
Crossbred photocatalysts with dielectric and magnetic are crucial by its vantage of being convenient in sundry applications. In this paper, lanthanum with large percentages doped zinc magnesium ferrite (Zn0.8Mg0.2LaxFe2-xO4) (ZML) nanoparticles with x ranging from 0.0 to 0.5 prepared via a combustion method. The spinel structure of ZML nanoparticles is asserted with further La3+ substitution. The lattice parameter is found to increase from 8.379 to 8.433 Å with a monotonic shift in diffraction peak (311) toward lower degree angles (2θ = 35.28ο to 34.0°). Williamson-Hall plots established increasing demeanor for crystallite size (28–49 nm) and lattice tensile strain for ZML nanoparticles. FE-SEM depicts spongy or carded wool-like structure with porous nature. EDX spectra revealed the presence of all chemical elements. HRTEM and SAED micrographs confirmed the nanosized polycrystalline nature of samples. The finger print ferrite FTIR absorption bands were obtained. The crystallite size role and magnetocrystalline anisotropy property of La3+ are the substantial reasons for the peculiar demeanor of coercivity. The increasing attitude of dielectric constant as well as conductivity and decreasing one for tangent loss are based on the effective role of porosity and crystallite size of samples. Tauc’s plots introduced direct allowed Eg for ZML nanoparticles with a red shift from (1.92 eV at x = 0.0–1.66 eV at x = 0.5); owing to three factors. The degradation efficiency of RhB over ZML photocatalyst is improved comparing with that of pure RhB reaches (84.43% for x = 0.5 in 270 min). The optimum features of the nanoferrite Zn0.8Mg0.2La0.5Fe1.5O4; high coercivity, dielectric constant, conductivity, photodegradation percentage, besides low loss and energy gap make it advisable for various applications as storage and high frequency devices and photocatalyst for disposing effluents from water.

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