
For the first time, we studied zoobenthos in the upper reaches of the river Sula located beyond the Arctic Circle. During the study period (July, 2016), the water temperature warmed up to 18-23°С in the river channel and up to 3-5° C in the streams. The zoobenthos of the upper reaches of the river has high quantity but low biomass. Its average abundance was 30.3 thousand individuals per m 2 , and biomass – 2.7 g/m 2 . The highest zoobenthos biomass was founded at the riffles (up to 66.1 thousand individuals per m 2 , and biomass – 6 g/m 2 ) where chironomids and black flies dominated. At the pools, we found low abundance of zoobenthos – 5 thousand individuals per m 2 and 0.3 g/m 2 . Here, in addition to dipterans, a large proportion of leeches and oligochaetes were noted. Near the river banks, 25 groups of hydrobionts were found. Chironomids (40.3%) and ostracods (20.7%) dominated by the number; Ephemeroptera larvae (44.9 %) dominated by biomass. In deeper parts of the river channel, the benthos was poorer; the same groups were numerous as near the banks, and oligochaetes dominated in the biomass (57.9%). The zoobenthos of the streams differed from the riverbed by the greater number of amphipods; its quantitative development was close to that of the river. We found 28 large taxa of zoobenthos in the upper reaches of the river Sula and it tributaries. In the oxbow, we found three more groups: Megaloptera, Heteroptera and Porifera. In general, zoobenthos was dominated by ancient orders of insects: mayflies, stoneflies, caddis flies, and beetles. In addition to dipterans (10 families), 52 species of insects have been recorded: 11 species of mayflies, 10 of stoneflies, 19 species of caddis flies, and 12 species of beetles. In the article, we provide the species list of the zoobenthos. Our research supplemented the fauna of amphibiotic and aquatic insects of theNorthern Timan rivers and emphasized the need to protect the catchment area of this intact region of the Malozemelskaya tundra.


  • Zoobenthos in the upper reaches of the river has high in numbers but low in biomass

  • Zones along river banks were inhabited by 25 groups of organisms, with chironomids (40.3 %) and ostracods (20.7 %) dominating in abundance, and Ephemeroptera larvae (44.9 %) in biomass

  • In deeper parts of the river channel, benthos was poorer; the same groups were numerous as near the banks, and oligochaetes dominated in biomass (57.9 %)

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Зообентос верховий реки богат количественно, но биомасса его невелика: cредняя численность составила 30,3 тыс. На плесах количественное развитие зообентоса было гораздо ниже – 5 тыс. В прибрежье обитает 25 групп гидробионтов при доминировании по численности личинок хирономид (40,3 %) и остракод (20,7 %), по биомассе – личинок поденок (44,9 %). Зообентос ручьев отличался от русла реки большей численностью амфипод, количественное развитие его было близко к речному. Зообентос курий дополнил фауну реки тремя группами: вислокрылками (Megaloptera), клопами (Heteroptera) и губками (Porifera). Исследования дополнили фауну амфибиотических и водных насекомых рек Северного Тимана. Сула прорезает Тиманский кряж и течет с запада на восток до р. Длина реки составляет 353 км, площадь водосбора 10 400 км. Цель наших исследований – изучить таксономический состав и структуру зообентоса арктической реки, определить его количественное развитие, охарактеризовать фауну амфибиотических насекомых

Материалы и методы
Цветность Colour
Таксон Taxon
Русло реки River bed Ephemeroptera
Курьи Oxbows
Обсуждение результатов
По биомассе By biomass
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