
Adult learning and education are an important component of the lifelong learning process, integrating different forms and programs of non-formal and informal learning. This area of learning encompasses a variety of content, from literacy and general skills, through vocational education and training content, to family, civic, environmental, media, leisure education, and many other areas whose priorities depend on the specific needs of each country . The formal system does not meet the needs of the individual or community to learn. Due to the inability of formal education to monitor changes in education resulting from the rapid development of science and technology, as well as economic and social changes, informal education has emerged. This education is an essential and necessary complement to formal education. Non-formal education is defined as any organized educational activity outside the existing formal system, which serves specific users and learning objectives. Non-formal education is provided through activities such as courses, seminars, lectures, conferences, workshops, various types of training, as well as volunteering. The field of non-formal education is very important in Serbia, it enables persons who have not completed formal education or have finished school with which they cannot find a job in the profession, to actually retrain in the process of non-formal education to perform some of the more demanding jobs, or to apply for a job in Serbia, or looking for a job abroad.


  • Adult learning and education are an important component of the lifelong learning process, integrating different forms and programs of non-formal and informal learning

  • Non-formal education is provided through activities such as courses, seminars, lectures, conferences, workshops, various types of training, as well as volunteering

  • The field of non-formal education is very important in Serbia, it enables persons who have not completed formal education or have finished school with which they cannot find a job in the profession, to retrain in the process of non-formal education to perform some of the more demanding jobs, or to apply for a job in Serbia, or looking for a job abroad

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Formalno obrazovanje

Pod ovim pojmom su objedinjeni svi oblici školovanja, od osnovnoškolskog do visokoškolskog, uklјučujući i srednje stručne škole i gimnazije, čiji je osnivač država, ili određena institucija sertifikovana od strane države, a koje ispunjavaju određene propise iz oblasti obrazovanja. Može se reči da se pod pojmom formalnog obrazovanja podrazumevaju svi obrazovni procesi koji se odvijaju unutar formalno-obrazovnog sistema, hijerarhijski strukturisanog, od osnovnih škola do fakulteta. Zato se formalno obrazovanje vrlo često naziva i „sertifikovano obrazovanje’’ [2]. Cilјevi formalnog obrazovanja ili učenja su jasno definisani, oni se periodično preispituju i dovode do sticanja diplome (svedočanstva), koja omogućava dalјe obrazovanje i/ili prijem na konkretan posao. Ovaj vid obrazovanja je cilјan i svestan, a neki njegovi vidovi su i zakonski obavezni Predavači moraju zadovolјavati formalne kriterijume, koji se uređuju zakonima i ostalim propisima iz oblasti obrazovanja

Neformalno obrazovanje
Informalno obrazovanje
Neformalno obrazovanje u Republici Srbiji – zakonodavni okvir
Način funkcionisanja neformalnog obrazovanja
Značaj neformalnog obrazovanja za privredu Republike Srbije
Značaj stručnog osposobljavanja za poslodavce i zaposlene
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