
This study, assessing the socio-economic status of small scale and recreational line squid fishers in Izmir Bay, was carried out between September 2010 and September 2011 in the area between Karaburun and Yeni Foça line. Fishers in the sample size were determined by simple random sampling method. A survey was later carried with these fishers as well as with the managers of the local fishery cooperatives. The ban on coastal trawl nets such as seine nets and drag nets in 2001 has led to a decrease in the amount of squid caugth in the Izmir Bay, resulting in steeper prices due to imbalanced supply&demand patterns (15-25 TL/kg). In this period, use of fishing jigs in squid fishing were observed to have increased. Survey results revealed that there are fishers in the Izmir Bay living solely on squid fishing and the rods they specifically modified for squid have become commercial gears, enabling higher catch efficiency (min.1, max. 41 kg/day/disher) and catch value (min 15 TL - max 1.025 TL/day/fisher). This study has revealed the emergence of a new type of fishermen whose demographic and socio-economic features are shaped according to the change in squid fishing in the Izmir Bay. The fact that the traditional fishing rod has gained a “recreational” and “commercial disguised as recreational” function in the Izmir Bay squid fishing should be considered as a significant development in terms of fisheries management.

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