
Games, as the prevailing activity of children of pre-school and younger school age, is actually a type of a creative activity which helps children fully develop, display their own personality and nature, as well as their own tendencies and abilities. It contributes to the overall development of children, prepares them for independent life, teaches them how to cope with everyday situations, how to both understand problems and solve them. Contrary to the traditional understanding of the concept of the game as a fun and pastime activity with no obligations tied to it, modern understanding of the game is significantly different and sees games as spontaneous and natural state of children, their inner need to be active, which is the most effective way to adopt new knowledge, master new skills, understand and adopt new values, socialise with other children, etc. Games were a part of teaching in the past as well, but are now seen as even more important due to all their potentials which are becoming more and more evident. Games help children learn more quickly, easily and efficiently compared to other forms of studying and learning which can be difficult for them. Didactic games are very useful and helpful to children both of pre-school and younger school age, because they are very interesting and hold children's attention and help children be more efficient when completing certain tasks. Such games allow children to acquire new knowledge, develop new skills, be competitive both with others and themselves, which makes games didactically very useful. Games could also be very useful if they develop in children mental operations such as comparison, generalisation, classification, analysis, synthesis, deduction, memory, etc. Together with and with help of the above-mentioned processes, emotional and social relationships also develop, which makes games both useful and harmful if not carried out properly. Proper didactic games help develop language skills, learn about basic mathematical concepts, about nature and social environment, about physical, musical and artistic concepts. The importance of the concept of the game is supported by the fact that every child, without exception, needs games, needs to play; games lead to the positive development of their personality and develop creativity and imagination in children.


  • ПОЈМОВНО ОДРЕЂЕЊЕ ДИДАКТИЧКИХ ИГАРА И ВРСТЕ ДЕЧИЈИХ ИГАРАКада говоримо о дечијој игри у педагошком смислу, важно је нагласити да се мисли на дидактичку игру, дакле ону која је осмишљена, усмерена и има свој циљ

  • Рад је предат 13. марта 2018. године, а након мишљења рецензената, одллуком одговорног уредника „Баштине“ одобрен за штампу

  • As the prevailing activity of children of pre-school and younger school age, is a type of a creative activity which helps children fully develop, display their own personality and nature, as well as their own tendencies and abilities. It contributes to the overall development of children, prepares them for independent life, teaches them how to cope with everyday situations, how to both understand problems and solve them

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Када говоримо о дечијој игри у педагошком смислу, важно је нагласити да се мисли на дидактичку игру, дакле ону која је осмишљена, усмерена и има свој циљ. Под дидактичким играма подразумевамо оне „дечије игре које поред тога што поседују сва општа својства игара, садрже на посебан начин прилагођене и у њихова правила уграђене активности (перцептивне, логичке, говорне) ради унапређивања општег, а посебно интелектуалног развоја деце“ (Каменов 2006: 117). Она има резултат који деци „причињава радост игре, а васпитачима служи као показатељ степена развоја детета“ Говорио је да постоје и конструкторске игре, али их није наводио у оквиру поделе коју је дао, зато што не представљају ниједан наведени стадијум. Најчешћа класификација дечијих игара у литератури је она која подразумева: функционалне игре; игре маште или игре улога; игре са готовим правилима; и конструкторске игре (према: Каменов 2009: 64–69). Игре са готовим правилима су игре које, као што им име каже, подразумевају примену одређених правила током игре. Њихови облици су: проналажење комбинација насталих ненамерним руковањем материјалом, обликовање, ређање материјала, графичко представљање, грађење готовим материјалом и организовање материјала, утилитарне конструкције

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