
Reviews1 47 sim. are given in English sequence). "Accuracy" appears to be of a high order, and the single mistake I found would do nothing to impede locating the work cited. The chapters cited by M. T. Wilton might have been included in the language index for "French (Canadian)," but Zgusta does not claim minute attention to this "selected" index since "single languages" are not his focal interest. Readers will be pleased to learn that Zgusta is at work on a massive rewriting of his Manual of Lexicography (1971), one that will apparently share little with its predecessor beyond the topic and title. This Bibliography is evidently preliminary to that work but, in its own right, useful to all interested in the subject. Richard W. Bailey The University of Michigan * * * Wolfgang Mentrup. Zur Pragmatik einer Lexikographie. Handlungsausschnitt -Sprachausschnitt-Wörterbuchausschnitt. Auch zur Beschreibung schwerer Wörter in medizinischer Kommunikation ; am Beispiel fachexterner Anweisungstexte. Teil 1: Von Prinzipien der Sprachforschung zu Prinzipien einsprachiger Lexikographie. Handlungsausschnitt: Fachexterne Anweisungshandlungen "Packungsbeilage"/"Bedienungsanleitung. " Teil 2: Sprachausschnitt: Bereich Medizin-Sprache/Wortschatz vs. Texte/Vokabulare-Zum Umgang mit Wörtern. Wörterbuchausschnitt : Wörterbuchmerkmale-Kleincorpus medizinisch-fachexterner Texte-Wörterbuchkandidaten. Forschungsberichte des Instituts für deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Band 66.1,2. Tübingen: Narr, 1988. xxii + 752 pages. DM 138.-. The German Language Institute in Mannheim plans the preparation of a dictionary, or reference book of hard words, that will help laymen cope with the technical terms and similar special expressions they meet in daily life. On the project, see Henne and Mentrup. Given the number of such expressions in each of the many special areas, this is a huge task. Therefore, as of now, the effort is concentrated on the following topical 148Reviews areas: Education/Culture, Politics/Ideology, Administration/ Government, Ecology, and Medicine; Wolfgang Mentrup is responsible for the last area. The dictionary or reference manual will be topically or onomasiologically organized. It goes without saying that the selection of entries is one of the crucial tasks and both logically and practically the first one to be tackled. The whole book under review is but a huge attempt to cope with the problems of selection in a principled, nonanecdotal , and non-ad hoc way. There are four main sections, the first of which, "From the principles of linguistics to the principles of monolingual lexicography " (1-180; all the titles and examples quoted in this review are translated from the German) establishes the following four most general principles, all of them based on the (developed and specific) "axioms" or principles of K. Bühler. The first principle posits that communication is action; therefore, such an action can and should be described on the basis of what is called the "pragmatic Wh-Chain (W-Kette) of the Saying-Action," which goes as follows: "Who says, when, where, why, how, with what means, what, about what, to whom, to which purpose, with what result?" (The German original of this word-for-word translation is less agrammatical than the English version.) In the same way as the casuistics of moral theology and its basic hexameter "Quis, quid, ubi, quibus consiliis, cur, quo modo, quando" expresses (although with some claudication in form and content) the modalities of the commission of a sin, the "Wh-Chain" has the purpose of capturing all the pragmatic circumstantialities of an action. This Wh-Chain is repeatedly used in the whole book as the basis for classification, description, selection, etc. The second principle teaches that there are communicative modes of existence of language (such as the linguistic communication itself, the linguistic competence, and the application of language) and extracommunicative (or "metalinguistically institutionalized") modes of existence, such as linguistic customs, norms, and laws. These distinctions are necessary because the area of medicine and pharmacopoeia is heavily bound by the norms, definitions, and rules of various scientific and governmental bodies. Reviews149 The third principle postulates various levels of linguistic structure, such as the phonemic, graphemic, lexical, syntactic, textual, etc., levels. This principle serves as the background for the decisions as to what units of language should be collected in a corpus of attestations. Finally, the fourth principle establishes the functions in which language serves as a sign...

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