
The Eastern Orthodox Church in its iconography omits the representation of the moment at which Christ leaves His tomb on Easter Monday. It is because the Gospels say nothing about the very moment of Resurrection. The iconography respects this silence and mystery. Thus following the Scriptures canonical eastern icons of Resurrection focus the attention and thoughts of the worshippers on two subjects only: Christ descending to the dead- Greek Anastasis and the women at the empty tomb- Greek Myrrophores or Myrofor, that is ` bringing the myrrh`.The Orthodox Church in its theological thought pays a particular attention to the so called theologies of presence, theologies of icon. The present text is devoted to the theology of presence on the basis of the paschal icon Christ descending to the dead. We confess the truth of Christ descending to the dead in the Apostles` Creed. The icon, as a powerful form of propagating and expressing religious dogma, is subordinated to transcendental rules, ecclesiastical vision. Along with the word there appears an epiphanic picture merged with the presence which meets a human being half way, enlightens them, talks to them and divinizes them.That is why it is impossible to look at the icon as at some image only. One has to be aware of the presence it contains.Although icons are material symbols, they allow to see something that is different, Theos and Logos, Divine Wisdom in the act of redemption. A human eye could not go through such depths if it was not for God who revealed Himself, as He does, through a symbol which is an icon among others.

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