
The grazing studies were conducted in the experiment established in 1996. The sown mixtures with Trifolium repens contained Poa pratensis, Phleum pratense and Dactylis glomerata. The grass mixtures were composed of the above mentioned grasses. One of the aims of these studies was to determine the role of Poa pratensis in the pasture surface cover on a peat-muck soil. Turfness of the pasture in the sowing year was 96.1% but the content of slow developing Poa pratensis in the sod was only 29.8%. Harsh conditions of the first winter weakened the vitality of this species. The content of Poa pratensis was increasing in the successive years, although thermal stresses during winter periods usually decreased stability of this species in the sod. At the end of these studies smooth-stalked meadow grass participated in the pasture surface cover in 45.9%. However, together with the age of sod, the turfness of the pasture was decreasing and the appearing unsown species did not ensure permanent pasture surface cover.

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