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Bringing any medical 3D scan onto augmented reality hardware: a streamlined data pipeline

This contribution presents a streamlined data pipeline to bring medical 3D scans onto Augmented Reality (AR) hardware. When a 3D scan is visualized on a 2D screen, depth information is lost and doctors have to rely on their experience to map the displayed data to the patient. Showing such a scan in AR addresses this problem, as one can view that scan in real 3D. To achieve this, the scan produced by a medical scanner has to be preprocessed by the user and brought onto the AR hardware. Usually, many manual steps are involved in achieving this, which require technical knowledge about the underlying software and hardware components and impede acceptance of this new technology by the target group, medical personnel. This work presents a streamlined pipeline for this process, leading to an enhanced user experience. The core component of the pipeline is a web application, to which a user can upload the direct output of a medical scanner. The scan can be interactively segmented by the user, after which both the scan and segment are stored on a server. Additionally, this paper introduces an AR application, which can be used to browse through patients and view their scans and previously created segments. We evaluate our streamlined data pipeline and AR application in a user study, reporting the results of a system usability questionnaire and a Thinking Aloud test.

Production of diesel from biomass and wind power – Energy storage by the use of the Fischer-Tropsch process

An increasing share of power production from sun and wind energy in Europe led to an increasing interest in novel energy storage technologies. The production of hydrogen from electricity via electrolysis enables the conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy, which can be stored with high energy density, if further process steps are applied. The Fischer-Tropsch process is well-known for the production of diesel fuel from different fuel types. Within the present work, results of an experimental campaign with a laboratory-scale Fischer-Tropsch plant are illustrated. The described experimental campaign was executed to determine the performance of a diesel fuel production from biomass. Furthermore, the investigation included the integration of hydrogen from wind power promoting a combined power-to-gas and biomass-to-liquid process. As a result, the investigated process is aiming at the storage of wind energy by the use of a chemical process enabling high energy density. Therefore, extensive measurement data was collected illustrating the influence of load changes on the operated laboratory-scale Fischer-Tropsch plant. The experimental campaign showed that an increased gas stream feed, enabled by the addition of hydrogen from wind power, leads to an increased output of Fischer-Tropsch products. Furthermore, the executed experimental campaign proved the suitability of different catalysts with respect to fluctuating load changes.

BioSNG—process simulation and comparison with first results from a 1-MW demonstration plant

High oil prices and peak oil, next to ecological aspects, increase the necessity of governmental support regarding the use of renewable energy resources. Biomass is a renewable energy source, which allows a sustainable utilization for several reasons. Its carbon dioxide neutrality and high availability in countries across Europe make economic usage of this source possible. Nowadays, biomass is used in rather conservative ways to produce heat and/or electric power. A more sophisticated way of using wood is transforming it into a secondary energy source by liquefaction and gasification. The product of the gasification process—considered in this paper—is a medium calorific product gas, which is nearly free of nitrogen and has a H2/CO ratio favourable for synthesis processes. Therefore, the product gas can be converted into a synthetic natural gas (BioSNG). In Gussing (Austria), the concept of a steam blown dual fluidized bed gasifier coupled to a catalytic conversion of the product gas to BioSNG could be proven successfully. A slipstream was used to run a demonstration unit with a capacity of 1 MW BioSNG. The resulting BioSNG exceeded the regulations for injection into the natural gas grid. The compressed BioSNG was stored in a fuelling station to supply CNG cars with energy. Thus, the applicability of using BioSNG in CNG cars was proven as well. The simulation software IPSEpro was used to model the overall system of gasification, gas cleaning, methanation and upgrading to BioSNG. The aim of this modelling work was to evaluate the optimization potential within the system and improve the economic and ecologic situation. Moreover, this tool will also be used to scale-up the process hereafter.

Analysis of Thermoelectric Generators Replacing Low Temperature Heat Exchangers in the Biomass CHP Plant Gu¨ssing

A thermoelectric generator (TEG) produces electric power directly out of a heat flux across a certain temperature difference. This thermoelectric effect is based on interlinking effects of thermodynamic forces and fluxes (Seebeck and Peltier effect). Within the present work, a prototype unit using Bi2Te3 semiconductor elements is installed at the biomass combined heat and power (CHP) plant in Gu¨ssing, Austria. Different operation points are examined according to a specific test program in order to find operating figures and describe the technical and economical potential of the TEG. A model of the TEG is implemented in the simulation software IPSEpro and verified with results from the experiments. Based on the model, the test plant is extrapolated to the size of possible demonstration plants for which electric output and energetic efficiency are calculated. For the entire CHP plant, the costs for retrofitting standard heat exchangers to TEGs are calculated and compared to the expected revenues from feeding the additional electricity into the grid. It can be concluded that the TEG gives way for new concepts and ideas but the expenses, especially with respect to the high material costs of the semiconductor, do not support a technically efficient and economically lucrative application of the TEG combined with decentralized heat and power production at present time.

Fluidized Bed Steam Gasification of Solid Biomass: Analysis and Optimization of Plant Operation Using Process Simulation

Fluidized bed steam gasification of solid biomass yields a high quality producer gas, which can be used for efficient combined heat and power production (CHP) and as an intermediate product for chemical syntheses. In order to study the behavior of an 8 MW (fuel power) CHP plant, which has been in successful operation since 2001, a comprehensive model library has been developed for the equation-oriented process simulation software IPSEpro. The models are validated with measured data from the commercial scale plant. Because every model is based on the conservation of mass and energy, the simulation also allows the validation of measured data. By solution of a system describing the entire process, which uses measured data as input, a reference case for actual plant operation can be defined. In a next step, the behavior of the plant is studied during variations of selected parameters. Therefore, a model of the gasification reactor, which is able to describe the behavior during parameter variation, is necessary. It can be shown that fuel water content and gasification temperature significantly influence the global plant performance. The simulation predicts the efficiency of the existing power plant in optimized operation. Finally, part load behavior is investigated and a performance map of the CHP plant is presented. The results show that CHP-concepts based on fluidized bed steam gasification can reach high electric efficiencies and high overall fuel utilization rates even at small plant capacities of 10 MW fuel power.
