
OZET Bu calismanin amaci Zonguldak yoresindeki komur madeni iscilerinin agiz-dis sagligi durumlarini degerlendirmek, dis asinmasinin gorulme sikligini ve siddetini saptamaktir. Toplam 100 iscinin dis sagligi ve cigneme sistemi semptomlari, uygulanan bir anamnez formu ile degerlendirilmistir. Iscilerin % 96'smin daha once dis hekimine gittigi saptanmistir. Yapilan incelemede kayip dis sayisinin ve Curuk dis yayginliginin oldukca yuksek oldugunu bunun yanisira tedavi gormus ve herhangi bir protetik restorasyon yaptirmis isci sayisinin cok az oldugu gozlenmistir. On dislerin kesici kenarlarindaki asinma tum iscilerde tesbit edilmistir. Arastirmamiz, calisanlarini agiz-dis dokularinin asindirici komur tozlarinin zararli etkilerine maruz kaldiklarini gostermistir. Asinmanin siddeti ve etkilenme oraninin komur tozlarina direkt maruz kalma suresiyle artmasi sonucu, dis asinmasi mesleki bir hastalik olarak dusunulmustur. Anahtar sozcukler: Abrazyon, atrizyon, Mesleki agiz hastaligi, temporomandibuler eklem. ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the oral health status of the mine workers in Zonguldak city, And to determine the prevalance and the degree of tooth erosion. A total of 100 mine workers teeth were examined and diagnostic form was conducted to analyse the oral health and gnathologic symtoms. % 96 percent of the mine workers were visited a dentist previously, During the oral examinations the number of missing and decayed teeth were considerably high, where as the number of workers those received any dental treatment or restoration were considerably low. The erosion of the anterior incisal edges were seen in the total of the workers included in this investigation. Our investigation has shown that the coal particials in the air has deteriorous grinding effect on mine workers teeth. The severity of the teeth erosions were increased and closely related with the duration of the contamination oj workers with the coal particals in the air. Thus tooth, erosion is considered as an occupational disesase for mine workers. Key words: Abrasion, attrition, occupational disease, temporomandibuler eklem.

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