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Space exploration as a catalyst for medical innovations.

Aerospace research has a long history of developing technologies with industry-changing applications and recent history is no exception. The expansion of commercial spaceflight and the upcoming exploration-class missions to the Moon and Mars are expected to accelerate this process even more. The resulting portable, wearable, contactless, and regenerable medical technologies are not only the future of healthcare in deep space but also the future of healthcare here on Earth. These multi-dimensional and integrative technologies are non-invasive, easily-deployable, low-footprint devices that have the ability to facilitate rapid detection, diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of a variety of conditions, and to provide decision-making and performance support. Therefore, they are primed for applications in low-resource and remote environments, facilitating the extension of quality care delivery to all patients in all communities and empowering non-specialists to intervene early and safely in order to optimize patient-centered outcomes. Additionally, these technologies have the potential to advance care delivery in tertiary care centers by improving transitions of care, providing holistic patient data, and supporting clinician wellness and performance. The requirements of space exploration have created a number of paradigm-altering medical technologies that are primed to revitalize and elevate our standard of care here on Earth.

Open Access
Human Health during Space Travel: State-of-the-Art Review

The field of human space travel is in the midst of a dramatic revolution. Upcoming missions are looking to push the boundaries of space travel, with plans to travel for longer distances and durations than ever before. Both the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and several commercial space companies (e.g., Blue Origin, SpaceX, Virgin Galactic) have already started the process of preparing for long-distance, long-duration space exploration and currently plan to explore inner solar planets (e.g., Mars) by the 2030s. With the emergence of space tourism, space travel has materialized as a potential new, exciting frontier of business, hospitality, medicine, and technology in the coming years. However, current evidence regarding human health in space is very limited, particularly pertaining to short-term and long-term space travel. This review synthesizes developments across the continuum of space health including prior studies and unpublished data from NASA related to each individual organ system, and medical screening prior to space travel. We categorized the extraterrestrial environment into exogenous (e.g., space radiation and microgravity) and endogenous processes (e.g., alteration of humans' natural circadian rhythm and mental health due to confinement, isolation, immobilization, and lack of social interaction) and their various effects on human health. The aim of this review is to explore the potential health challenges associated with space travel and how they may be overcome in order to enable new paradigms for space health, as well as the use of emerging Artificial Intelligence based (AI) technology to propel future space health research.

Open Access
The Biological Basis for Surface-dependent Regulation of Osteogenesis and Implant Osseointegration.

Bone marrow stromal cells are regulated by the chemical and physical features of a biomaterial surface. When grown on titanium (Ti) and Ti alloy surfaces, such as titanium-aluminum-vanadium, with specific topographies that mimic the microscale, mesoscale, and nanoscale features of an osteoclast resorption pit, they undergo a rapid change in cell shape to assume a columnar morphology typical of a secretory osteoblast. These cells exhibit markers associated with an osteoblast phenotype, including osteocalcin and osteopontin, and they secrete factors associated with osteogenesis, including bone morphogenetic protein 2, vascular endothelial growth factor, and neurotrophic semaphorins. The pathway involves a shift in integrin expression from α5β1 to α2β1 and signaling by Wnt5a rather than Wnt3a. Conditioned media from these cultures can stimulate vasculogenesis by human endothelial cells and osteoblastic differentiation of marrow stromal cells not grown on the biomimetic substrate, suggesting that the surface could promote osteogenesis in vivo through similar mechanisms. In vivo studies using a variety of animal models confirm that implants with biomimetic surfaces result in improved osseointegration compared with Ti implants with smooth surfaces, as do meta-analyses comparing clinical performance of implant surface topographies.

Open Access