
Summary LM- and TEM-investigations on open ground samples of Tetrastrum staurogeniiforme showed a high variability in number and arrangement of spines and in the ultrastructural cell wall ornamentation. The spines consist of one tube with 4–8 lasts. The number of spines per cell amounts to 0–13 and their arrangement varies from marginal position (typical of T. staurogeniiforme ) to a distribution over the whole surface of the cell wall (typical of T. hortobagyii ). These observations permit the conclusion to reject the species T. hortobagyii . According to Hegewald & Schnepf (1976) the ultrastructure of the cell wall of T. staurogeniiforme is characterized by fine granules and variable papillare formations. Present investigations confirm these findings and give a survey on the variability. In divergence from the observations on T. staurogeniiforme the new species T. delicatospinosum is characterized by 6–32 fragile, lastless spines distributed irregularly over the whole cell-surface. The ultrastructure of the cell wall ornamentation of T. delicatospinosum consists of fine point-like granules.

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