastases either alone or in combination were considered high-risk features yielding much worse 5-year survival (30–60%). This clinico-radiological risk-stratification has been refined by incorporating molecular/genetic information. Contemporary multi-modality management for non-infantile medulloblastoma entails maximal safe resection followed by risk-stratified adjuvant radio(chemo)therapy. Aggressive multi-modality management achieves good survival but is associated with substantial dose-dependent treatment-related toxicity prompting conduct of subgroup-specific prospective clinical trials. Areas covered We conducted literature search on PubMed from 1969 till 2023 to identify putative prognostic factors and risk-stratification for medulloblastoma, including molecular subgrouping. Based on previously published data, including our own institutional experience, we discuss molecular risk-stratification focusing on WNT-pathway medulloblastoma to identify candidates suitable for treatment de-intensification to strike the optimal balance between survival and quality of survivorship. Expert opinion Prospective clinical trials and emerging biological information should further refine risk-stratification in WNT-pathway medulloblastoma.
