What are some effective strategies for addressing teenage pregnancy?
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The strategies for addressing teenage pregnancy are multifaceted, encompassing the expansion of prevention efforts beyond individual behavior to include improvements in social determinants of health (SDOH) and the implementation of evidence-based interventions (EBIs) (Lavin & Cox, 2012; Wilson et al., 2018). These strategies recognize the importance of the environments in which youth live and the need for community-wide initiatives (CWI) that involve various stakeholders, including the Black Church, to promote adolescent sexual health (Johnson-Motoyama et al., 2016; Wilson et al., 2023).
Interestingly, while there is a consensus on the need for comprehensive approaches, there are challenges such as social consequences, discomfort in discussing contraceptives, and the alignment of missions and values when partnering with religious organizations (Johnson-Motoyama et al., 2016). Additionally, disparities in teen pregnancy rates persist across racial groups and states, indicating that demographic factors and policy changes contribute to these disparities (Fuller et al., 2016). Innovative approaches are also being explored to address gaps in current EBPs, particularly for underserved populations (Lavin & Cox, 2012).
In summary, effective strategies for addressing teenage pregnancy involve a combination of SDOH improvements, multifaceted prevention initiatives, and the engagement of community partners to implement and sustain EBIs. Addressing the unique needs and missions of partners like the Black Church is crucial for the success of these programs (Johnson-Motoyama et al., 2016). Furthermore, ongoing research and innovation are needed to develop and evaluate interventions that are culturally sensitive and responsive to the needs of diverse communities (House et al., 2021; Tevendale et al., 2017).
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