
Brucellosis in marine mammals (cetacean and pinnipeds) has emerged in a very significant way during the last two decades. Currently Brucella ceti and Brucella pinnipedialis are the two recognized species in marine mammals, but available information is still limited. Several genotypes have been identified, and studies on the relationship between sequence type (ST) and organ pathogenicity or tropism have indicated differences in pathogenesis between B. ceti sequences in cetaceans. The zoonotic potential of this disease is based on the identification of the main sources of introduction and spread of Brucella spp. in the marine environment as well as on the factors of exposure of marine mammals and humans to the bacteria. This article is a bibliographical review on marine mammal brucellosis, including the features, sources and transmission modes of each Brucella species, as well as their potential pathogenicity in animals and humans. Different genotypes of marine Brucella spp have been isolated from marine mammal species but without any evidence of pathology induced by these bacteria. Associated lesions are variable and include subcutaneous abscesses, meningo-encephalomyelitis, pneumonia, myocarditis, osteoarthritis, orchitis, endometritis, placentitis and abortion. The isolation of marine B. spp from marine mammal respiratory parasites associated to lung injury has raised the intriguing possibility that they may serve as a vector for the transmission of this bacterium.The severity of marine B. spp remains unknown due to the lack of an estimate of the prevalence of this disease in marine mammals. The number of suspected human cases is still very limited. However, by analogy with other germs of the genus Brucella responsible for abortion in ruminants and for a febrile and painful state in human beings, prevention measures are essential. The significant increase in the number of strandings coupled with a high seroprevalence in certain species of marine mammals must be considered for people in direct or indirect contact with these animals. Ongoing epidemiological monitoring combined with extensive post-mortem examinations (necropsy, bacteriology and sequencing) of all species of stranded marine mammals would deepen knowledge on the zoonotic potential of marine Brucella species.

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