
The article focuses on the importance of cultivating peace through education by teaching human rights to pre-university students. It analyses the positive impact through which peace pedagogy can be integrated across curricula aiming at inducing peace through learning about human rights, values and skills. Various legal documents with an emphasis on education outline the idea that educating young people on human rights is a benefit for both individuals and society. The curriculum should therefore be oriented towards the teaching of rights, as an effective way of instilling the concept of peace and nonviolence into all subject areas and learning environments. UNESCO’s four pillars of learning include, among others, learning to live together, which is central to the development of understanding, consideration, and respect for others. It serves as the basis for ongoing peaceful coexistence. For this reason, governments of different countries have included human rights education in their national curricula. Even in Albania there has been a modest intervention in the curriculum, but there is still much room for improvement. In order to research the space given to teaching human rights in Albanian schools, we have analysed pre-university curricula. We saw that the teaching of human rights is only left to non-core subjects, such as Citizenship etc., but that is by no means enough. The curriculum should therefore, be adapted in such a way that the teaching of human rights is integrated into the core subjects, considering peace education teaching approach for the whole curriculum. Teachers, on the other hand, need to have the right competencies, skills and knowledge to integrate the teaching of human rights regardless of the subject they teach, in order to cultivate peace in their learning communities. Moreover, the Albanian government should adapt the legislation to ensure that schools teach about human and children’s rights. We strongly believe that, by developing curricula and lesson plans using peace pedagogy we would contribute to building nonviolent citizens of tomorrow.

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