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Chatter-free milling strategy of a slender Blisk blade via stock distribution optimization and continuous spindle speed change

The machining process of Blisk blades poses multiple challenges due to high requirements on surface quality and precision combined with high dynamic compliance of the thin-walled blades. Avoidance of chatter is thus of high priority in Blisk blade machining. However, the geometry of the Blisk blade array where the tool must fit between individual blades significantly limits the possibilities of controlling stability through the relative orientation of the tool and workpiece. Thus, the main parameters that can be used to control the stability of the process are the distribution of stock allowance and the spindle speed. Due to the effect of material removal on the blade’s dynamic properties, spindle speed needs to be adjusted throughout the machining process to keep it within the continuously changing stability gaps. This paper describes in detail an optimization procedure for the design of stock allowance distribution in such a way that a continuous spindle speed modulation is possible that avoids chatter throughout the machining process by maintaining spindle speeds within stability gaps. The presented algorithm uses finite element analysis software to simulate the effects of stock allowance distribution and material removal on workpiece dynamical properties. This information is then coupled with a stability model based on the Jacobian of the cutting force with respect to the regenerative deflection to identify the varying stability gaps throughout the machining process. The proposed method was experimentally verified.

Open Access
Tree species composition influences differences in water use efficiency of upland forested microwatersheds

Water use efficiency (WUE) was compared in three upland South Moravian forested microwatersheds in the light of effects of global climate change on forest ecosystems (GCC). The experimental catchments were characterized as upland headwater forested microwatersheds of similar size and morphology and silvicultural system, but each with different dominant tree species in the stands (over 50% of forest stand composition in living stock): Norway spruce, European beech and mixed forest. WUE was evaluated according to mean daily streamflow reduction, measured at the discharge points of the recipients of the individual catchments in precipitation-free periods lasting more than 5 days. During these times, streamflow dynamics are mainly influenced by evapotranspiration processes occurring in the forest stands. Four precipitation-free periods were observed, two in the middle of the growing season and two at its end. Two of these periods were long (15 days or more), and two were shorter (6 days). The results indicated that WUE of upland forested catchments can be very different, depending upon the dominant tree species and the seasonal phase. Highest WUE at the catchment scale (never decreasing below 80%) was exhibited by beech predominating site. WUE of mixed forest was high as well, never decreasing below 69%. The lowest WUE was exhibited by spruce predominating site, especially during a long precipitation-free period in the summer where it decreased down to 39%. In the context of the landscape, upland microwatersheds with pure spruce stands could cause its accelerated dry out in the summer and pose a significant threat to sustainable water and forest management of these areas. In comparison, mixed forests stands where spruce is not the dominant species or beech stands should still be a viable option even under the effects of GCC.
