
In Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) the deeper groundwater is usually more or less mineralized (“salty water”). Deeper groundwaters from the following systems have been investigated: Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Cretaceous and Tertiary. Various chemical types of groundwater are distinguished (figs. 1 and 2). The deepest groundwater belongs to the Na  Cl-type or to the Na  (Ca)  Cl-type. The total dissolved solids range from 10 3 to 3 · 10 5 mg/l. The chemical composition of this water (in milligram equivalent %) is (cations): Na > 75, Ca·· 5 – 20, Mg·· 3 – 6, often Ba·· 0,1 – 1,7; (anions): Cl′95 – 100. SO 4″ and HCO 3′ are lacking or are found in small quantities only. Often the calcium content and in most cases the total dissolved solids increase downwards. Locally, groundwaters of different concentration are found with increasing depths (fig. 3). The origin of the dissolved salts is unknown. The following causes are possible: recent or fossil brines and migration, diagenetic changed connate water, diagenetic changes of fossil penetrated sea water.

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