
Introduction: Down Syndrome (Syndroma Langdon Down) is most frequent chromosome disorder caused by presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21 in genetic material. Aim: To point out importance of health professionals' education about persons with intellectual difficulties, including Down Syndrome. Method: Study, which included health professionals of all levels of education, was conducted in march 2012. Research instrument was specially constructed self-administered questionnaire, containing 10 questions. Results: Research involved 97 health professionals from 7 institutions, 69,1% has secondary level of education, and 30,9% postsecondary level of education. Around three quarters of examinees knew what Down Syndrome was, 19,6% knew about types, while most of them considered Down Syndrome as illness. Only 1 respondent knew about life-span of persons with Down Syndrome. Around 10% respondents were able to list some of health problems accompanying Down Syndrome. Majority of respondents had an attitude that persons with Down Syndrome could not be independent, and less than 50% believe that they should live in their families. Conclusion: Improvement of knowledge of health professionals about persons with Down Syndrome, as well as persons with intellectual difficulties in general, would improve their skills and facilitate good care, which will improve quality of health care.


  • Introduction: Down Syndrome (Syndroma Langdon Down) is most frequent chromosome disorder caused by presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21 in genetic material

  • Around three quarters of examinees knew what Down Syndrome was, 19,6% knew about types, while most of them considered Down Syndrome as illness

  • Around 10% respondents were able to list some of health problems accompanying Down Syndrome

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Znanja i stavovi zdravstvenih radnika o osobama sa Daun sindromom

Sažetak: Uvod: Daun sindrom (Syndroma Langdon Down) je najčešći hromozomski poremećaj, a nastaje usled prisutnosti treće kopije celog ili dela hromoza 21 u naslednom materijalu. Cilj: Proceniti znanja i stavove zdravstvenih radnika o osobama sa Daun sindromom. Ukazati na značaj edukacije zdravstvenih radnika svih profila i nivoa obrazovanja za rad sa osobama sa intelektualnim teškoćama, odnosno osobama sa Daun sindromom. Godine, obuhvaćeni su zdravstveni radnici više profila i nivoa obrazovanja. Rezultat: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 97 zdravstvenih radnika iz 7 ustanova, njih 69,1% bilo je srednjeg i 30,9% višeg (visoko strukovno) obrazovanja. Tek svaki deseti anketirani znao je da navede neki od zdravstvenih problema koji prate Daun sindrom. Zaključak: Povećanjem nivoa znanja zdravstvenih radnika o osobama sa Daun sindromom, kao i osobama sa intelektualnim teškoćama uopšte, unapredio bi se kvalitet zdravstvenih usluga, a zdravstvenim radnicima olakšao rad. Ključne reči: Daun sindrom, zdravstveni radnici, stavovi

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Šta je to Daun sindrom?
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