
The importance of making a rational business decision by top management in agricultural enterprises should be viewed as an ongoing process. The process of rational business decision-making is of special importance for the business of companies that carry out most of their business in activities that do not have a high degree of capital turnover, i.e. in activities that depend on the great influence of natural factors on production such as agriculture. The authors point out that the process of making a rational business decision begins with making a valid management decision by top management. The implementation of a valid business decision in all parts of the company is of great importance to be implemented immediately because any delay in its implementation costs the company. The IT sector of the company can help speed up the implementation of the business decision of the top management, because it has the technical conditions to immediately include innovative business decisions in the business system in all sectors in the agricultural company. As a special support for the implementation of business decision-making is the previous adoption of a valid organizational scheme in the company.

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