
Interpolations first appeared in the architecture of Belgrade in the final quarter of the nineteenth century, and today represent virtually the only possible way of constructing a building in the city's urban core. As their aesthetics are determined by the adjacent buildings, together with which they form units of street, square, or block compositions, research into the appearance of interpolated buildings among Belgrade's architecture is extremely important for correcting strategies for developing aesthetics of parts of the city, and thus of the city as a whole. This is especially true for analyses of recent interpolations, which can provide us with answers regarding the causes and directions of architecture in the present.


  • The aesthetics of interpolated buildings are conditioned by the adjacent buildings, and by the urban environment in which the newly designed building has been situated

  • Иа­ко је вре­мен­ска дис­тан­ца за објек­тив­но са­гле­да­ва­ње угра­ђе­не ар­ хи­тек­ту­ре овог пе­ри­о­да из­у­зет­но ма­ла, нео­п­ход­ но је у кон­ти­ну­и­те­ту ана­ли­зи­ра­ти при­мје­ре до­бре и ло­ше прак­се, јер по­сље­ди­це ко­је за со­бом оста­ вља ло­ша прак­са шир­ е се на исти на­чин на кој­и се објек­ти угра­ђу­ју у по­сто­је­ће тки­во, лан­ча­но.[41]

  • У од­но­су но­во­и­згр­ђе­ног објек­та пре­ма су­сјед­ ним, огле­да се од­нос са­вре­ме­не ар­хи­тек­ту­ре пре­ ма за­те­че­ном ста­њу, од­но­сно са­вре­ме­ног гра­ђе­ња пре­ма гра­ди­тељ­ском на­сље­ђу, па зна­чај про­ма­тра­ ња ин­тер­по­ла­ци­ја као фе­но­ме­на не би­ва ва­жан са­ мо на ни­воу ар­хи­тек­ту­ре и од­но­са но­во­и­згра­ђе­ ног пре­ма нај­бли­жим су­сјед­ним гра­ђе­ви­нама, већ се мо­же ис­пи­та­ти на ко­ји је на­чин обје­кат до­при­ нио есте­ти­ци улич­ног ни­за, ули­це, тр­га или бло­ка

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The aesthetics of interpolated buildings are conditioned by the adjacent buildings, and by the urban environment in which the newly designed building has been situated.

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